Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I'm going to watch Taxi Driver again tonight, cos I wasn't blow away the first time I saw it and I think I want to give it another chance.

Another good oldie I saw recently was De Palma's Blow Out...An obvious homage to Blow Up, it ends on an odd note, but for the most part is a brilliantly crafted conspiracy thriller with a grizzly bum chinned Travolta putting in by far his best performance. It's better than Scarface.
Anyone seen The believer? Ryan Gosling a Jewish Neo Nazi. I really enjoyed it and he is excellent as usual, the film also manages not to be ruined by Billy Zane's face, which is really up there with Affleck in terms of gormless punchable faces.

Yeah, I liked it too. It was based on a true story, apparently.
Yeah, I liked it too. It was based on a true story, apparently.

Yeah I did a little google of it afterwards as I tend to do any film I enjoy and read a bit about the real life character who seemed to be a lot more mentally unstable than in the film.

Sadly it seems to get overlooked for the more polished American History X which I really liked and perhaps doesn't suffer from a weakish supporting cast but doesn't delve as deep as The believer does.
Yeah I did a little google of it afterwards as I tend to do any film I enjoy and read a bit about the real life character who seemed to be a lot more mentally unstable than in the film.

Sadly it seems to get overlooked for the more polished American History X which I really liked and perhaps doesn't suffer from a weakish supporting cast but doesn't delve as deep as The believer does.

I disliked American History X, it just seemed simplistic. That said, I've not seen it for over a I might watch it again.
I really like Gosling, he's very choosey with scripts and usually picks good ones, he could have easily went mainstream in some crap films for a bigger payday but he chose welll written, low budget stuff. Plus he's an underrated actor compared to say someone way overrated like Depp.
Depps a great actor.....milking the mainstream doesn't change that, and I also think Gosling needs to choose better, think he's a superb actor, but for every Half Nelson he does, theres something like Murder By last year, one terrific film in Blue Valentine and one pretty awful one in All Good Things. However the Believer is one of his great performances, a true standout performance considering he was like 20 at the time.
I disagree he has chosen more good films for his age then most, half decent films include: Fracture, Half Nelson, Lars, Blue V, Crazy,stupid love, The US of Leland and The believer just off the top of my head, now what precentage of his films is that? Depp is an overrated fanny.

Lets agree to disagree.
I think great actors should be taking roles that justify their talent tbh, not 'half decent'.

On the Depp point, it's weird, the people who actually overrate him, the Sparrow fanboys and stuff, mostly haven't even seen his best performances in Dead Man, Ed Wood, Donnie Brasco etc. Hell even Public Enemies was a great performance, took a fresh approach on the whole tough gangster role and pulled it off. No doubt his milking of mainstream is getting ridiculous though, stuff like The Tourist is just pointless, at least he's getting crazy money for Sparrow.
I really like Gosling, he's very choosey with scripts and usually picks good ones, he could have easily went mainstream in some crap films for a bigger payday but he chose welll written, low budget stuff. Plus he's an underrated actor compared to say someone way overrated like Depp.

I agree. He's probably one of the best young actors out there. Thought he was phenomenal in Half Nelson and Blue Valentine. Looking forward to the 'The Ides of March'. Looks promising.
Inland Empire - I thought the first hour was quite decent but after that it turned into a bit of a borefest and I kinda lost interest. It did have it's moments though.
Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer.
I watched this just because I was bored at work and it was on TV , was not expecting much ,but I enjoyed it.
Not very taxing on the brain , simple story , some of the acting was OK , most was rubbish, but I am a sucker for films like this and it has Jessica Alba in it , in a skin tight suit :drool:

On the Depp point, it's weird, the people who actually overrate him, the Sparrow fanboys and stuff, mostly haven't even seen his best performances.

I'd imagine it's a fair bit the other way around too..Those that think he's overrated can't have seen Scissorhands, Brasco or Ed Wood. He spent the first half of his career taking odd, interesting, out of the way stuff and being berated by Hollywood cos he could've been an A lister...Then he spends the 2nd half of his career taking a slew of high profile, leading parts and gets berated by everyone else for being a sell out who should be making the most of his acting chops. Damned if you do..

As for Sparrow, I assume he just enjoys doing it. I've no other explanation for why he keeps making them. The new one was a whole new level of rubbish. He is a top actor though, even if he's in some terrible, terrible films.

Just watched the remake of Brighton Rock....Got so bored I stopped paying attention after 20 minutes. The music seemed a bit melodramatic though. Nice hair overall.
She's Out Of Your League - Admittedly I wasn't really paying attention to this but from what I could tell the underlying message in the film is that for a successful relationship the two people need to constantly pretend not to know how attractive they are despite being told it every few minutes. Also Sabrina the Teenage Witch's attractive friend was in it and she was attractive but then she also wasn't because she wasn't attractive inside. Figuratively, not physically.

I'd give it a solid 24/10
I admit my thoughts on Depp are probably tainted by the second half of his career, I loved Donnie B and Ed Wood but I have to say Edward Scissor hands, the film, was a let down on second viewing.

La Haine After the English riots it's the perfect time to watch this film. A let down, the cynic in me thinks it is rated so highly by the critics because it's filmed so well and in black and white..... The only true great scene was the bathroom scene IMO. Cassel was utterly detestable as his character warrented. As an aside if there's one thing the Irish(or the world) can learn from the French throughout history it's the need to rally and protest if the country is being run badly.

Since Otar left If you want to watch a good depressing film, this is it,

I love the dialogue and especially the school scenes which were great but the sub plot left me cold even though I really like Paddy C.
Hunger - Fassbender's great. It's not an easy watch but it does have some remarkable scenes. Almost all the police harassment scenes but the standout was the 17 minute static shot of Fassbender talking to the priest. Enjoyed the last bit as well. Did he really lose all that weight or is it just crafty CGI?
Watched Control the other night. Thought it was brilliant, there were one or two lines that made me laugh but obviously very sad overall. The end is heartbreaking.

The actress who played Annik is amazing looking in it too.
I really like Gosling, he's very choosey with scripts and usually picks good ones, he could have easily went mainstream in some crap films for a bigger payday but he chose welll written, low budget stuff. Plus he's an underrated actor compared to say someone way overrated like Depp.

Sorry pal but 'Gosling' has not yet earned the right to be referred to by just his surname.

Just watched the remake of Brighton Rock....Got so bored I stopped paying attention after 20 minutes. The music seemed a bit melodramatic though. Nice hair overall.
It was really annoying, made by some shallow fashionistas who were more concerned with getting the Brycreem and lambrettas authentic than character motivation or moral depth.
Redacted. Anti-war propaganda film directed by Brian de Palma.

It was genuinely one of the worst films I've ever seen. 0/10.

I'd say avoid like the plague, but sometimes it's fun watching something that's so unbelievably fecking bad.
Green Street.

Films about football violence is not my thing has a rule , but I watched this and thought it was excellent.

I watched that about 3 months ago, decent film.

.It's not only got Frodo Boggins playing a shit hammer hooly, it's also culpable for one of the worst Cockney accents in the history of film. Everything about it is terrible.
Sucker Punch - 0/10

Managed to watch 42 minutes of this shit-fest before I lost patience. In fact, I'm not sure it can even be described as a film. It seems to be some sort of experiment in distracting morons via flashy visuals and shit cover-versions.

Probably the most pointless and superficial movie ever made by someone whose name isn't Michael Bay.
The Guard- Brendan Gleeson was great as always and Katrina Cas was stunning. It's full of great lines and Ireland is exactly how I imagine it to be, as are the Irish. It's In Bruges but in, er, Galway. Very good film, easily a 7/10.
One Day

I think that's what it was called, the new Anne Hathaway film. It's a romantic film, her accent is all over the place, she's beautiful

.It's not only got Frodo Boggins playing a shit hammer hooly, it's also culpable for one of the worst Cockney accents in the history of film. Everything about it is terrible.

Yes. I saw it the other night (morbid curiosity) and it was indeed every bit as awful as I had heard.
.It's not only got Frodo Boggins playing a shit hammer hooly, it's also culpable for one of the worst Cockney accents in the history of film. Everything about it is terrible.

'Where's your famous hobbit firm?'
Lickle Frodo kicking arse with the ICF, I'm sure the real ICF wouldn't be adverse to the idea of an 'obbit from the States joining their crew. Watch ID, it's the best of the football hooliganism related films.

Frodo's well hard.
I.D was decent. I quite liked The Football Factory. Green St, not so much.
Controversial Opinion time.

I hate the music for the Third Man...Almost ruined the film for me. Story - great, cinematography - brilliant, acting - brilliant, music - fecking tiresome...

It worked quite well at the end when he was waiting in the Cafe and it was a darker, slightly more appropriate tune, or at the very very end, but there were so many moments when something dramatic was happening when this bloody stupid chirpy tinkly zither bollocks jarringly butted in and made it seem like 'Allo 'Allo...

It's probably just dated, and i know it's acclaimed as unique and amazing, but i hate it and I found it needlessly intrusive most of the time...Everything else about it's great though. It's a solid 8.5 film.

I get what you're saying about the zither but surely if they'd used bog-standard orchestration it would be completely forgettable. As it is, the weird, jarring sound of the zither fits in with the skewed camera shots, odd-looking characters and bombed-out cityscape that when all put together generates the unsettling atmosphere of the film.

There's so much in this film to admire and I really can't imagine it without that score TBH.
I liked the parts where he was on earth. The rest of it bored me.

The Troll Hunter

No, it's not about what Hectic and the lads get up to on a daily basis, it's actually about trolls. Real trolls. Big trolls with three heads. It's in Norwegian but the version I watched was dubbed in English. It was ok, a tad Blair Witch-ish, as it's shot by a group of students supposedly making a film. You could do worse if you like monster movies.

Does it really end as abruptly as the wikipedia synopsis makes out? With them going back to kill as many trolls as possible?