Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

seriously, though...feck off...4D, if people want that type of entertainment, go to a fecking theme park or Alton Towers or Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Or something.
Tree of Life: Beautifully shot, great performances, but it just doesnt work. It seems to me that Malick tried to reach beyond the movie's scope a bit.

I didnt like it too much, but id def. worth watching and is a unique experience.
Originally planned just to watch Andrei Rublev, but after watching it I couldn't resist getting a hold of Zerkalo and Stalker and I think I loved them both even more. They all looked fantastic, with Stalker probably being my favourite in that sense. Each one of them at one point or another I was just in awe of, other times completely lost...but for the most part I was just completely engrossed. Would love to see them on bluray.

Andrei Rublev, after a great opening scene, I thought started to drift away around the hour mark and I wasn't really getting it, but then not long after that there was a 45 minute plus part (it's broken into 7 parts, this being the 5th called The Raid) was up there with the best pieces of cinema I've seen. Closing scene was great too. Stalker I pretty much loved from start to finish for its atmosphere and its visuals. Zerkalo was the most confusing at times, but the one that stays with you the most and has the most unique feel.

Still think Solaris is my favourite though. Seems ridiculous to have Andrei Rublev at the bottom of any list but there you go. Think I'll save Ivan's Childhood for a while.

Andrei Rublev

Three Colours Trilogy and probably Satantango up next this week before I'm off to work and have no time for movies.
Originally planned just to watch Andrei Rublev, but after watching it I couldn't resist getting a hold of Zerkalo and Stalker and I think I loved them both even more. They all looked fantastic, with Stalker probably being my favourite in that sense. Each one of them at one point or another I was just in awe of, other times completely lost...but for the most part I was just completely engrossed. Would love to see them on bluray.

Andrei Rublev, after a great opening scene, I thought started to drift away around the hour mark and I wasn't really getting it, but then not long after that there was a 45 minute plus part (it's broken into 7 parts, this being the 5th called The Raid) was up there with the best pieces of cinema I've seen. Closing scene was great too. Stalker I pretty much loved from start to finish for its atmosphere and its visuals. Zerkalo was the most confusing at times, but the one that stays with you the most and has the most unique feel.

Still think Solaris is my favourite though. Seems ridiculous to have Andrei Rublev at the bottom of any list but there you go. Think I'll save Ivan's Childhood for a while.

Andrei Rublev

Three Colours Trilogy and probably Satantango up next this week before I'm off to work and have no time for movies.

Zerkalo's my fav Tarkovsky, with Stalker and then Solyaris behind it. Andrei Rublev and Ivan's Childhood is pretty much a close call, with the latter one maybe just edging it. His last two films though, were tedious I thought with only odd moments of greatness.
The Guard Very funny at times and it had the potential to be as good as In Bruge but it lost its way a bit and the end was lazy and not a bit silly. Shame. Well worth a watch mind. 7/10
The Road 8/10

I'm sure this has been reviewed here before but I watched this a couple of nights ago and it's stayed with me; the mark of a good film. Obviously the credit must go to the author because it's very true to a cracking story. I think what makes it so harrowing is that there are no monsters, no aliens. It's horrifying because it's humans pushed to their most animal, basic needs. I can believe that some people would be so desperate to survive they'd turn to cannibalism.

I'm not a film connoisseur but I'm usually disappointed when I watch film adaptations of books I've read but I certainly wasn't with this movie. Obviously the story had to be condensed and there was a small amount of artistic license at the end but all in all I think it was well acted and well produced.

Characters were so uninteresting; a morally corrupt, boring 'company' man, a woman who's been through it all and has to face her worst fears and a surrogate child who survived on her own in the waste disposal area (the most interesting, or the least annoying thus the one I even remotely cared about) and then just a load of shouty people. Most of the Alien and spaceship stuff looked pretty good. Shame they didn't develop the Aliens any further than creating a hive and a queen. And the whole 'so they do have some of the same basic instincts as humans too, wow'' moment, I guess. Not really much else to it aside from a load of shooting, explosions, shouting and basically annoying, pointless action that barely keeps your attention. It was like an average war/action movie with some great effects.

And then the last 20 minutes...the ship's nowhere to be seen ('Bishop, god damn you!!!'...jesus)the alien arrives in the lift, the planet's about to explode, the ship appears in time to save the day. Amazing. But wait, the Alien's tagged along on the ship, has to be fought off in some ridiculous machine v alien showdown, and then, finally, it's thrown out of the air duct... (is James Cameron really that unoriginal that he can't even think of a different way to bring back the Alien unexpectedly, and then can't even think of a different way to kill it off? I don't even know what to say to that part.)

Alien was miles better than this, and this was easily the most painful experience of a 'classic' I've ever had. Surprised I stuck through it all.

Was a 5/10 until the ridiculous ending. 4/10
Originally planned just to watch Andrei Rublev, but after watching it I couldn't resist getting a hold of Zerkalo and Stalker and I think I loved them both even more. They all looked fantastic, with Stalker probably being my favourite in that sense. Each one of them at one point or another I was just in awe of, other times completely lost...but for the most part I was just completely engrossed. Would love to see them on bluray.

Andrei Rublev, after a great opening scene, I thought started to drift away around the hour mark and I wasn't really getting it, but then not long after that there was a 45 minute plus part (it's broken into 7 parts, this being the 5th called The Raid) was up there with the best pieces of cinema I've seen. Closing scene was great too. Stalker I pretty much loved from start to finish for its atmosphere and its visuals. Zerkalo was the most confusing at times, but the one that stays with you the most and has the most unique feel.

Still think Solaris is my favourite though. Seems ridiculous to have Andrei Rublev at the bottom of any list but there you go. Think I'll save Ivan's Childhood for a while.

Andrei Rublev

Three Colours Trilogy and probably Satantango up next this week before I'm off to work and have no time for movies.

good for you, Tarkovski is one master
Quantum Apocalypse

I have seem most of the disaster films out there good ones , bad ones and then there is this pile of steaming turd.
It has the worst storyline , acting I have ever seen in a film.
I love bad disaster films this is by far the worst.
If you like really bad films watch it , the ending is just stupid.

It is only worth a 2/10 and thats being kind.

Characters were so uninteresting; a morally corrupt, boring 'company' man, a woman who's been through it all and has to face her worst fears and a surrogate child who survived on her own in the waste disposal area (the most interesting, or the least annoying thus the one I even remotely cared about) and then just a load of shouty people. Most of the Alien and spaceship stuff looked pretty good. Shame they didn't develop the Aliens any further than creating a hive and a queen. And the whole 'so they do have some of the same basic instincts as humans too, wow'' moment, I guess. Not really much else to it aside from a load of shooting, explosions, shouting and basically annoying, pointless action that barely keeps your attention. It was like an average war/action movie with some great effects.

And then the last 20 minutes...the ship's nowhere to be seen ('Bishop, god damn you!!!'...jesus)the alien arrives in the lift, the planet's about to explode, the ship appears in time to save the day. Amazing. But wait, the Alien's tagged along on the ship, has to be fought off in some ridiculous machine v alien showdown, and then, finally, it's thrown out of the air duct... (is James Cameron really that unoriginal that he can't even think of a different way to bring back the Alien unexpectedly, and then can't even think of a different way to kill it off? I don't even know what to say to that part.)

Alien was miles better than this, and this was easily the most painful experience of a 'classic' I've ever had. Surprised I stuck through it all.

Was a 5/10 until the ridiculous ending. 4/10

I saw it again a few nights ago and thought that it had aged brilliantly. A great merger of sci-fi and action with a few of the horror themes of the original thrown in for good measure. I love Alien and Ridley Scott films in general but this was better.

I can't see what your problem was with the ending either. It fitted well with the alien's behavior and it would have been pretty boring and bland if they had made a clean get away.
Star Trek: Nemesis

Dull. Everything about the movie seemed as though they looked at it, and said "yeah, that'll have to do." Even the dialogue that was meant to be filled with tension came across like a slightly edgy conversation. The score felt lazy too.

So yeah. Dull.
Just to wade into the Super 8 debate from a few pages back I'm on the side of the 4/10's and even they were generous.

There was nothing super about it and if the target audience was an 8 year old then I believe even they would've been bored to tears 30 mins in.

Shambolic mess of a film which steals from loads of better movies (ET, Goonies, Close Encounters...) but gets nowhere near to any of them.
I saw it again a few nights ago and thought that it had aged brilliantly. A great merger of sci-fi and action with a few of the horror themes of the original thrown in for good measure. I love Alien and Ridley Scott films in general but this was better.

I can't see what your problem was with the ending either. It fitted well with the alien's behavior and it would have been pretty boring and bland if they had made a clean get away.

The last few sequences just had Hollywood written all over it, which I didn't like (but really should've expected with Cameron directing), and then there was an astonishing lack of originality in how they decided to end it. There's nothing wrong with them killing off the alien, I just thought they could've done it in a slightly different way.

Just not my type of movie. In the same way 2001's just not yours, and you could come up with a list of faults with the movie. We just ignore the faults on either side because we like the feel of the movie, fundamentally.
I'm actually with Brwned in preferring Alien to Aliens, but I do think Aliens is a top action movie.

Just do yourself a favour Brwned and don't watch any of the other films, they're beyond terrible.
The last few sequences just had Hollywood written all over it, which I didn't like (but really should've expected with Cameron directing), and then there was an astonishing lack of originality in how they decided to end it. There's nothing wrong with them killing off the alien, I just thought they could've done it in a slightly different way.

Just not my type of movie.

You are aware that the film came out 25 years ago?

I agree that Alien is a better film than Aliens but to mark it down as 4/10 is frankly laughable.

I watched Alien 3 over the weekend. That's more like a 4/10. And it's dated worse simply because of the shoddy cgi which isn't a patch on a man in a suit.
13 Assassins - Very good samurai film, one of Miike's most serious and accomplished works. Lots of great sword fighting action.

It was pretty enjoyable, I didn't think it was a great film, but it's a very good one. I was a bit bemused by the tree spirit, I assumed it was something along those lines but I googled it to be certain. Hirayama was awesome!
Yes, and even now the imagery is great. Looked great in 1080p too. That was the only redeeming feature. The date it came out doesn't really make up for it's lack of a remotely interesting plot, and after the initial encounter with the Aliens with a load of killing, acid, flames, explosions, shouting and really serious've already seen it all, how much more interesting can it get when the characters don't remotely grow on you, the plot doesn't develop whatsoever (except that the ship needs fixed before the entire planet blows up, thrilling stuff) and the enemies barely develop? By this point Alien, Stalker, Solaris, 2001, Star Wars, Metropolis, Blade Runner and a number of other Sci-fi movies that were a few levels above this had already came out. As for the rating, it got half the score Blade Runner did, which seems fair enough to me. 4's a good popcorn flick, that's all this was.

I've got the entire quadrilogy but I'm not going near the other two WP, there's no doubt about that.

Characters were so uninteresting; a morally corrupt, boring 'company' man, a woman who's been through it all and has to face her worst fears and a surrogate child who survived on her own in the waste disposal area (the most interesting, or the least annoying thus the one I even remotely cared about) and then just a load of shouty people. Most of the Alien and spaceship stuff looked pretty good. Shame they didn't develop the Aliens any further than creating a hive and a queen. And the whole 'so they do have some of the same basic instincts as humans too, wow'' moment, I guess. Not really much else to it aside from a load of shooting, explosions, shouting and basically annoying, pointless action that barely keeps your attention. It was like an average war/action movie with some great effects.

And then the last 20 minutes...the ship's nowhere to be seen ('Bishop, god damn you!!!'...jesus)the alien arrives in the lift, the planet's about to explode, the ship appears in time to save the day. Amazing. But wait, the Alien's tagged along on the ship, has to be fought off in some ridiculous machine v alien showdown, and then, finally, it's thrown out of the air duct... (is James Cameron really that unoriginal that he can't even think of a different way to bring back the Alien unexpectedly, and then can't even think of a different way to kill it off? I don't even know what to say to that part.)

Alien was miles better than this, and this was easily the most painful experience of a 'classic' I've ever had. Surprised I stuck through it all.

Was a 5/10 until the ridiculous ending. 4/10

It was a film about Colonial Marines fighting to escape from a vicious Alien hive with pointy teeth and acid for blood. I don't know what you were expecting, but a "load of shooting, explosions and shouting" were always on the cards.
As for the ending, I'm sure it was a bit more original in the 80's when it was released. Even having a Woman as the main character in an action movie was pretty original back then.
It can't have been original, they did the exact same thing in the last one! They just threw in a big machine and a fight scene, that's it. Original but from my point of view laughable too.

I've nothing against a lot of action if there's a story running parallel to it, like in Terminator (and you actually do care about the characters), but not if that's all there is to it. It was all style and no substance.
It can't have been original, they did the exact same thing in the last one! They just threw in a big machine and a fight scene, that's it. Original but from my point of view laughable too.

I've nothing against a lot of action if there's a story running parallel to it, like in Terminator (and you actually do care about the characters), but not if that's all there is to it. It was all style and no substance.

Ripley was the lead in the first film, but it wasn't really an action film was it!

The final fight scene with Ripley and the Alien Queen was like mothers protecting their young. The Queen followed Ripley to avenge her eggs being destroyed and Ripley had become a motherly figure to Newt and was desperate to protect her. If you're into the film it makes for an interesting climax, but If you aren't enjoying the fiilm, I suppose it could be seen as cheesy.

I haven't seen it for years, but I don't remember it being half as bad as you seem to think it is. Perhaps I need to rewatch it.
Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid - Hmmmm. Meh. Pfft. Neeeaaaaaa. Well. Eh. These are the sort of non comital noises I am making now. It's alright, but certainly not a great. The ending's great, but that's about it. Newman's great, admittedly, but as Paul Newman, and a variety of other characters Paul Newman has played. Not as the leader of a gang of outlaws. Unless it's Just William's gang of outlaws. Because that's apparently about the level of gravity robbing people requires.

I've decided George Roy Hill has a terrible taste in music and I therefore refuse to watch anymore of his films. 10 minutes in we're listening to Burt Bacharach sing Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head (and the whole, fecking, song!!) while Paul Newman clowns around on a bicycle..What the feck? Stop it. I was hoping Ennio Morricone would walk into frame, slap somebody and start scoring it properly.

It's really quite confused about what it wants to be. It's half a serious "on the run" movie, half a slapstick buddy comedy, and half....some other bollocks with shit music.

Ending's good. In fact the story's good, and there are a number of really nice scenes. But it's directed by someone who wants to be making a Charlie Chaplin film. I'd give it a 6.5. Won't get on my list.

Also, Alien has always been better than Aliens. I've never understood why Aliens was held in "classic" regard. It's standard Cameron action schlock.
Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid - Hmmmm. Meh. Pfft. Neeeaaaaaa. Well. Eh. These are the sort of non comital noises I am making now. It's alright, but certainly not a great. The ending's great, but that's about it. Newman's great, admittedly, but as Paul Newman, and a variety of other characters Paul Newman has played. Not as the leader of a gang of outlaws. Unless it's Just William's gang of outlaws. Because that's apparently about the level of gravity robbing people requires.

I've decided George Roy Hill has a terrible taste in music and I therefore refuse to watch anymore of his films. 10 minutes in we're listening to Burt Bacharach sing Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head (and the whole, fecking, song!!) while Paul Newman clowns around on a bicycle..What the feck? Stop it. I was hoping Ennio Morricone would walk into frame, slap somebody and start scoring it properly.

It's really quite confused about what it wants to be. It's half a serious "on the run" movie, half a slapstick buddy comedy, and half....some other bollocks with shit music.

Ending's good. In fact the story's good, and there are a number of really nice scenes. But it's directed by someone who wants to be making a Charlie Chaplin film. I'd give it a 6.5. Won't get on my list.

Also, Alien has always been better than Aliens. I've never understood why Aliens was held in "classic" regard. It's standard Cameron action schlock.

:lol: I remember reacting to this as well when I saw it. T'was almost like they had shot some footage of the actors fecking about off-screen and then decided to include it in the film. Overall, I enjoyed the movie though.
There were bits when I started to forget the Bicycle/Bacharach scene and really begin to enjoy it, and then it would do something annoyingly anachronistic again, like switch to a random sepia still image montage of them going to a fair? Or dub an entire robbery scene with old timey scat music...It was just weird, and a bit smug. "Oh my God, you're the coolest, funnest guy in the world Paul Newman!"..No he's not he's supposed to be a fecking badass outlaw!...I dunno, it was too irreverent for me. Especially when the best bits of it (the ending, and when they're being chased) were actually really good, and in the appropriate tone for the subject matter whilst still being "fun"
Ripley was the lead in the first film, but it wasn't really an action film was it!

The final fight scene with Ripley and the Alien Queen was like mothers protecting their young. The Queen followed Ripley to avenge her eggs being destroyed and Ripley had become a motherly figure to Newt and was desperate to protect her. If you're into the film it makes for an interesting climax, but If you aren't enjoying the fiilm, I suppose it could be seen as cheesy.

I haven't seen it for years, but I don't remember it being half as bad as you seem to think it is. Perhaps I need to rewatch it.

I can't remember if the theatrical version has it, but the extended version includes a subplot where frozen-for-58-years Ripley mulls over how she missed out on her daughter's entire life and how she'd promised to come home soon. So when she meets Rebecca...well, yeah.

Also, Bishop getting eliminated right before the fight starts is a not-so-subtle but brilliant move: No guys to swoop in and save the day, folks. Womano e womano for all the marbles.
The truly great sci-fi-female-versus-female-motherly-insticts-action-climax is found in Super Metroid, not Aliens.

Also, I remember reading before that the entire cast of Alien was supposed to be non-gender specific ie Ripley could have been a man or a woman but Weaver had the best audition.
The Oman (remake)
Just watched this , it was OK not a patch on the original with Gregory Peck and Lee Remick.
Mia Farra was not has good as the original Mrs Belock but she was damn close.
It seemed like a almost word for word remake , with just the setting updated.
I think the music is still some of the scariest ever in a film.

A good solid 7/10
The Oman (remake)
Just watched this , it was OK not a patch on the original with Gregory Peck and Lee Remick.
Mia Farra was not has good as the original Mrs Belock but she was damn close.
It seemed like a almost word for word remake , with just the setting updated.
I think the music is still some of the scariest ever in a film.

A good solid 7/10

I didn't even know there had been a remake. The first one was excellent though, but it did tail off a bit with the second and third
I watched Aliens back then when it came out and it was a revelation. What are you guys on about? It's a brilliant action movie! Especially the extended version, with the sentry guns. Of course it's a bit dated now and some of the acting seems over the top (all that tough marines bullshit with Vasquez & co.), still, considering that was in the 80's (Top
Gun, Ferris Bueller) Aliens is nothing but a great movie.

Paxton/Cameron is like the greatest director-actor combo ever, yes elitists, even better than Mifune/Kurosawa, deal with it.
The Oman (remake)
Just watched this , it was OK not a patch on the original with Gregory Peck and Lee Remick.
Mia Farra was not has good as the original Mrs Belock but she was damn close.
It seemed like a almost word for word remake , with just the setting updated.
I think the music is still some of the scariest ever in a film.

A good solid 7/10

I thought it was an insult to the original, they made Father Spiletto look like a slightly deformed version of Voldemort! Julia Stiles should be embarrassed that she did it, she's better than that.
Also, I remember reading before that the entire cast of Alien was supposed to be non-gender specific ie Ripley could have been a man or a woman but Weaver had the best audition.

The roles in the screenplay are non-gender specific but if I remember rightly by the time they were looking at Weaver they were actively seeking a female lead in an attempt to differentiate it from B movie sci-fi fodder where the female was always the screaming eye candy and nothing more.