Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I haven't seen either Cape Fear actually...I always forget about it. I think i've seen bits of the De Niro one here and there, but snce I know what happens, I sort of haven't got any desire to see it either.

Anyone seen Project NIM yet?

Well that's odd. I mean surely you wouldn't think 'I bet the baddie gets away with it so I'll not bother.' It's pretty obvious in most of these films how it will end but you watch them for other things too like performances, direction and photography.
Well I know the entire plot, not just the end. I know pretty much everything that happens..I'm not averse to seeing it, I just don't have any great desire to see it s'all.

Oldboy has one major problem for me that I can't shake in my appraisal of it. Satisfactory motivation.
The Skin I Live In

Almodovar's grand guignol, splatterpunk version of 'My Fair Lady', with a leading lady every bit as as beautiful as Audrey Hepburn.
You don't like Oldboy? I thought I was the only one.

I've seen a shed load of Korean films and most are melodramatic or melancholic to the point where I couldn't be arsed with them anymore. Like most mainstream/big budget Korean movies....Oldboy's good enough on a technical level in fact it's very stylish...kind of surreal cum noir. However it's revenge Eric Cartman style(I'm sure you've seen South Park's Scott Tenorman Must Die). I thought Oldboy was trying too hard, which resulted in it being too convoluted for the sake of it. And the twist (when we finally got to the twist) was way off the mark
(ahh but you've committed incest!! got ya! na na na na na! my choreographed plan worked a treat!)
. Apparently it's an adaptation of a manga, so I wonder if Park had input in the storyline. Perhaps I'm being too harsh because it was only an adaptation. But then again, that's manga for should expect the absurd and bizarre.

Stick to Ichi, it's miles better.


Actually, I've done a bit of research(took me 24 secs), but Park made up the
incest revenge thing
. The manga had a much better storyline apparently. So a big feck you on your face Park. Wanker.


I've said yawn there as this was one of the most literal movies I've seen. It looked good though.
I refuse to believe that anyone could be as beautiful as her.

And there's nothing wrong with the twist, Spoony.

There's something wrong with the choreographed I said, it was very Scott Tenormann Must Die - an episode of South Park - a satiric animated series.
There's something wrong with the choreographed I said, it was very Scott Tenormann Must Die - an episode of South Park - a satiric animated series.

I'm sure I remember you going on about how amazing it was earlier in this thread. I really liked it 7.5/10
I'm sure I remember you going on about how amazing it was earlier in this thread. I really liked it 7.5/10

I probably said it was good...and then re watched it. But I've never said it was amazing. That'd be Ichi the Killer.

And I liked it 3.2/10.
I probably said it was good...and then re watched it. But I've never said it was amazing. That'd be Ichi the Killer.

And I liked it 3.2/10.

well you said it was brilliant and that you preferred it to Ichi

Anyway, Oldboy was brilliant. If anything, I was prepared for even more grotesque violence.

Stylish as feck.

Loved it.

Not that you can't change your mind, just can't see how you can go from loving a film to saying it can do one.
And there's nothing wrong with the twist, Spoony.

There's loads of shit wrong with it. The basic base motivation for such an elaborate and obsessive scheme is ludicrous. That whole film fell down in the last 20 minutes for me. Still a great film mind, but it lost a few points with me by the end. Lady Vengeance is slightly better IMO.

Actually Spoony's Scott Tenorman comparisson is quite apt. It's the same kind of mad leap of disproportion.

"You trod on my hat!..That's it, I'm going to rape your grandmother and destroy Belgium"
well you said it was brilliant and that you preferred it to Ichi

Not that you can't change your mind, just can't see how you can go from loving a film to saying it can do one.

Well I re watched and decided it wasn't THAT good. I think it's fair game. But it happens people change their minds... I've done it plenty of times. And it's not just doesn't deserve the amount of praise heaped up on it. That said, I still think it's stylish and I've praised it on a technical's just a shame Park's a bit insane.

And Ichi's a masterpiece
There's loads of shit wrong with it. The basic base motivation for such an elaborate and obsessive scheme is ludicrous. That whole film fell down in the last 20 minutes for me. Still a great film mind, but it lost a few points with me by the end. Lady Vengeance is slightly better IMO.

Actually Spoony's Scott Tenorman comparisson is quite apt. It's the same kind of mad leap of disproportion.

Controversial Opinion time.

I hate the music for the Third Man...Almost ruined the film for me. Story - great, cinematography - brilliant, acting - brilliant, music - fecking tiresome...

It worked quite well at the end when he was waiting in the Cafe and it was a darker, slightly more appropriate tune, or at the very very end, but there were so many moments when something dramatic was happening when this bloody stupid chirpy tinkly zither bollocks jarringly butted in and made it seem like 'Allo 'Allo...

It's probably just dated, and i know it's acclaimed as unique and amazing, but i hate it and I found it needlessly intrusive most of the time...Everything else about it's great though. It's a solid 8.5 film.
Watched The Machinist the other day, it was a very enjoyable watch. I'll watch it again before giving it a rating.
Attack The Block I really enjoyed this low budget sci-fi comedy but it's flaw is that it just isn't funny enough. The action stuff is good but it has been overhyped. Still well worth a watch. 7/10
I watched Heavyweights. The single greatest film of all-time, completely down to Ben Stiller being the greatest film villain ever.
Double Indemnity

Straight off the back of hating The Third Man's iconic music, I'm going to say I have a big problem with this classic film too. Several in fact. But many of them aren't actually the film's fault. Err...Yeah.

Basically, this film suffers from having been so seminal. Watching it now, having seen all the many films made in it's wake, and all the parodies of it's style, just make it utterly hilarious. All those ridiculous noir thought monologues to camera.. "The room smelt like elderflower and cheap gin, and her hair was the colour of rust. She moved, like an upstream salmon in a gentle breeze and looked at me like she couldn't decide whether to fist me or make me a bolognaise"...That kind of guff. It's ridiculous, who the feck talks like that? and unfortunately, having seen all the countless parodies of it, it was impossible to escape just how silly it sounded. And that's before he started calling everyone baby 400 times a minute like a Kojak LP with a stuck needle.

It essentially suffered by being too close a parody to the parodies of itself it would later go on to inspire. It's dated, badly. But also created the reason it dated. It dated itself. Anyone still following?

Then there's Fred MacMurray as the lead. Unfortunately, and completely without fault of his own, he reminds me of Jason Sudeikis. Jason Sudeikis playing an arrogant twat in a parody of a noir film. I hate Jason Sudeikis.

He also does that thing that's a complete bete noir of mine in films, which is falling in love with someone in about 5 minutes, without any reasonable justification beyond "this is what sort of has to happen in this film now"...And while we're at it, why do people kiss like that in old, noir films? Where the man pulls the woman sort of underneath his chin by the shoulders and then doesn't kiss her, but sort of puts his face on hers and doesn't move it. What is that? It's ridiculous. Try and kiss someone like that. They'll think you're mental.

The story is indeed good, and the girl is better than him, plus Edward G Robinson as the only person not speaking like a parody of themselves from the future is great. I just can't rate this film as a lasting classic because it's so damn funny, baby. So you listen here and you listen good...

Sunset Blvd >>>>>>>>>>>>> Double Indemnity.
I liked DI, but you're probably right, it's like a parody because of the fact it's such a seminal film. But I don't think that's a bad thing, I guess it may not be to everyone's taste because of that...whereas Sunset Blvd could probably be enjoyed by most people... as you said, it's not dated at all. But a lot of those movies suffer from the same problem - they've got a certain style, and it's not very realistic - not unlike arrrrr Humphrey's acting, come to think of it. Thank goodness for Brando eh.
True. I'm not very forgiving of films that have dated. I don't like Casablanca for instance. I'm sure that whole Raymond Chandler thing appeals to many people. It's clearly an important film. I just can't help but find it very silly. And that's clearly not the intentions Billy & Ray had.
I liked DI, but you're probably right, it's like a parody because of the fact it's such a seminal film. But I don't think that's a bad thing, I guess it may not be to everyone's taste because of that...whereas Sunset Blvd could probably be enjoyed by most people... as you said, it's not dated at all. But a lot of those movies suffer from the same problem - they've got a certain style, and it's not very realistic - not unlike arrrrr Humphrey's acting, come to think of it. Thank goodness for Brando eh.

Bogie is superb in The Caine Mutiny and the Treasure of the Sierra Madre. I think he played more villains than good guys and his good guys are dark characters mostly.
The Elephant Man - surprisingly lacking in depth for a Lynch movie I thought, but surprisingly emotionally moving (one of the few I could say that for) and well worth a watch. Still, I was expecting more. Strangely unfaithful to a lot of the key moments in the true story too, it seems...despite them being of more interest than what they were replaced with. He did the 'the general public are the true monsters' bit well, though.


Rope - I don't know how highly he's thought of but I really like James Stewart. Very much set in the 12 Angry Men mould. Very enjoyable.

Apocalypse Now - epic. To try and say any more without watching it again wouldn't do it justice.


Annie Hall - after watching AN I wanted something a bit light and I don't think I could've picked many better, was much better than I was expecting. Makes the 'comedies' of recent times look utterly laughable.


I love movies.
I watched Thor last night. I liked that colourful rainbow bridge.

Bunch of Arse. I watched Piranha and thouroughly enjoyed it. Good escapist nonsense with great effects and copious amounts of excellent boobage. It even made me a laugh a couple of times. Was gutted that the Shue tits weren't displayed though.
The Final Seven

What a load of rubbish , crap film , crap acting and a synopsis's that is very misleading.

The film tells the story of a cataclysmic event that leaves only 7 remaining people on earth and their desperate struggle to understand the events as they are hunted one by one by a demonic power , NO its is not , there is no cataclysmic event , just a nutter wanting revenge with a bomb.

and to top it all off , Danny fecking Dyer , what a waste of space he is , how the hell he has made a living from acting is anybody's guess.

3/10 and thats being kind
The Final Seven

What a load of rubbish , crap film , crap acting and a synopsis's that is very misleading.

The film tells the story of a cataclysmic event that leaves only 7 remaining people on earth and their desperate struggle to understand the events as they are hunted one by one by a demonic power , NO its is not , there is no cataclysmic event , just a nutter wanting revenge with a bomb.

and to top it all off , Danny fecking Dyer , what a waste of space he is , how the hell he has made a living from acting is anybody's guess.

3/10 and thats being kind

If you want to know how poor it was ... one of the producers came to me and asked if I wanted to invest some money in it ... they were short of £5000 and couldn't go ahead without it :lol::lol:
I watched Thor last night. I liked that colourful rainbow bridge.

I liked the parts where he was on earth. The rest of it bored me.

The Troll Hunter

No, it's not about what Hectic and the lads get up to on a daily basis, it's actually about trolls. Real trolls. Big trolls with three heads. It's in Norwegian but the version I watched was dubbed in English. It was ok, a tad Blair Witch-ish, as it's shot by a group of students supposedly making a film. You could do worse if you like monster movies.
Anyone seen The believer? Ryan Gosling a Jewish Neo Nazi. I really enjoyed it and he is excellent as usual, the film also manages not to be ruined by Billy Zane's face, which is really up there with Affleck in terms of gormless punchable faces.
"Our Idiot Brother" with Paul Rudd was actually really good. I went in expecting to be disappointed - it looked good from the previews but seemed like the kind of movie that you wouldn't need to actually see after seeing the preview. I'd give it a solid 7.5/10.