Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Finally got 'round to seeing the original Paranormal Activity.
Good grief, what a pile of poop.

Kung Fu Panda 2 was very entertaining. If you enjoyed the first, you'll definately want to see this one.

Dreamworks may not be Pixar, but they are improving steadily.
Green Lantern is decent, if you enjoy superhero films you will enjoy it. 3D was bad though, the best bit was an advert before the film started.
No way, was it really that bad?? What is it, just not scary enough?

Exactly. And I'm easily scared - for example, I was rendered speechless at one point, when watching this tv film a while ago:

It was good....I suspect you'd have preferred more visual and sound effects to create tension, Erica.

Anyway, I watched The Lady from Shanghai, I thought it descended into a farce, which was a let the first half was enjoyable. Welles' accent was er...interesting, and Bannister's walk was worth a chuckle. But yeah I thought Welles over complicated the storyline as he he failed to deliver in the final third.
Welles' accent was er...interesting

One of my favourite biographies is David Thomson's superb Rosebud; in it, he wrote that Orson's 'broad Irish accent could only have prompted laughter in his Irish associates.' :D
One of my favourite biographies is David Thomson's superb Rosebud; in it, he wrote that Orson's 'broad Irish accent could only have prompted laughter in his Irish associates.' :D

Yeah it was a kin to Dick Van Dyke's English accent.
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - I've seen the other two in the "trilogy" and both are good, very good in Oldboys case, even if it does get slightly overrated by fans who have only seen it as their only foreign film. Never had a reason to hold off this for so long, since I hadn't seen reviews, but kind of wish I had left....because it wasn't very good, let down by it really. There were times where scenes were just incredibly long for no reason(or at least seemed to be incredibly long), I just found myself so bored by the time the story kicked off half way through that the actually good second half didn't save it for me. 5/10
Loved Super 8. 9/10 for me.

It's like The Goonies with 21st century filmmaking technology. Almost like Spielberg was trying to say "Hey if I had these kinds of effects in the 80s, this is the kind of movie I would've made." Worth seeing at the cinema.
Finally got 'round to seeing the original Paranormal Activity.
Good grief, what a pile of poop.


Sounds about right.

Maybe I just don't 'get it', but for me it was an incoherent and lazy mess where they'd try to create cheap scares by making loud, unexpected noises, trying to brush it with some sort of supernatural/demonic theme, all while using a 'realistic' camcorder to film the events of the movie.

It had already been done well before in the Spanish horror film REC, but PA was just a piling piece of piss.
Just Go With it 5.5/10

It has Adam Sendler, Jenifer Anniston, and some hot blond chick. Interesting story line, but poor execution. Not a chick flick, not witty, bar few lines by Sandler. The "Euro" character was stupid. The movie felt like written by two people, because it was funny at times, and awful at times as well.
Bad teacher: Bit predictable, but a good few laughs, and Cameron Diaz in hotpants. 7/10
Bad Teacher

Diaz tries hard but fails to rise this film above appalling. Badly cast and didn't make me laugh once, I mean Justin Timberlake was awful and the joke appeared to be that he was geeky and couldn't sing. Do you get it? Justin sexy popstar Timberlake can't sing and is a geek. No neither did I.

The Green Hornet So I reckon this film could have been decent, except I can't be sure as throughout the whole thing I just had the same question reverberating around my cranium 'Why does Seth Rogan keep getting parts in films?' because as soon as you cast him as your lead, any credibility your film may (or may not) have had is instantly lost and it becomes just another Seth Rogan film. Which is exactly what this is. Except with a few more explosions. Also Cameron Diaz is looking old, although I never thought she was that attractive in the first place. Anyway it's probably a 5.5-6/10
Well its been a while since I reviewed something, here are two outstanding movies.....

The Secret in Their Eyes
It's an Argentinian film telling the story of a retired counsel (detective type) who had an unsolved homicide case that he could never quite forget. The story is told fantastically well and leaves no stone unturned - the acting is perfect and despite it being a subtitled film you find yourself completely lost within the film. If you've never watched an Argentinian film then start with this, it won't disappoint!

Well more of a documentary than anything telling the story of Ayrton Senna's career, it's such a powerful movie and left me teary eyed at times which I haven't experienced whilst at the cinema for as long as I can remember. It's a film that will stay with me for a long long time. It's only got limited showing i believe so if you get chance to see it at a cinema near you then take that chance.
Well its been a while since I reviewed something, here are two outstanding movies.....

Well more of a documentary than anything telling the story of Ayrton Senna's career, it's such a powerful movie and left me teary eyed at times which I haven't experienced whilst at the cinema for as long as I can remember. It's a film that will stay with me for a long long time. It's only got limited showing i believe so if you get chance to see it at a cinema near you then take that chance.

Glad to hear this lives up to the hype. Really want to give it a watch.
Senna is amazing agreed.

Actually both of them films are, good stuff.
À bout portent
(Point-blank) 6

Fast-paced French crime caper that’s like a swift punch in the solar plexus with honourable thieves, gnarled dishonourable cops and moody gallic flicettes (je t’aime). Stylish done and great fun even though the plot is plainly ludicrous, which means I could only give it 6. (Nothing to do with the 67 classic except it’s tough and pulpy).
Some incredible acting in the Godfather series. I know this sounds fanciful, but I could almost 'see' Michael lose his soul (so to speak).


And Connie seems like a Bride of Death; the two are hand in glove with the devil.
Under Siege

Not the worst film , you will ever see , Tommy Lee Jones is good in it .
But Steven Seagal is dreadful has all the acting ability of a dead frog.
OK for wasting a few hours on a boring night shift.

The Hangover: Part II

Basically the same movie as the first, just polished here and there. Some very funny moments. I'd suggest that it's the kind of movie to see at the cinema, if only for the fun of hearing people around you react to certain moments.

Not much else to say about it, really.
Godfather 2

Even better than the first one , the way the 2 stories folded out was excellent.
Easily my top films of all time , with the first one second.
Why I waited so long to watch them I have no idea.

I said the first one was 10/10 , this one has to be 11/10
I watched Drive Angry the other day, and I actually thought it wasn't horrifically bad. In fact it was pretty watchable
The Hangover: Part II

Basically the same movie as the first, just polished here and there. Some very funny moments. I'd suggest that it's the kind of movie to see at the cinema, if only for the fun of hearing people around you react to certain moments.

Not much else to say about it, really.
I liked it. Went in with very low expectations though. It was basically diet 'Hangover 1' but with more dicks.

It was exactly what a sequel should be. Similar to the first one. For me, the slighter lower gag success rate was offset by a lot more Chow, who I could watch all day.
I'm of the opinion that the first Godfather film is the best one.

I watched Drive Angry the other day, and I actually thought it wasn't horrifically bad. In fact it was pretty watchable

My mate, who usually enjoys crap Nicholas Cage action films, said it was the worst film he's ever seen.
Meh it's one of those films you have to watch and make your own mind up on I guess. If you take it even remotely seriously, then yeah- it's going to be a bit shit. I was epecting it to be terrible in all honesty (I can see that most people will say it was), but it was actually fairly entertaining I thought
Conan the Barbarian

So many "excuse me, what?" moments in this film. The woman talking about the crossroads of Zamora before turning into a mad vampire thing, James Earl Jones having an epic staredown with Conan's mum, and Conan knocking a camel the feck out.

It also feels very dated. Not one of those films that you'd call "timeless." It's good fun though, if only for the joy that comes with laughing at Arnie's yells as he falls down a hole.
Dead Presidents


decent storyline if not predictable. chris tucker is funny in the parts he plays in the film and larenz tate doesnt do too badly as the lead role
Arthur I feared the worst when I heard that they were remaking this film but I was wrong. It was even worse than I feared. Helen Mirren is good but with so little to work with it was a hopeless task even for her. Crass acting, rubbish pedestrian script and the charm of week old roadkill. Avoid especially if you liked the original. 1/10
Black Swan: A weird experience for me as its one of the few times I can remember watching a movie and almost right from the off wishing it was in the hands of another director. What is a highly promising idea isn’t quite executed with the kind of panache that it needs to elevate it above the level of a good and interesting psychological thriller/horror. I genuinely spent most of this movie wishing it was directed by David Lynch at least then some of the more dream like aspects of the story would have been more competently executed. There is a clear attempt to give it a nightmarish quality(the way scene flows into scene with very little explanation of how a character got where they are) however this for me as well as many other aspects weren’t handled in a way that displays very much hidden meaning(for me a hallmark of the Lynch movies I’ve seen). What should and could have been a genuinely dark masterpiece of a movie is far too obvious, safe and mainstream with not enough sense of the uncanny to really elevate it above a good but far from exceptional psychological thriller/horror. Good but again not exceptional performances (or Oscar worthy in anything other than an ordinary year) hold this one together.

The Town: Good but unspectacular and unremarkable heist movie with Ben Affleck (who also directs) as the central character, a street wise Boston lad who leads a band of bank and security van robbers. A well above average movie that doesn’t ask enough important questions for my liking but still delivers enough narrative twists and turns to keep things interesting and it has to be said is well shot(Ben seems to be showing a very good eye for a movie having watched Gone baby Gone). Good entertainment but not really much more.

The Way Back: The story of a group of prisoners in wartime Russia who break out of a Gulag ( Russian prison) in Siberia and attempt to escape communist rule crossing 4000 miles of mostly barren Terrain to India. A genuinely well crafted and well told story that does nothing exceptionally well but seems to handle all the parts well. A good solid movie that had one very moving moment right at the end. Nothing special but well worth your time.
Just finished watching True Grit.

Outstandingly great IMO. Cast was super and their performances including the girl was fantastic.
