Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Right tards, I require a movie suggestion.

I have spent the last hour searching on line for a decent movie to watch and keep getting the same old lists of recommendations, movies I've seen a million times.

So I'm asking any tard out there to recommend their top pick movie of any genre for me to watch right now.


and thanks x
Right tards, I require a movie suggestion.

I have spent the last hour searching on line for a decent movie to watch and keep getting the same old lists of recommendations, movies I've seen a million times.

So I'm asking any tard out there to recommend their top pick movie of any genre for me to watch right now.


and thanks x

Monty Python - Life Of Brian
Right tards, I require a movie suggestion.

I have spent the last hour searching on line for a decent movie to watch and keep getting the same old lists of recommendations, movies I've seen a million times.

So I'm asking any tard out there to recommend their top pick movie of any genre for me to watch right now.


and thanks x

Since you're coming across films that everyone recommends I'll chuck in a few that aren't highly rated but I love -

Screamers - One of my favourite sci-fi flicks and really underrated. Has the Blade Runner ambiguity of who is or isn't human, of course it's nowhere near as clever but it has a good plot and Peter Weller is quality.

Demon Knights -Alternates between campy horror and full on twisted gore.. Billy Zane plays a sadistically hilarious Demon.

Idle Hands - Just a stupidly funny stoner comedy... but I'm a big Seth Green fan and Jessica Alba in her younger years is ridiculously hot.
Right tards, I require a movie suggestion.

I have spent the last hour searching on line for a decent movie to watch and keep getting the same old lists of recommendations, movies I've seen a million times.

So I'm asking any tard out there to recommend their top pick movie of any genre for me to watch right now.


and thanks x

First three half decent films that came to mind that may not be on everybody's list.

The Thomas Crown Affair 1999 (remake with Brosnan and Russo, directed by Mctiernan)

The Burbs, Tom Hanks comedy vehicle about spying on creepy neighbours.

Ronin: Robert De Niro, car chases and intrigue.
A Prophet was brilliant. And Rahim was magnificent. When I heard it was being compared to Scarface, I expected something well. . .more Hollywoody or two dimensional, but instead I saw a gritty drama full of hard hitting scenes, and some subtle one's that were brilliantly acted by Rahim (in particular)
(Loved the way he couldn't hide his child-like curiosity and fascination on his first aeroplane flight)
Yeah a definite must see.
First three half decent films that came to mind that may not be on everybody's list.

The Thomas Crown Affair 1999 (remake with Brosnan and Russo, directed by Mctiernan)

The Burbs, Tom Hanks comedy vehicle about spying on creepy neighbours.

Ronin: Robert De Niro, car chases and intrigue.

Seen them all, good suggestions tho, commendable taste. Thomas Crown Affair is a personal fave, Rene Russo majorly hot in a milf kinda way.
A Prophet was brilliant. And Rahim was magnificent. When I heard it was being compared to Scarface, I expected something well. . .more Hollywoody or two dimensional, but instead I saw a gritty drama full of hard hitting scenes, and some subtle one's that were brilliant acted by Rahim (in particular)
(Loved the way he couldn't hide his child-like curiosity and fascination on his first aeroplane flight)
Yeah a definite must see.

Brilliant indeed and I too highly recommend it. The French just seem to be doing prison / gangster flicks better than everyone at the mo.

If you like that then I suggest you get your hands on Mesrine ( two parter ) with Vincent Cassell. Best gangster film I have seen in quite a while and based on true events.
Oh, I just watched Memento.

I cant watch Guy Pearce without remembering him playing the saxophone in Neighbours lol.

Good film, nice twist, well acted especially when you consider there are only about four people in the entire film. It has been a while since a film has had me anticipating the film outcome.

Seen them all, good suggestions tho, commendable taste. Thomas Crown Affair is a personal fave, Rene Russo majorly hot in a milf kinda way.

She was definitely worth one.

Oh, I just watched Memento.

I cant watch Guy Pearce without remembering him playing the saxophone in Neighbours lol.

Good film, nice twist, well acted especially when you consider there are only about four people in the entire film. It has been a while since a film has had me anticipating the film outcome.


I only saw this once, but I remember it being very good.
I might have to see it again.
I remember initially thinking that he kept it together quite well and then watching everything unravel and feeling sorry for the poor clueless git.
Watched From Paris With Love on the plane during flight back from US. (9/10)

Great film with John Travolta at his absolute best.

Great little moment in the film where he refers the the ''Royale with cheese'' (this is a tongue in cheek nod to Pulp Fiction).

Also watched The Book of Eli which I also thought was excellent. (8/10)
Anyone seen Seven Samurai ?

Im aware Im talking to myself now, so goodnight one and all.

My first and still my favourite Kurosawa.

Saw Stray Dog last night, one his early films that has some significant western film noir influences. Kurosawa veteran Toshiro Mifune plays a rookie cop who loses his colt, as it is used in several murders he feels increasingly guilty and responsible for the crimes. It's a stylish little story but unfortunately plods a long without to much happening - They follow lead after lead and although there is some interesting character revelations and parallels drawn between the cop and criminal it doesn't ascend into greatness as most of his films though. Still.. 7.5/10
Suzhou River

Enjoyed this one, very Wong Kar Wai-ish in it's style and narration...with a Vertigo influenced story. It felt like it was going nowhere towards the end but was nicely wrapped up. The soundtrack was brilliant and very captivating.
Don't Mess with a Zohan 0/10, and that is based off 20 minutes, it didnt even deserve that long, one of the worst movies I have ever seen, what the feck was Adam Sandler thinking.
Martyrs. fecking awful.

Was led to believe it was some kind of cerebral antidote to the torture porn trend in the horror genre. But if anything it's worse. Not only does it do the whole pornographic torture and suffering stuff. It also expects you to swallow some poorly thought out quasi-religious/philosophical justification.

The first half is a bunch of the worst horror cliches, done badly. The second half is intellectually dishonest, misogynist tripe, made for gullible pseuds.
Right tards, I require a movie suggestion.

I have spent the last hour searching on line for a decent movie to watch and keep getting the same old lists of recommendations, movies I've seen a million times.

So I'm asking any tard out there to recommend their top pick movie of any genre for me to watch right now.


and thanks x

Dead Man Shoes

Un Prophete

The Royal Tenenbaums
Get him to the Greek. 9/10 Funniest movie this year, avoid if you don't like Russel Brand though.
40 Year Old Virgin 7/10 (very funny)

Into The Wild 6/10 (tells a good story)

10,000BC 2/10 (takes an hour to get going. Decent ending, but too slow in the build up)

Rambo 7/10 (tremendous)

Sweenty Todd 7/10 (not big fan of muscials but its very well done)

The Good Shepherd 0.5 / 10 (and I'm normally a Matt Damian fan)

Planes Trains and Automobiles 9.8 / 10 (classic. VERY funny)

i'm currently watching rambo for the first time ever, on the basis of this review, i hope you don't dissapoint reviewer
Might want to make the '-' in '-400' a bit more prominent. In case someone thinks OMG 400/10 and rushes off to buy tickets.

It's horrifyingly bad. I normally read reviews before watching but I took a stab at this one and failed miserably.

The audience erupted in a mixture of laughter and disgust at two scenes involving the main actors in a rather compromising situation with the life-form they created.
It's horrifyingly bad. I normally read reviews before watching but I took a stab at this one and failed miserably.

The audience erupted in a mixture of laughter and disgust at two scenes involving the main actors in a rather compromising situation with the life-form they created.

I thought it got decent reviews.
Yep... Then again most of the actual people I know have said what maldini said. It's like the opposite of Taken.

Sort-of-meaningless anecdote: The critics laughed at that movie (Taken) and then scrambled to save face after moviegoers turned out in droves to see it. I got to see it almost a full two years before release while the sales company was desperately trying to find a distributor - any distributor - for the film, and I'll admit I thought it was straight-to-DVD fodder. Maggie Grace? Liam Neeson? No one thought the movie was worth any sort of theatrical release. Then it became a decent-sized hit in Asia and afterwards, someone picked up North American distribution and the rest is history. Taken took a lot of people by surprise.

Sci-fi has been non-existent for so long now that I'm not surprised the critics were so eager to give Splice the benefit of the doubt.
Watched The A Team movie last Wednesday.

It was fantastic. I can't remember the last time I have such a blast in the theatre.The critics seems to have blasted it, but the movie was exactly what I expected to be. An over the top, unadulterated fun action movie.

The strength in this movie comes from the four leads. Neeson, Cooper, Copley and Jackson have really good chemistry, and that made the movie works. It was a smart move because that's also the reason why the TV version worked too.

Of all the four, Copley was the best. I can't believe the only movie he made before was District 9. The man is such a talented actor. Murdock was a tough role to play because he can easily over play it and made him annoying, but he wasn't, he's just hilarious.
Watched The A Team movie last Wednesday.

It was fantastic....

I remember thinking: 'Gee, if I'd downloaded this, I could have deleted it by now.'

Anyhow. To each his own. But you surely must admit the script is contrived as a schoolboy daydreaming about saving the pretty teenager next door from a swarm of deadly gophers.
Yeah I didnt think A-team was that good, although I didnt think it was that bad either
I remember thinking: 'Gee, if I'd downloaded this, I could have deleted it by now.'

Anyhow. To each his own. But you surely must admit the script is contrived as a schoolboy daydreaming about saving the pretty teenager next door from a swarm of deadly gophers.

The TV series it was based on is about a commando army unit that never ever killed anyone during 5 season it was aired despite shooting a truckload of bullets.

The story that ran for 5 season usually goes: Someone needs help, the A Team came, got caught, built something from scraps to rescue everyone and in the end saves the day without, again, killing anyone.

If anything, the movie just amps it up, and giving the series an upgrade. So of course it was silly. It was meant to be like that. It was much better than Iron Man 2.
The TV series it was based on is about a commando army unit that never ever killed anyone during 5 season it was aired despite shooting a truckload of bullets.

The story that ran for 5 season usually goes: Someone needs help, the A Team came, got caught, built something from scraps to rescue everyone and in the end saves the day without, again, killing anyone.

If anything, the movie just amps it up, and giving the series an upgrade. So of course it was silly. It was meant to be like that. It was much better than Iron Man 2.

I have to disagree with you about Jackson, I thought he did a good job as BA, but I think they gave him wee too much of a stroyline that would have been better if they would have explained Coakley's life more. Jackson wasnt bad, but he isnt a great actor by any means so his storyline was a bit wasted. I really though Neelson and Cooper were good though, and they had really good commraderie
...It was much better than Iron Man 2.

Dude. Not hard to do. Like, "taking candy from a baby with a pile of free candy" easy.

But yeah, I never watched the A-team. But I attended the Church of MacGyver. So I understand when you say the movie was just a two-hour version of borderline slapstick 80s The-West-Can't-Lose hijinks. You liked it, that's what counts.
Got free tickets for the premier of Karate Kid tonight. Was actually surprisingly good, much better than I was expecting (not that that's saying much as I was expecting total rubbish). There's no 'wax on, wax off' moment and won't go down as a classic like the original, but it's a fairly solid movie.

It's actually quite scary how much Jaden Smith is like his father. There were many times in the film where he'd say something or do something and it was exactly like Will Smith would do it. I don't know whether Will was over-coaching him about how to say things or whether (more likely) the kid's naturally taken on his old man's sense of humour and mannerisms and they've come through in his acting. He's certainly no lame-duck anyway, he actually does very well and I'll be interested in seeing how his career goes over the next decade or so.

Watanabe, a lowly sector chief in a municipal public affairs department questions his life choices after he finds out he has stomach cancer. It's a character study of a paper-shifting beaurcrat who realises he has wasted 30 years of his life, he is lonely and unable to communicate with his family... he seeks answers with a writer who takes him on a journey of frivolous indulgence, and a woman who escapes the department he works in and inspires him to do something with his remaining months.

It's a beautiful film... the type that makes you think about what you are doing with your life and how un-fulfilling the monotony of the 9-5 can be if that's all you have. The iconic swing scene at the end of the film is one of my favourites in cinema history.

The Beach - 4/10

I watched it again last night, a decade after watching it the first time. It starts good, is alright in the middle, but the ending is very boring, and retarded.

Yeah it was a film that goes downhill the longer that you watch it for