Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Zombieland Kind of funny I guess, but someone told me that it was better Shaun of the Dead, which is utter nonsense. 7/10 The bird is super hot though.
The Fall - Had some fantastic scenes in it and was a surprisingly deep movie, which I only realised about near the end of the movie. I might have to watch it again.
Red Cliff part 1 - pathetic 2 dimensional characters, poor screenplay, silly humour that wouldn't be out of place in Friends and awful spoonfed metaphors used through out the film. Rubbish? well not quite, it was saved by some brilliant fighting scenes thanks to some quality choreography and cinematography, although the use of CGI made it look too polished at times. Sure the martial art scenes were over the top on occasions but heh that's John Woo for you. If you want something deep and meaningful this isn't for you but if you're looking for some good entertainment. . .

Meant to be a high point of Aussie cinema. Based on real events but it leaves ne cold and bored.
Meant to be a high point of Aussie cinema. Based on real events but it leaves ne cold and bored.

Ok. Wibbs did I ask you already about that 80's or 90's Aus. movie which name I couldnt remember, and it was something about pollution, water pollution I believe, a journalist discovered some kind of conspiracy and was targeted by the government?

surprisingly, i enjoyed this as much as i did 35 years ago - not many films i can say that about!

the shark may not be as realistic in HD but still a well worked film


one of my all time favourites, we're gonna need a bigger thread !
The Goods : Live Hard, Sell Hard.

I can't believe I actually watched this from start to finish, its absolutely cack overall but I'll give it one mark for the odd lol moment (two in total I think).

i remember going to see this in February 1975 - it definitely lived up to the hype, an excellent film

its a film I know I'll watch again despite seeing it numerous times already, just about everything about it works from the characters to the dialogue to the suspense.
Agreed Junya
Well maybe a 9/10

Sherlock Holmes, 7.5-8/10 very smart and well made. Downey Jr. is one the best actors around of that there is little doubt.
Red Cliff part 2. Much better. Although the ending was far too OTT - he should've just laid off the steds. But yeah I'd recommend it to most people.

Part 2 gets 7.5/10. Overall(1 and 2) I'd say a 7.
Kick Ass - Class 9/10
Gigantic - What a strange film but it got Zooey Deschanel :devil: 7/10
Cracks - Average 5/10
The Believer was brilliant.

Amazing really you can spend the GDP of a small nation on a film yet it may turn out be distinctly average and be totally shamed by a film made on a small budget. The Believer was fantastic whereas Red Cliff was just above average. But enough about comparisons, I've not actually mentioned anything about the movie. . .mainly because you should look it up yourselves, you lazy bastards. Nah, it's based on a true story about a Jewish Nazi called Daniel Burros. Ryan Gosling was fantastic as the self loathing Jew who got to bone Summer Phoenix. Bastard.
The Believer was brilliant.

Amazing really you can spend the GDP of a small nation on a film yet it may turn out be distinctly average and be totally shamed by a film made on a small budget. The Believer was fantastic whereas Red Cliff was just above average. But enough about comparisons, I've not actually mentioned anything about the movie. . .mainly because you should look it up yourselves, you lazy bastards. Nah, it's based on a true story about a Jewish Nazi called Daniel Burros. Ryan Gosling was fantastic as the self loathing Jew who got to bone Summer Phoenix. Bastard.

Just ordered it on lovefilm.
Just ordered it on lovefilm.

You'll like it, I'm sure.

Not a spoiler as such. . .
It's funny but a few people on imdb think the plot is over the top and completely unbelievable. If only they knew it was based on a true story - morons. It's sad really. . .that people can actually hate themself as much as Daniel did. It's probably mainly down to identity crisis.

surprisingly, i enjoyed this as much as i did 35 years ago - not many films i can say that about!

the shark may not be as realistic in HD but still a well worked film


Great film, one of my eternal favourites and the likely reason why I'll never set foot in any ocean.
The Haunting in Conneticut

The lethargy which set in on saturday afternoon hasn't abated, and i've done nothing but lie on my sofa and watch films ( while eating shortbread )


was it really supposed to be scary?

reasonably well acted, i suppose, but nothing to make it stand out
The Haunting in Conneticut

The lethargy which set in on saturday afternoon hasn't abated, and i've done nothing but lie on my sofa and watch films ( while eating shortbread )


was it really supposed to be scary?

reasonably well acted, i suppose, but nothing to make it stand out

Is that the one with the "one bright day in the middle of the night" rhyme?
two dead boys got up to fight?

4/10 is too kind, lol.

Although I love that rhyme it's a classic.

One bright day in the middle of the night
Two dead boys got up to fight
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their swords and shot each other
A deaf policeman heard the noise
He came and shot those two dead boys
And if you don't believe this lie is true
Ask the blind man he saw it, too.
Celda 211 (Cell 211)

Spanish film about a newly recruited guard- Juan Oliver- who gets caught in the middle of a prison riot and subsequently has to try and convince the rioters he is actually a prisoner too. At the same time Juan has to ensure the prisoners don't do anything seriously stupid (which they are seemingly prone to do)- like give up the only leverage they have in the form of three ETA hostages, thus giving the SWAT team reason to come in and kill anyone they see fit- possibly including himself. The reason for this being that to protect his identity from the cons, the only people who know who he is are the prison guards. As far as everyone else knows Juan is just another prisoner. Everyone, that is, bar his pregnant wife who, worried about her husbands safety, takes matters into her own hands- involuntarily brewing up a shit storm in the process.

I was surprised at how good this film was, I wasn't really expecting much from it (though if I had read the IMDB ratings beforehand, I probably should have had high expectations). One or two perhaps implausible situations that make you stop and think 'would they really do that, in that situation?' But then what film doesn't have those occasions? Like all good Foreign films the English subtitles aren't a problem, and you barely notice them.

Overall it's probably about a 7/10, and definitely worth a watch. Juan's pregnant wife is dead cute as well, so that's a plus. Though shockingly, according to IMDB, she's actually dating Malmadre (the leader of the riots) in real life. Which, if nothing else, will most likely instantly make you up your chances of pulling a hot Spanish lass