Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Kung Fu Panda - The movie left me underwhelmed. Made the mistake of watching it when it was hyped up by my friends, all of whom enjoyed it. Decent watch, nothing deeply special. Probably too predictable, even for animation movie standards.

Borat - Excellent! One of the best comedies ever made.

Empire of the Sun - One of the those movies you don't regret watching whatsoever, but wouldn't really give it a second viewing (not in a grotesque sense). Bale was outstanding. John Malkhovic (sp?) was excellent.
So Ghost in the Shell 2, is really just GITS 1 with some minor effects added? That's disappointing.
I think you're referring to Ghost in the Shell 2.0, which basically is just an upgrade of the first movie. Innocence is the name of the sequel.

Yeah, I saw 2.0.

So there is a sequel! Nice.

I remember seeing some GITS story (I think) which takes place in a big weird house. Is that the sequel?
Up In The Air-absolutely excellent, top class from Clooney. Great story

Stylish french assassin film directed by Luc Besson. After murdering a cop Nikita is forced to carry out assignments for the government instead of being sent to jail.

As with Leon, the film is driven by the character rather than the action. The main character has depth to her and provides a great performance as a fragile but remorseless killer. Also has a sweet little cameo from Jean Reno. Definitely more of a drama than an action film but well worth checking out. Might be worth mentioning it's in french before any of you subtitle hating 'tards wind up disappointed.

Watched Moon last night. Superb. A great simple premise, very well acted out. 8/10
A Bronx Tale

Watchable enough gangster flick dealing with a boy's relationships with his father and the local mafia don. Not an A-list mafia film, but certainly worth your time. Solid performances all round, with De Niro in his usual first class form, and the kid actors generally decent. The black girl who plays the love interest is diabolical though. Truly horrendous piece of casting.

Various things in the film do stretch credulity however. I think it indulges the gangster with a heart of gold theme a bit too much and shirks having to show the Sonny character's darker side as much as it could have. Some more extreme confrontations between De Niro's character and the mafia types with Sonny making a greater show of the De Niro character's relative powerlessness would also have made it a more challenging and ultimately satisfying movie experience. Furthermore, a group of high school kids electing to retaliate to an egg attack by using guns and gasoline is something that also seemed a bit unlikely.

Irréversible - I didn't really like the opening scenes but I thought everything after that was excellent. Cassel brilliant as usual.
Dorian Gray - I'm struggling to decide if I really liked it or not. I guess it was OK.
What Dreams May Come - A bit style over substance but I liked it. Very warm and visually great.
Sherlock Holmes

Not brilliant no, but good, simple fun, and some good performances from Robert Downey Jnr and Jude Law. Rachel McAdams is ridiculously good looking.

Sherlock Holmes

Not brilliant no, but good, simple fun, and some good performances from Robert Downey Jnr and Jude Law. Rachel McAdams is ridiculously good looking.


I'd give it an 8/10. I am an avid reader of Doyle's works, and I walked into the theatre assuming I would be able to predict Holme's deductions and actions based on what I saw in his works. I failed in this aspect. Very good movie.
What amused me was that I read a few bad reviews saying that Guy Ritchie was unfaithful to the source material, because Holmes didn't wear a deerstalker, didn't say 'elementary my dear Watson', Watson wasn't a bumbling fat idiot etc, when none of that was in the original source material at all.
Yeah I saw that on a flight a couple of days back. Good, simple movie.

Other movies seen on same flight:
Up - Not sure why everyone was going on about this one. Didn't really find that special. Your everyday animation movie. Guess it had to be seen in 3D.

Love Songs - Louis Garrel continues to show up in weird sex movies(Ma mere, The Dreamers). I suppose if I knew french I would have enjoyed the music more.

Babel - Another average movie. 6/10
The first 2 of Eric Rohmer's 6 Moral Tales:

The Bakery Girl of Monceau. While a very rough film, you can see where Rohmer is going from the beginning. It seems a bit jumpy, and the action doesn't seem to make sense at times, but overall not a bad watch.

Suzanne's Career. A more refined effort that Monceau. Rohmer is gaining in his view and voice, and as such we are shown a more complete movie. While better than Monceau, it still lacks a certain something.
Yeah I saw that on a flight a couple of days back. Good, simple movie.

Other movies seen on same flight:
Up - Not sure why everyone was going on about this one. Didn't really find that special. Your everyday animation movie. Guess it had to be seen in 3D.

Love Songs - Louis Garrel continues to show up in weird sex movies(Ma mere, The Dreamers). I suppose if I knew french I would have enjoyed the music more.

Babel - Another average movie. 6/10
Love Songs is the on where
the main character's girlfriend dies, he then gets in a relationship with a friend's brother or something right?
Had a good little session of movies over Christmas..

Tyson (Documentary)

Amazing insight into one of the worlds greatest boxers. Going into this I didn't have much knowledge of his career as I've only recently got into boxing, and all I knew of him was learnt from the media, but here you really get to know him as a person. In the ring the man is an animal, but out of it he comes across as completely humble and gentle. Really touching documentary. 9/10

Religulous (Documentary)

Another documentary, this time it's Bill Mayers take on Religion. For those who don't know he is a popular American comedian, and he displays sharp wit and humour in his questioning of the religious people he interviews. Although he comes across as clever and does make some funny points, his documentary is very bias, he does pick the absolute extremes of people which works brilliantly in the name of comedy but means that it doesn't make for many interesting debates or insights. Still very enjoyable though. 8/10


Spike Jonze has only made 3 movies, and if Where the Wild things are turns out to be anywhere near as good as his first two I'm bound to enjoy it. Adaptation weaves several plots together, you have Charlie Kauffman (a real life person) who is trying to adapt a book called The Orchid Thief (a real book) into a screenplay, his brother (a fictional character) who is a perfectly content screenwriter hack who just wants to make a big hitter in return for cash, the author of the book herself and her interviews with John Laroche (another real person and the Orchid Thief himself), and then parts of John Laroches life. The film manages to weave these plots together, with themes of obsession, passion, love, talent.. which all eventually come together for an explosive ending. The reason I mention that the film contains a mix of fictional and real characters is it what makes it so interesting to think about, how much of it actually happened.. what was the meaning of the surreal third act... It's really great stuff. Also brilliantly acted and I must say Nicolas Cage really does a fecking job here, the whole cast is pretty much awesome but he stands out his role as twin brothers, both being complete opposites. 8.5/10


Stylish comedy about four friends trying to make it in LA. The main character (John Favreau) recently dumped is girlfriend but desperately wants her back, his friends decide to get him back in the social scene to meet a new girl. Great little flick with some classic scenes and quotable lines, served as a launch pad for various names including Ron Lovingston, Heather Graham and Vince Vaughn who was my favourite in this film by far. 7.5/10
Blood In Blood Out

Gangster flick charting the course of three young men from the same family who start out in the same Mexican street gang in East Los Angeles but ultimately end up taking very different paths in life. Once you get past the initially cringing Spanglish dialogue and stylised acting, you're left with a superbly plotted and thoroughly engrossing storyline that never wavers. The three main actors plod their way through the first scenes but seem to get much, much better as the movie progresses.

One of the truly great gangster flicks in film history. You all need to watch this.

The Hangover - 9/10

Four friends head to Las Vegas for a stag party. They wake up the next morning, they don't remember a thing about the night before, the groom is missing and they are due back for the wedding the next day.

I watched this a few weeks ago with my mum and sister and what a fantastic movie it was, it was just brilliant humour from start to finish. You drive yourself crazy wondering what the hell has happened to the groom (well I did anyway). Wonderful film, a must see.
Just finished with District 9, highly enjoyable. The directing style was very nice, it was gritty and had a refreshing take on an alien encounter. The segregation, 'racism', riots, crime... all of what was going on in the slums felt realistic and really sucked me into the film. 7.5/10
If you want to watch a movie that's pretty much just sex and music, that's not categorized as a porno, watch 9 Songs. If you want to watch a movie that is not fecking terrible though, don't watch it.
I couldn't believe that Winterbottom had made a shagfest of a movie and managed to bore seven shades of shite out of me.
The Hangover - 9/10

Four friends head to Las Vegas for a stag party. They wake up the next morning, they don't remember a thing about the night before, the groom is missing and they are due back for the wedding the next day.

I watched this a few weeks ago with my mum and sister and what a fantastic movie it was, it was just brilliant humour from start to finish. You drive yourself crazy wondering what the hell has happened to the groom (well I did anyway). Wonderful film, a must see.

I laughed out loud when the bride's brother attempted to create a blood bond by cutting himself with the knife. Excellent humor.
I laughed out loud when the bride's brother attempted to create a blood bond by cutting himself with the knife. Excellent humor.

Yeah that was really funny, I liked the part where they go to Mike Tyson's house and watch the CCTV footage of taking his tiger. Tyson's face is priceless :lol:
The hangover had a few really funny bits but was a rubbish film.

The Tyson bits in particular. And the random comedy Chinaman stiff was embarrassingly bad. Plus the "Woops we left him on the roof an forgot ending was utterly shit. Funny at times but I expected a great deal more.
Could somebody recommend me a movie? I've heard "Boy A" is good, anybody seen it?

Preferably something to do with nature, or desert islands like Cast Away or Lord of the Flies. Maybe I should see Alive?
I can actually understand why some people wont like this film - there is nothing suprising in the storyline and the whole thing it is very bleak - but then Aranovsky has never been the cheeriest of directors!

But even if you didnt like the plot or style of the film, you must still be able to appreciate the outstanding performance from Mickey Rourke?
I've seen Milk and The Wrestler recently - dont want to take anything away from Sean Penn but Rourke had to win this Oscar - IMO it really doesnt get much better than this.
I agreed with you. Mickey Rourke is incredible in this movie, make no mistake about it. The role fits him very well, and he made the most out of the bleak storyline. But again, I was kinda underwhelmed with the whole movie itself that his acting didn't jump out of the page for me just yet. Maybe it's just me.

Will have to watch Up in the Air, Sherlock Holmes, and Avatar very soon.