Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

28 Week Later

Hated 28 Days Later so was a bit sceptical about this, was quite enjoyable though but all children in films piss me off - they're always outspoken and act like no children ever would like 10 year olds standing up to their parents. Anyway back to the film, I'd give it a 7/10.

That Roselyn Byrne bird is fit and she's in Sunshine which I've just switched on now. Another gripe I have about films is that astronauts are usually pretty fecking dumb and there's always some jock dickhead who likes to fight the other astronauts. In real life, it takes a long long time to become an astronaut and you have to be really intelligent with a broad knowledge of physics amongst other things. Also, they're not all good looking.

The Chaser

A brilliant South Korean thriller. It's about a former cop who now is a pimp. Several of his girls have disappeared and he decides to find out why.

An american remake is already on it's way apparently. :rolleyes:

Hard Boiled

One big cliche. But I guess this movie was about something else. The gunfight in the hospital is unforgettable. I quite enjoyed it.
Didn't quite like the beginning and end of it, with the wife/daughter, just made me cringe. But the action and some of the fight sequences were pretty badass.

Considering the wife/daughter moment was pretty short and did just enough to established his motivation and all, I think they did a decent job.

Neeson was great, personally the most badass moment was when he said to the kidnapper that he will find them.
Michael Clayton. The movie I liked, the three women asking questions throughout the entire movie I didn't like.

I love it when they ask, who is this guy, etc? Ummm I dont fecking know watch the movie. Took my sisters to a movie they wanted to see today, Twilight, what a piece of shit. That said miles better than the happening. 4/10
I watched Sideways yesterday. Great movie, most of you probably have seen it, but if not you should go to the nearest video renting store and get it from there. It started out bit slow but it got better after Jack & Miles went out with Maya and the girl from Grey's Anatomy. I laughed out loud when Miles had to go and get Jacks wallet :smirk:
The Illusionist.

Very very good. Every mm is very well used, no sign of predictability. Magic.
Will Smiths new film - Seven Pounds.

Not bad, the end of it would choke anybody up who is weak emotionally.

Takes a while for the film to get going, but decent nonetheless, Will Smith is brilliant as always.
North by Northwest

Just brilliant. Hitchcock at his best (I might change this statement later after watching Vertigo and Rear Window).
Seven Pounds

Brilliant, touching, insightful, quality acting.

Saw Quarantine the other day. Didn't pull of the style as well as Cloverfield, and the only actor I recognised was the mother (who was Alan's ex wife in 2 and a Half Men). The characters are increasingly incompetent, and it ends up being one of those movies that you come out of talking with your mates about how you would have gone about it. The last 15 or so minutes are quite tense.

The Bad Sleep Well - 8/10

A gripping film about corporate corruption set in Japan. The plot and style of the film has a noirish feel to it, and Kurosawa once again makes brilliant use of the camera.
I'm almost ashamed to admit that I watched the following film for the 1st time.

Apocalypse Now (9/10)

First broadcast in the year of my birth, 29 years ago somehow has gone under my radar - but what a great film - with great visuals and a great soundtrack plus a whole host of now Hollywood heavyweights.

I only stumbled across it because I was looking up some Dennis Hopper films I could watch.
I'm almost ashamed to admit that I watched the following film for the 1st time.

Apocalypse Now (9/10)

First broadcast in the year of my birth, 29 years ago somehow has gone under my radar - but what a great film - with great visuals and a great soundtrack plus a whole host of now Hollywood heavyweights.

I only stumbled across it because I was looking up some Dennis Hopper films I could watch.

you have watched the Godfather films right? :D
Only about 50 times each (apart from the 3rd one - once was enough)

Have seen the likes of Platoon, Hamburger Hill - no idea how I've missed this.

yeah he should have stopped with godfather II.....Coppola released the Godfather films again on DVD...digitalized or summat...but I hope some day he will release the Godfather Epic on DVD...which is 1 and 2 in proper chronological order.
I'm almost ashamed to admit that I watched the following film for the 1st time.

Apocalypse Now (9/10)

First broadcast in the year of my birth, 29 years ago somehow has gone under my radar - but what a great film - with great visuals and a great soundtrack plus a whole host of now Hollywood heavyweights.

I only stumbled across it because I was looking up some Dennis Hopper films I could watch.

Wow!!! That movie is actually an insitution. FF Coppola, Brando, Hopper, Harrison Ford, R Duvall even L Fishbourne is in it.
would suggest you also get a hold of Deer Hunter and Full Metal Jacket if you have not seen those....

Aye The Deer Hunter is a cracker, not seen it for a good few years but might have to dig it out and have a proper Vietnam war weekend.

FMJ is a good film too, the more serious second half of the film for me is better than the first half, although the Lee Ermey scenes grad the limelight.
I watched Full Metal Jacket today for the 1st time, was a quality film. I've never really seen the old classics as i've usually never got time to sit and watch them.

Saw scarface yesterday, FMJ today and going to watch the godfather part 1 tonight.

I've clearly lead a sheltered life when it comes to watching films!!
You'll love Godfather. Although, I'll just say it was crap, just so you don;t get your hopes too hight.

Watched Saw last night, I knew it was shite, but THAT shite???