Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Talking of Hitchcock, I saw Rear Window for the first time last night and thought it was a great film, Grace Kelly and James Stewart were captivating actors and next to this Disturbia just looks a bit silly.

One of my students is doing a sequence from Disturbia for her close analysis, and must say the similarities to Rear Window (or should that be 'taking liberties'?) were there. Didn't really bother to watch all of it - is it any good?
I did, thank you, Ole. Tried to download it but don't have the necessary codec (or something technical) to do so. Hoping a contact in my IT dept can help me out on this one.

Aha, I'm not the only retard here then.

Seems like we've reviewed the same movies several times over now. Some of us have anyway. Someone suggested a "lets all watch the same movie" idea. Perhaps we should give it a shot.

Also, I saw Charade a couple of days back. Had no idea Audrey Hepburn was that beautiful. She didnt look all that in Love in the Afternoon but in Charade I actually replayed a few scenes because she looked breathtakingly gorgeous. Decent movie too.
The Day The Earth Stood Still.

I know what you lot think of it, and Keanu Reeves in general....but I liked it, yep was a good film. Havent seen the original and probably wont but from what I've seen it was a decent film with a nice message to it. But me being the typical green, tree-hugging loon would very much nod my head throughout the entire duration of the film.

And is it me or does the Klaatu role suit Keanu perfectly? He can't act but he does this whole face paralysis thing very well.

Oh and Jennifer Connelly :drool:
Youth Without Youth I know Coppola likes to take risks but this was a risk too far. Slow, nonsensical and ultimately pointless with a large sprinkle of pretentiousness thrown in for good measure. Looks good but I want my 2 hours back. 2/10
Hancock - all right (since when is Xabi Alonso also an actor?)
I thought Hancock was good. Films like that shouldn't have every detail critically analysed. Just sit back and enjoy it.
Yeah, I agree. Movies like that are designed for pure entertainment and I did enjoy it. There is really no need to look up for a deeper meaning.
While I'm here I might a well give my thoughts on a few other films.

Superbad Looked forward to seeing this one, as I had been told it was hilarious but was left disappointed. Too many poor attempts at jokes that friends and I would have with each other, and we do them funnier. The plot wasn't really an original idea either and in the end was left asking 'Is that it?'.

Tropic thunder Another one which was advertised well as I thought I was in for a real treat. I thought it started well with the mock film trailers and the plot behind the film was a good idea, I just felt they could have used it better. Some of the Robert Downey Jr. moments were good but all in all it was lacking and just looked stupid.

Haven't seen any good comedy films in a while, the only good recent one's I can think of are Dodgeball and Anchorman. Can anyone else suggest others?
Tropic Thunder was horrible. It looked promising in the trailers because they stuffed all the funny scenes in it.

Saw Mallrats the other day as well, poor IMO.
Haven't seen Mallrats yet, or Chasing Amy. Want to see both of them though. Jay and Silent Bob Strike back was good when I first saw it but watched it again recently and realised it was quite poor.
Haven't seen Mallrats yet, or Chasing Amy. Want to see both of them though. Jay and Silent Bob Strike back was good when I first saw it but watched it again recently and realised it was quite poor.

Dogma is the View Askew film that I'd recommend, for me it's by far their best.
Be Kind Rewind

I can only base my opinion on the first half of this film, but it was god awful. So bad I turned it off. It looked like something you would expect a student to turn in for their A-levels.

2/10 (for the original idea - hard to think of any other pro's. One day when I'm really bored I'll watch the rest, but it really didn't look like it was going to get any better).
28 Week Later

Hated 28 Days Later so was a bit sceptical about this, was quite enjoyable though but all children in films piss me off - they're always outspoken and act like no children ever would like 10 year olds standing up to their parents. Anyway back to the film, I'd give it a 7/10.

That Roselyn Byrne bird is fit and she's in Sunshine which I've just switched on now. Another gripe I have about films is that astronauts are usually pretty fecking dumb and there's always some jock dickhead who likes to fight the other astronauts. In real life, it takes a long long time to become an astronaut and you have to be really intelligent with a broad knowledge of physics amongst other things. Also, they're not all good looking.
Somers Town
Directed by Shane Meadows (This Is England, Dead Mans Shoes)

Two teenagers, both newcomers to London, forge an unlikely friendship over the course of a hot summer. Tomo (Thomas Turgoose) is a runaway from Nottingham; Marek (Piotr Jagiello) lives in the district of Somers Town, between King's Cross and Euston stations, where his dad is working on a new rail link. The boys are both infatuated with the same girl, and pass their days bickering over which of them loves her the most. Finding himself homeless, Tomo surreptitiously moves into Marek's bedroom - but it's only a matter of time before Marek's dad discovers what's going on... (source IMBD)

Cracking film, only on for a little over an hour, very funny too.

I believe this film is illegally circulating the internet, if you want to report the rapidshare links I can provide info.

Dont mess iwth the Zohan

Stupidly funny, i laughed out loud a number of times at it, but then i like stupid funny.

One of Sandlers most recent bests. I watched with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised.
Guys I'm looking for some good action movies since I'm on holidays ,would you mind giving me some directions please ?
ps: Not movies like Rocky,Rambo :D
Guys I'm looking for some good action movies since I'm on holidays ,would you mind giving me some directions please ?
ps: Not movies like Rocky,Rambo :D

The Last Boy Scout or 16 Blocks.
Be Kind Rewind

I can only base my opinion on the first half of this film, but it was god awful. So bad I turned it off. It looked like something you would expect a student to turn in for their A-levels.

2/10 (for the original idea - hard to think of any other pro's. One day when I'm really bored I'll watch the rest, but it really didn't look like it was going to get any better).

exactly my thoughts, absolutely the worst movie I have seen this year
Guys I'm looking for some good action movies since I'm on holidays ,would you mind giving me some directions please ?
ps: Not movies like Rocky,Rambo :D

Taken (Liam Neeson)

Feck, that's a good revenge movie.

Didn't quite like the beginning and end of it, with the wife/daughter, just made me cringe. But the action and some of the fight sequences were pretty badass.