Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Romper Stomper was great until they decided to demonstrate what a sensitive, likeable sort of guy his nazi mate was by showing him being nice to his grandmother.

Trite as feck.

Otherwise a good film though.
Wanted and Hancock

Suprisingly entertaining, although that could be because my expectations were low. Decent Friday night rental stuff.
Wanted was total shit to be fair, I hope you found Hancock to be better?
Wanted was alright. Just accept it`s ridiculous action scenes for what they are. Hancock was better, yes.

Next up Get Smart and Fred Claus - just finished doing the tree as well. :)
Transporter 3.

Transporter 1 knew it was crap and had a tongue in cheek element about it, plus fecking good fighting scenes, number 2 was just awful and this is just a pathetic excuse for a bland action film with some far fetched stunts scattered about the place. The action is fairly shite to be honest, not that you can see it - it's filmed in mega-close-up-and-blurry-super-quick-editing format.

Saw V

After the new low hit by Saw III and Saw IV this was better, more believable story, but still incomparable with I and II and a little bit shit.
Pineapple Express


Shit's hilarious, crazy fun from Seth Rogan and James Franco again. The Superbad of 2008.


A fillum about sex addicts in middle America. Sam Rockwell is perfectly cast yet the film never really takes off, despite being marginally funny at times. This is an adaptation of Chuck Palantinuicks novel of the same name, and it ain't no Fight Club. Pretty forgettable, all in all.
October Sky
The true story of Homer Hickam, a coal miner's son who was inspired by the first Sputnik launch to take up rocketry against his father's wishes.

Thought it was excellent.
Finally got round to watching Election 2. Excellent film despite me having to watch it with French subs because I was too lazy to find the English ones. Actually thought it was better than the original although I must admit I was a bit pissed when I was watching the first one. 8/10.
Bar the first 25 minutes (including crap entry animated sequence with gay music) it was quite enjoyable. However I missed those typical parts of Bond movies..."Bond… James Bond", "A martini. Shaken, not stirred" or lack of "macgivers equipment". Quantum of Solace
Not sure if its been mentioned before but watched 'Rec' over the weekend. Its the original Spanish version of the Hollywood re-make, 'Quarantine'.

First horror film since Ju-On which has nailed me to the sofa...70 minutes of atmospeheric suspense and terror.

Have no desire to see the re-make now after watching this - anyone out there seen either?

Bar the first 25 minutes (including crap entry animated sequence with gay music) it was quite enjoyable. However I missed those typical parts of Bond movies..."Bond… James Bond", "A martini. Shaken, not stirred" or lack of "macgivers equipment". Quantum of Solace

No Q yet...
I watched Ran today - best film ever. Every time I watch it I'm more and more convinced. Since I have a week off I'm going to have a Kurosawa fest, Red Beard, Ikiru, Stray Dog, The Hidden Fortress,The Throne of Blood, Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, Sanjuro and Rashomon - all classic. Ran is the greatest of all though
"This is England" 5/10 Sorry mates, but that was just not a good movie. Might be patriotic for some of you, but I wish it potrayed bit more society during the Thatcher era.
I watched Ran today - best film ever. Every time I watch it I'm more and more convinced. Since I have a week off I'm going to have a Kurosawa fest, Red Beard, Ikiru, Stray Dog, The Hidden Fortress,The Throne of Blood, Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, Sanjuro and Rashomon - all classic. Ran is the greatest of all though

I love Ran, fantastic movie. Might watch Throne of Blood tomorrow. :D
"This is England" 5/10 Sorry mates, but that was just not a good movie. Might be patriotic for some of you, but I wish it potrayed bit more society during the Thatcher era.

It wasn't a good movie. It was a great movie. And is was also very representative, within a dramatic setting of course, of the UK at that time in Northern England. patriotism doesn't come in to it and in fact i can't see how anyone would be patriotic about that film because it doesn't show England in a good light.
I watched Ran today - best film ever. Every time I watch it I'm more and more convinced. Since I have a week off I'm going to have a Kurosawa fest, Red Beard, Ikiru, Stray Dog, [/b]The Hidden Fortress,[/b]The Throne of Blood, Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, Sanjuro and Rashomon - all classic. Ran is the greatest of all though

Not sure how freely available it is but 'Dursu Uzala' is one of my favourites.
I liked Dead Man's Shoes.Think This is England is one of the very best films about England. Looking forward to seeing Eurostar the movie, looks good.

I downloaded that last year, yet to see it, though, along with Dreams and Ikiru.

Dreams is brilliant and mind numbingly ponderous in equal measure, worth a watch though. Can't argue with Ikiru.
LA Confidential did this IMO, way better movie aswell

LA Confidential was excellent no doubt about it, and certainly put Crowe on the map to some degree, but overall he probably gave a better performance in The Insider where he was the lead as opposed LA Confidential where he wasnt
This afternoon's "film I really enjoyed after thinking it was going to be total shit" award goes to....

Birthday Girl.

Which I saw years ago. I have no idea why I thought of it or feel compelled to share this now.

Great cameos. Very funny. And always nice when you enjoy something you had no hopes for at all.