Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I thought it was good.

I always knew McDonald's were unhealthy though, but this movie did a good job bringing it up to a whole new perspective.

Anything is unhealthy if you do it enough. McDonalds one a month for a Big Mac is fine. It's funny I think people are far better off smoking cigs all day all the time than they are being obese, sure the smoking is doing a number on your lungs, but being obese is doing a number on your whole body.

That said, Tropic Thunder 7.5/10 nothing spectacular but a film with a ton of stars that certainly has its moments. alpa chino :lol:

Quantum of Solace-6.5/10 - kinda reminded me of License to Kill, in the way Bond didnt have any gadgets and was motivated largely by revenge. Could have been better, but wasnt as bad as I had expected after the early reviews on here. Craig needs a better script I liked Casino Royale the second and third times I saw it but somehow felt somewhat the same not enough Bond in it. Certainly they have been more Bourne than Bond, a franchise that isnt as good as Bond by a long shot. I have to say I havent been all that impressed by Craig as a Bond, which is more the scripts he has than anything, I am fine if they want to go with the dark angle but give him some lines. I certainly dont think either of his movies have surpassed Goldeneye, Die Another Day, or Tomorrow Never Dies of which only Goldeneye was great(as for the world is not enough that was just shit). Craig better get it going or we might see Pierce back, just kidding, but I want the next Bond movie to actually be good and have acting and action, and mother fecking Bond gadgets, hell the coolest gadget Craig has had was a small defibrillator:lol:
I thought Supersize Me was a bit disappointing, a bit crass. Of course if you eat nothing but McDonalds for a month its going to feck you over. Was that seriously news for anyone? I guess it was interesting in a way to see, specifically, what would happen. But I thought it was too extreme an example to be useful to people in their everyday lives.

It think because it went after McDonalds specifically it failed to put across the point that fast food in general is the problem. People might vary what they eat among pizzas, chinese food, burgers etc, but that is also bad for you - and a lot of people do that, whereas nobody actually eats nothing but Mcdonalds for a month. Sure, it would be less dramatic.... but I would have liked it to be more academic - kind of like The Corporation but looking at fast food culture instead of corporations.
Saw James bond...

Was what i expected after bad reports, wasn't as bad as everyone carries on. The theme song suits it 100%. Enjoyable movie. Has set up the scene for a more classic bond movie next now that he hasn't got any issues.
Saw James bond...

Was what i expected after bad reports, wasn't as bad as everyone carries on. The theme song suits it 100%. Enjoyable movie. Has set up the scene for a more classic bond movie next now that he hasn't got any issues.

I could see the next one being very good and involving that crime syndicate that they are uncovering, hopefully they dont do something completely contrived, but instead continue to build on Craig's Bond. As I said I have no problem with him being dark, but they do need to develop that more
I could see the next one being very good and involving that crime syndicate that they are uncovering, hopefully they dont do something completely contrived, but instead continue to build on Craig's Bond. As I said I have no problem with him being dark, but they do need to develop that more


I think that is more what i meant to say :P

Build on Craig's 'dark' bond and now that he is not emotionally attatched to anything he can go after lecheif.

I still odn't understand why people dont like a dark bond... considering his character in books was an alcoholic who would kill without remorse.

I think that is more what i meant to say :P

Build on Craig's 'dark' bond and now that he is not emotionally attatched to anything he can go after lecheif.

I still odn't understand why people dont like a dark bond... considering his character in books was an alcoholic who would kill without remorse.

He always has been a bit of an alche and killed without remorse, I have no problem with them going after the angle as long as they develop it, that said he wont be able to go the sauve route a la Brosnan
He always has been a bit of an alche and killed without remorse, I have no problem with them going after the angle as long as they develop it, that said he wont be able to go the sauve route a la Brosnan

suave as in what?

He already loves girls, fine suits and fine cars?

Do you mean the sleazy side of it?
Come on Brosnan was a far more charming Bond than Craig who is more a Ill take what I like type of guy, nothing wrong with it
Come on Brosnan was a far more charming Bond than Craig who is more a Ill take what I like type of guy, nothing wrong with it

Craig is pretty classy though.

Brosnan is sleazy classy. Like your great uncle who uses pickup lines on teenagers.
Empire of the sun

Fantastic. Christian Bale at the age of 13 is phenomenal and I really felt as the part of the story. Very intensive.
Been flying long haul so just seen the following:

Indiana Jones 4: 7/10
Nothing new here but still done pretty well - fans of the series should enjoy it.
I feel like they may be lining up Shia LeBeouf to continue the franchise but I hope they let it die now.

Hancock: 5.5/10
Great idea, poor execution - the storyline lets it down and it is all downhill after a promising start .

X Files- I Want to Believe: 3/10
One of the worst films I have seen in a long time. Crap plot, crap acting, not even any great action or special effects to relieve the boredom - just completely pointless from start to finish and must be the death of the XFiles.
Only the appearance of Billy Connolly gave me any interest at all.

The Incredibles: 8.5/10
mrs.roodboy made me watch this and Im glad she did - really enjoyed it. Always amazes me that Pixar manage to pull off films that appeal to both adults and kids - highly recommended.
Come on Brosnan was a far more charming Bond than Craig who is more a Ill take what I like type of guy, nothing wrong with it

I agree that Brosnan was more charming than Craig, but for me that style Bond really doesn't work any more, in the original films, the writers weren't trying to keep bond politically correct which gave him an edge to the charm.
Brosnan always seemed to be pretty soulless on screen, whether this was more down to the PC restrictions or his wooden acting is debatable, but I think it's a combination of both.
Twilight: saw it last night. it's the best movie EVER!!
OMG, Cedric is so dreamy!! I think I nearly fainted just seeing the opening scenes. one of my girlfriends wet herself, OMG.
we were so excited we didn't even want to listen to her. we were like, whatever! it's started already. this was the best time of my life.

just kidding, that movies all the rage now it seems. feckin Hollywood has the teens all abuzz.
The Magic Blade. Certainly one of the more elaborate of the Shaw Brothers movies. At times a bit slow, but some of the fight scenes are really quite good. The weapons are more creative than most other movies of the genre. Worth a watch if you like the genre.
That said, Tropic Thunder 7.5/10 nothing spectacular but a film with a ton of stars that certainly has its moments. alpa chino :lol:

thought it was fecking terrible

Ben Stiller hasn`t made a funny movie in a long time.
Twilight: saw it last night. it's the best movie EVER!!
OMG, Cedric is so dreamy!! I think I nearly fainted just seeing the opening scenes. one of my girlfriends wet herself, OMG.
we were so excited we didn't even want to listen to her. we were like, whatever! it's started already. this was the best time of my life.

just kidding, that movies all the rage now it seems. feckin Hollywood has the teens all abuzz.

saw it last night. yes, I feel less of a man today.

When the main guy came on screen(not literally) some girls in the audience started clapping(and probably came literally). Very, very emo. It`ll make a ton of money.

Ok. But take Cheadle out and it would be (bellow) average.
This Is England: 8/10

I was expecting something like a UK version of American History X but this was very different - worth watching and also has a great soundtrack
Waltz with Bashir - Israeli animation that explores the military experiences of young conscripts in Lebanon leading up to the Sabra and Shatila massacres. Parallels to Apocalpyse Now, there's an uneasy identification and sympathy with the with individual Israeli soldiers side by side with a fairly strongly pointed finger at Ariel Sharon. Not an easy watch but well worthwhile.
This Is England: 8/10

I was expecting something like a UK version of American History X but this was very different - worth watching and also has a great soundtrack

I'd say superior in every way to American History X. My favourite film from last year.
I'd say superior in every way to American History X. My favourite film from last year.

I never saw what about American History X was so great, although it is a very good movie, nothing legendary or special.

Wedding Crashers Uncorked fecking awesome
I'm re-watching the new BBC adaptation of Sense and Sensibility. I know from the first viewing it's actually rather good, but there are some annoying deviations from the book:

1) The Edward Ferrars of the novel is boring, awkward and plain. The 1981 BBC version accepted this, then Hugh Grant made him charming and handsome but still awkward in '95, and now he's even more handsome and charming and as relaxed and natural as a dog chasing etc etc - in fact he seems to think he's Willoughby - and then you get Marianne complaining of his lack of spirit. I mean, feck off. Also there's actually a point to his being boring, awkward and plain: he's supposed to be the antithesis of Marianne's notion of a lover.

2) The Willoughby of the novel is, as everyone knows, unbelievably handsome, charming, dashing, swashbuckling and whatever, but in the series he's a sinister-looking goblin. What's that all about?

3) For some reason they've found it necessary to make Fanny Dashwood twice as odious as in the novel, where she's quite insufferable enough for the reader to want to twist her head off. In Austen's days, the Fanny of the series would have been shipped to Australia for unsubtle and scandalous rudeness.
Watched 'Body of Lies' a couple of days ago. Decent story, backed up by good performances from Russel Crowe and Leo Di Caprio.
I've had the weekend from hell in terms of movies. Was forced to watch What Happens in Vegas, Made to Honor and Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium. It was fecking horrible. At least they(missus family) agreed that over christmas I get to pick all the movies.
Jeff Dunham's special Christmas special, hilarious, have not laughed so much in a long time and that takes some doing.
Immortel (ad vitam)

Very weird sci-fi movie. I was a bit drunk when i watched it which made it even more weirder. Half of the characters are real actors, the other half are cgi animated.
It's like The Fifth Element and Blade Runner mixed with rape-hungry Egyptian gods.

Tropic Thunder

Rubbish, waste of time. Where are the good old times of movie parody?
Transporter 3. Yesterday I watched a movie about vampires and this movie, it's hard to tell which is more realistic. Some decent action, very little else.

Twilight. Can't see what the big deal is to be honest.
I'm going to watch The Counterfeiters, a foreign film which is supposedly fantastic.

And then Archangel will be up next, starring Daniel Craig. Will be interesting to see how (I'm assuming) non-Russians do a Russian film.