I thought it was good.
I always knew McDonald's were unhealthy though, but this movie did a good job bringing it up to a whole new perspective.
Anything is unhealthy if you do it enough. McDonalds one a month for a Big Mac is fine. It's funny I think people are far better off smoking cigs all day all the time than they are being obese, sure the smoking is doing a number on your lungs, but being obese is doing a number on your whole body.
That said, Tropic Thunder 7.5/10 nothing spectacular but a film with a ton of stars that certainly has its moments. alpa chino

Quantum of Solace-6.5/10 - kinda reminded me of License to Kill, in the way Bond didnt have any gadgets and was motivated largely by revenge. Could have been better, but wasnt as bad as I had expected after the early reviews on here. Craig needs a better script I liked Casino Royale the second and third times I saw it but somehow felt somewhat the same not enough Bond in it. Certainly they have been more Bourne than Bond, a franchise that isnt as good as Bond by a long shot. I have to say I havent been all that impressed by Craig as a Bond, which is more the scripts he has than anything, I am fine if they want to go with the dark angle but give him some lines. I certainly dont think either of his movies have surpassed Goldeneye, Die Another Day, or Tomorrow Never Dies of which only Goldeneye was great(as for the world is not enough that was just shit). Craig better get it going or we might see Pierce back, just kidding, but I want the next Bond movie to actually be good and have acting and action, and mother fecking Bond gadgets, hell the coolest gadget Craig has had was a small defibrillator