Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Apparantly Clerks is good but having seen Dogma and Jersey Girl I didn't dare attempt it.

Mallrats is alright.
Apparantly Clerks is good but having seen Dogma and Jersey Girl I didn't dare attempt it.

Mallrats is alright.

Clerks is a classic film - i used to be a fan of Kevin Smith (I like clerks, mall rats and chasing amy) but his recent stuff has been pretty shite - if you have only seen Dogma and Jersey Girl then you have only seen the worst of his stuff
Watched Quantum Of Solace last night.

It’s ok. The action is good and looks visually stunning, for half an hour I didn’t know where the film was going and by the end it had kind of passed me by and had me still a little puzzled by stuff. The plot never gripped me, I never felt involved or like it was remotely important. Ultimately, I can name 10 better Bond films. Oh and the gun barrel sequence is at the end, not the beginning. Gay.
Watched Quantum Of Solace last night.

It’s ok. The action is good and looks visually stunning, for half an hour I didn’t know where the film was going and by the end it had kind of passed me by and had me still a little puzzled by stuff. The plot never gripped me, I never felt involved or like it was remotely important. Ultimately, I can name 10 better Bond films. Oh and the gun barrel sequence is at the end, not the beginning. Gay.

Agree with almost all of that. I almost fell asleep after the first half hour of ridiculous action scene after ridculous action scene. I felt the plot had a good premise but didn't really develop anything. It ended up being fairly irrelevant to anything really.
Quantum Of Solace.

Hmm. Not quite sure what to make of it. Craig isn't a Bond actor, which suits the last two films because they aren't Bond movies. This one seems slightly more adjusted to his style though - less of that cluttering 'dialogue' (such a nuisance in these action films eh?) and no suave demeanor - an all action hero, tough as nails.

Having watched it in the cinema, it's quite enjoyable. If you were going to be anal about it then I'd say there's too much to criticise.

It's inconsistent, seriously lacks focus and has an amatuerish plot.

At times it seems polished and well thought out, at other times it just seems like a watered down Bourne film. The bird is fit as feck. After an hour or so I had no idea what/who the aim/focus/bad guy was and didn't much care either. A distinct lack of cohesion rings loudly amongst the glossy, richly choreographed action sequences and it really ruins what could have been a great Bond film (despite the fact the James Bond wasn't in it).


PS. The bird was fit.
Wristcutters: A Love Story

Great film about a guy who commits suicide and then arrives into a afterlife. This afterlife looks exactly like his former reality but its only populated with people who have commited suicide.

I just saw Wall-E
obviously aimed at kids but was pretty good - it is basically a silent movie for about the first half hour with no dialogue at all but yet still kept me interested with a decent storyline


Shit, but watchable shit. Earns an extra mark for having Steve Buscemi in it, of course


Shit, but watchable shit. Earns an extra mark for having Steve Buscemi in it, of course


OK, so you're watching a disaster movie, the big asteroid is coming, everyone is panicing and talking rapidly to one another down the phone, and you're just settling into the story... then all of a sudden you're taken away to some oil rig for no apparent reason where Ben Afflek is sleeping with Bruce Willis' daughter and gets chased around the rig for five hours? :wenger: Typical Michael Bay, utterly pointless.

'Part from that it's Okay.