Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Agree with all of that. The gravity purge stuff was cool.
I enjoyed it at the time but so forgettable that, apart from the irritating character that thankfully got killed early on, I can't remember anything about the film. Gravity purge? Searching my memory hard I remember some floating acid. Was that it?
I enjoyed it at the time but so forgettable that, apart from the irritating character that thankfully got killed early on, I can't remember anything about the film. Gravity purge? Searching my memory hard I remember some floating acid. Was that it?
Yes. Intermittently the gravity generators would shut off and they'd float, then the generators would switch on and they'd plummet. The floating acid was during the off phase.

It was a fun movie, whereas the first Alien movie wasn't so much "fun" as terrifying and revolting. The facehumpers doing their bit, for instance. I think they leaned a little too far in the Aliens direction, but still, the best in this series since Aliens. And maybe counterintuitively, but a whole pack of xenomorphs is a lot less scary than one. Like Jaws had one shark, not 50. Seeing so many xenomorphs (and seeing them get killed so easily) definitely made them seem kinda weak.

Failed to mention it before, but they did not need to do any of the Ian Holm face-replacement stuff. No idea why they thought that was a good way to spend money. Just cast a new actor, boom, done.
V/H/S 94
Hit and miss as with most of these anthology films. I didn't think anything in here was as good as Safe Haven from V/H/S 2. The wrap-around could have been really good if they landed the ending 5/10
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Godzilla v Kong The New Empire

Normally I don't mind these, quite like a good monster film, but OMG this is utter dross.
There is so much scope to make good decent films, but they come up with this.

Yeah and especially with Godzilla Minus One being released around the same time, it highlighted even further how embarrassing this was.

Either make it good or make it fun. This was neither of those things.
Yeah and especially with Godzilla Minus One being released around the same time, it highlighted even further how embarrassing this was.

Either make it good or make it fun. This was neither of those things.
These movies have the simplest of formulas, so it's surprising how often they screw it up. Giant monster smashes things and/or beats hell out of other giant monster. That's it. Godzilla Minus One, to be fair, did have a lot (maybe too much) in it that was not in the formula, but they have to do something while the monster rests and gets its energy up for some more smashing.

That said, I am looking forward to Detective 'Zilla, which is a throwback to Humphrey Bogart film noir detective stories, and supposed to be finished at the end of 2025. He's supposed to be voiced by Ian McKellen, which may or may not work. The details have been closely guarded secrets. But basically Godzilla teams up with Scarlett Johannson to track down a missing nuclear bomb in 1951 Los Angeles.
Anora is a riot. It’s sort of like a tragic Cinderella mixed with a Safdie brothers film, very funny too. Just a crazy fun 2 hour ride. Mikey Madison is excellent.
Jingle All The Way

“This could be the end of civilization as we know it.”

Peak 90’s Clinton era cinema. The working class spirit of anger and collectivism is brought off/subdued by cheap products while the petite bourgeoisie destroyed family values while going insane.

A consumerist inferno and a masterpiece of ideology.


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Watched Klaus yesterday. What a quality little Christmas film. Cool take on the Santa origin story, funny at times and the animation is great.

Poor Things

Well directed and acted, the concept is very similar to a book my wife read though. I found Mark Rufallo to be a bit out of place with his performance though and Emma Stone did great overall but the acceleration on her speech felt it was to necessitate an easier narrative, one minute she's saying single words and the next she's using big words, felt too fast for me 7/10
I'm guessing that the book she read wasn't Poor Things itself then? Given the looseness of the adaptation, however, I'm sure there are books it resembles almost as much as Gray's novel.
I'm guessing that the book she read wasn't Poor Things itself then? Given the looseness of the adaptation, however, I'm sure there are books it resembles almost as much as Gray's novel.
Nah it was called something else. I'll ask her when she gets back and if I remember.
I'm guessing that the book she read wasn't Poor Things itself then? Given the looseness of the adaptation, however, I'm sure there are books it resembles almost as much as Gray's novel.

Nah it was called something else. I'll ask her when she gets back and if I remember.
Flowers of Algernon
Kneecap A (semi?) autobiographical drama film about the Belfast Irish Language Hip Hop group of the same name. Great fun and surprisingly good music. It didn't quite seem to know what to do with the fantastic premise and setup but still very well worth a watch 8/10
Jingle All The Way

“This could be the end of civilization as we know it.”

Peak 90’s Clinton era cinema. The working class spirit of anger and collectivism is brought off/subdued by cheap products while the petite bourgeoisie destroyed family values while going insane.

A consumerist inferno and a masterpiece of ideology.


Or one of the worst Christmas films ever, staring Swartzeneger and Sinbad trying to see who can be a worse actor, in a film that thought about being a critique of consumerism but decided to be terribly unfunny slapstick nonsense instead? That one?
Hundreds Of Beavers (2024).
New Xmas movie tradition. Basically a black and white, silent, live action cartoon with people dressed in animal mascot costumes. Laugh out loud funny.

Story: Kayak needs to become the greatest fur trapper in order to win the girl.

Utterly ridiculous in the best way. One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. We were laughing all the way through this, to the point of having asthma attacks.

This is a wild, handmade no budget film that is absolutely hilarious. Looks like it was made as a labor of love, Keystone Cops meets Roadrunner vs. Coyote, or Kung Fury fighting beavers.

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Or one of the worst Christmas films ever, staring Swartzeneger and Sinbad trying to see who can be a worse actor, in a film that thought about being a critique of consumerism but decided to be terribly unfunny slapstick nonsense instead? That one?
Don't forget Phil Hartman aka Lionel Hutz/Troy Mclure.
Or one of the worst Christmas films ever, staring Swartzeneger and Sinbad trying to see who can be a worse actor, in a film that thought about being a critique of consumerism but decided to be terribly unfunny slapstick nonsense instead? That one?
Well that’s not very jolly!

The acting is fine imo. It’s a family Christmas comedy any “serious” acting would look out of place. As for the jokes there’s plenty -“According to the laws of supply and demand, the new list price has just doubled!”

The only reference to religion is a family saying grace but they soon get taken out by Arnold dressed as a giant toy.

Sinbad screaming Rodney King as he is tackled by shoppers is a insane line to have in a family film.

Arnold nightmares about his son becoming a mail man if he doesn’t get the action figure is peak suburban brain rot.

Any mention of class, race or inequality is instantly dropped when there’s a chance to get the turbo man.

The movie view of consumerism is self aware, upfront and fun. Although what it doesn’t critique is far more interesting and nightmarish.

It’s a Wonderful Life is a great Christmas film because it tapa into the potential of FDR America and a collective society. Well Jingle All The Way is the same but for the Clinton 1990’s.

Also Phil Hartman.
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These movies have the simplest of formulas, so it's surprising how often they screw it up. Giant monster smashes things and/or beats hell out of other giant monster. That's it. Godzilla Minus One, to be fair, did have a lot (maybe too much) in it that was not in the formula, but they have to do something while the monster rests and gets its energy up for some more smashing.

That said, I am looking forward to Detective 'Zilla, which is a throwback to Humphrey Bogart film noir detective stories, and supposed to be finished at the end of 2025. He's supposed to be voiced by Ian McKellen, which may or may not work. The details have been closely guarded secrets. But basically Godzilla teams up with Scarlett Johannson to track down a missing nuclear bomb in 1951 Los Angeles.
That sounds like a terrible movie!
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
It's a decent adventure movie with some interesting themes (that aren't fully explored). Some of the CGI seemed a bit ropey but on the whole, it's a fun adventure. My main issue with the film was the main human character, her motivations and how we're meant to feel about her. It became a bit confusing with that character. Also felt the main ape was a bit boring and very reactive. The villain was good though and the action set-pieces were really enjoyable 6.5/10
Just watched it I'd go 6/10. Was decent enough to watch once but it had major flaws.

Like you said the CGI was ropey and noticeable particularly at the start when they were doing the climb.

I liked the ape family and clan interaction but the big issue for me was this was obviously a set up for whatever follows. 2+ hours of this didn't have enough story to stand alone as it's own movie for me.

What might follow though could well benefit from the setup.
Just watched Gladiator 2. What a letdown of a sequel. Paul Mescal as the leading man was terrible, he could barely lead a herd of goats let alone match Russell Crowe. Without charisma or gravitas this movie just sucked - Denzel alone could not save it 4/10
Gladiator 2 Not a total disaster but not a patch on the original. Mescal was ok in the lead role but he is no Russel Crowe. Tom Hardy would have been a great choice although he would have been a hard sell as the adult version of the kid from G1. Denzil was great but the later part of his story arc was totally unbelievable. And the weird zombie like cgi baboons and the utterly ludicrous shark scenes were laugh out loud idiotic. 6/10
Not a review as such, but I just found out they're making a sequel to Spinal Tap?

Aren't all those dudes in their 80s now?
Not a review as such, but I just found out they're making a sequel to Spinal Tap?

Aren't all those dudes in their 80s now?

They’ve been making mockumentaries as a troupe pretty much constantly since tbf, though the last one was nearly 10 years ago now (Mascots). Still, as far as legacy sequel stuff goes, those guys doing a riff on the Stones as rock-octogenarians could very easily work. They even did a quasi-spiritual sequel already in 2003 with A Mighty Wind.
Watched The Commitments the other day. One of the best films I have ever seen. Like someone earlier pointed out a bit fast paced and a mini series would have been better. Still the film is funny and has a great soundtrack. It is simply feel good film.

The film has some great quotes as well.

"The Irish are the blacks of Europe. And Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland. And the Northside Dubliners are the blacks of Dublin. So say it once and say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud."
I agree with Wibble that movies have gotten worse in the last decades.

You can list all the recent indy semi-artsy films which can be great no doubt but they existed before as well. But where are the Se7ens and Godfathers of today?
Oppenheimer and Aftersun among few others fit that classic category but the list very short
Have you seen The Town and Den of Thieves?
Oh I haven’t are they any good ? I’ve recently put The Town on my watch list. Always been a fan of Affleck.

I agree with Wibble that movies have gotten worse in the last decades.

You can list all the recent indy semi-artsy films which can be great no doubt but they existed before as well. But where are the Se7ens and Godfathers of today?
Oppenheimer and Aftersun among few others fit that classic category but the list very short
There’s an over a 20 year gap between these two films. Arguably when it comes to David Fincher his best works has been in the 21st century with Zodiac, Gone Girl and The Social Network.

@Rooney in Paris has already mentioned the site but it’s really worth signing up to Mubi. It’s got an incredible list of modern classics.
I agree with Wibble that movies have gotten worse in the last decades.

You can list all the recent indy semi-artsy films which can be great no doubt but they existed before as well. But where are the Se7ens and Godfathers of today?
Oppenheimer and Aftersun among few others fit that classic category but the list very short
You realise it's all subjective, right? For example, I agree that The Godfather is probably going to make top 100 movies lists for the next century, I think Se7en was rubbish, hasn't aged well stylistically, has a twist everyone now knows going in and I'd be surprised if it were on any of those lists in 20-30 years.
Heretic was an interesting premise, and Hugh Grant was excellent and creepy as hell

loved the setup up until the door choice, but felt like the second half was a bit of a hot mess. It felt like they might go for an ordet-like ending or even something more lovecraftian but they went with the kinda predictable way of leaving it open to interpretation..
I just watched The Watchers. I thought it was a decent idea, then after a while I thought it reminded me of the dreadful The Village. Then I realized it was done by M Night's daughter and it all made sense suddenly. So now we apparently have two directors who can come up with a good-ish idea, can't write believable human dialogue and can't finish up a story. Jolly times indeed.