Emilia Pérez tonight. Unfamiliar with this director’s previous work, so went in mostly cold. There were a lot of things to like about this film, but the weakest element would be the lack of melody in all but 2 songs. Visually sumptuous film, some terrific images. Saldana was great.
If a person is not inclined to enjoy light opera, they would hate this. I read
@Rooney in Paris ’s criticism of how overblown things were as confirmation. Puccini without the hits. It’s supposed to be overwrought and the emotions milked to within an inch of their lives.
The “people are talking” number was the best one for me. The best scene though was when Manitas is selling Saldana on taking the gig and he delivers his lines low and monotone but with a hiphop rhythm.
Film felt too long by about 25 minutes.
@Rooney in Paris If you didn’t like previous films by this guy why watch this one? Maybe you get caught up in the hype, same as I do every time I watch a Tarantino movie. I don’t know if I’d see another film by Audiard, this was good but the trailer makes it look a lot better than it really is.
A solid B, B+. 8/10