Pom Poko. A 1994 Studio Ghibli animation film about a group of racoons that use their shapr-shifting abilities to fight urban expansion into their forest.
Such a strange film. It starts amazing, with wild imagination and weirdness, and of course Ghbibli's always amazing animation and cinematography, bringing on a sequence of fantastic scenes. Buy when you expect the film to continue unrolling it's narrative, instead it just keeps going on and on and on with all kinds of events.
There are lots of great ideas, but it's as if they just decided to keep them all, without caring too much hoe it works for the story. As such, the film feels more like the premise for a tv series, in which the raccoon dogs each time come up with another wild, weird, or outright bizarre (and/or vulgar) idea to stop human expansion into their forest, finishing back at the status quo at the end of each episode. Except this is a film, with a beginning and an end - and I felt the 'let's include everything' approach really held back the success of the story, and therefore the extent to which the film works as a unified piece of art.
So: wildly imagantive, bizzare, hilarious, loving - and more than a bit unfocused. 7/10