Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Do people really like Rebel Ridge or am I missing something here?

I really liked it although I thought the ending was a bit meh

But I had no expectations going into it. I didn’t even realise it was from the director of Blue Ruin which I loved.

It’s just a fun action movie, nothing more nothing less
Do people really like Rebel Ridge or am I missing something here?

It’s an odd one. One of my friends whose opinions I always respect about movies said it was great. I thought it was decent but far from great. And I also like it less and less the more I think about it. It’s definitely better than the average made for Netflix movie but I would say it’s disappointing if you’re a fan of the directors other movies.
It’s an odd one. One of my friends whose opinions I always respect about movies said it was great. I thought it was decent but far from great. And I also like it less and less the more I think about it. It’s definitely better than the average made for Netflix movie but I would say it’s disappointing if you’re a fan of the directors other movies.
I thought it was decent at best. But am seeing lots of folks heaping praise on it.
Sounds like you and I are on the same page. I’m just not seeing this really excellent movie that others are seeing.

I’m pretty sure it’s the expectations Pogue. When you see random crap appear on your Netflix it’s always a nice surprise if you enjoy it, I switch most of them off before it gets far. However if someone had told me this is an amazing film by the director of Blue Ruin, I’d probably have been a bit a bit underwhelmed.
I’m pretty sure it’s the expectations Pogue. When you see random crap appear on your Netflix it’s always a nice surprise if you enjoy it, I switch most of them off before it gets far. However if someone had told me this is an amazing film by the director of Blue Ruin, I’d probably have been a bit a bit underwhelmed.

100%. Expectations can make shite of an average movie or make an average movie seem great.
It's definitely got a lot to do with expectations. But at the same time it seems to me that reactions aren't that ecstatic - people seem to think it's a very well made thriller which serves its purpose.

Anyways, I saw Spoorloos and it was really, really good. Very haunting and unsettling not least because the events does not seem too far fetched. Great acting as well. I also realized it was one of those films the director himself have made an american remake of, doesn't seem to pack the same punch though. Brilliant film. 9/10
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It's definitely got a lot to do with expectations. But at the same time it seems to me that reactions aren't that ecstatic - people seem to think it's a very well made thriller which serves its purpose.

Anyways, I saw The Spoorloos and it was really, really good. Very haunting and unsettling not least because the events does not seem too far fetched. Great acting as well. I also realized it was one of those films the director himself have made an american remake of, doesn't seem to pack the same punch though. Brilliant film. 9/10

Probably one of the biggest drops in quality between the original and US remake which was atrocious somehow

I’d put Old Boy up there too

If only Americans could read subtitles eh
Blink Twice
I won’t say anything about the plot as it’s diabolical. It’s clearly a commentary on the power men have over women. But good lord it’s a really rough watch. Channing Tatum is menacing, Naomi Ackie is wonderful in it. But the turn is way too much. I understand why Kravitz made it, but I really wish I hadn’t watched it. Which may kind of be the point. It’s a lot. Toughest movie that I’ve ever watched.

NB - Pay attention to the trigger warning.
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But go on, tell me the grand significance of the Clinton portrait in your powerpoint presentation. Liars, the lot of you.
I saw a comment saying it’s a movie set in the 1970’s but Bill Clinton is president.

I thought it was ok at best and some of the sound design was creepy. But overall it’s reliant on copying better films from the genre without adding anything new. The references and tributes to films like Silence Of The Lambs, Twin Peaks or Seven are all mushed together and are a way to hide the lack of creativity.

Osgood Perkins has said in interviews he is only interested in using religion for just pure visual. It comes across in the film as it’s really not interested in saying anything. Very meh.
THE DAY OF THE JACKAL (1973) has rolled up on Sky ahead of their remake.

Zinneman’s film is still superb and Fox and Londsdale are wonderful.