Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Not to mention the plot really is rather shite and obvious. It felt like your standard 90s cop thriller with lots of Kubrik The Shining tribute thrown in. I loved that but it still didn't pull together as a solid film for me.
Well marketed riding the Cage train though.
Yeah, that was not really a comment of the quality of the film from my side. I liked it very much.
Well asking, then telling them to put the fecking thing away. So more or less the same thing.

I didn't mind Happy Gilmore at the time but I saw it on TV recently and it hadn't aged well at all.

I like Raising Arizona although I wonder how well it has aged, and Con Air and The Rock were fun but Face/Off is one of my all time most hated film and one of only 2 where I have ever walked out of a cinema to make it stop. There was the odd OK early 2000's film like Matchstick Men, but mostly since then I have hated everything he is in. I now largely avoid his films and regret it when I don't.
I guess what I’m saying is that cage and sandler bring different things to the table that can be enjoyed.

Face off is a cheesy movie with so much ridiculous set pieces and things going on, you can enjoy it immensley by being taken on that journey.

I worked in xtra vision video store around the mid to late 90s, so my love for some movies is somewhat nostalgic.

But there are different kinds of movies/actors. Ones to be taken seriously and judged as such, ones that are quality made fun and there are ones that can be classified as lower brow popcorn flicks that can be marmite. None can be fully objectively rated as we are all subjective with our own criteria for ratings.

Happy Gilmore was excellent when I was younger , so popular (cult hit) particularly among students. I think it’s aged fine, watch it with my children who enjoy it.
I literally challenged my work colleagues to this. None found an answer that satisfied me. The stipulation was to find an actor with 3 action films in a row. So can't pick someone that did like a comedy in between.

Cliffhanger, Demolition Man, The Specialist, Dredd, Assassins, Daylight, Cop Land
Me neither, it’s sh!t. You just said three consecutive action films?

And anyway “good film” and “Cage” is an oxymoron :)
3 consequtive AMAZING action films!

Ay ay! None of that nonsense! I don't usually feel emotional whatsoever watching films. The only time I did was the ending of Con Air.
And Face/Off was pure rubbish. Annoyingly stupid even by the very low standards of the genre.
Wasn't the whole point of Face/Off how ridiculous and silly it was? The whole thing was an excuse for Cage and Travolta to do impressions of each other for 90 minutes, while wacky action happened around it.
Wasn't the whole point of Face/Off how ridiculous and silly it was? The whole thing was an excuse for Cage and Travolta to do impressions of each other for 90 minutes, while wacky action happened around it.
Which was incredibly dumb and annoying - hardly surprising given the director who even managed to make Mission Impossible too dumb to watch - some achievement. Face.Off isn't even bad enough to be enjoyably terrible. An utter car crash of a film. The face transplant caused no scarring, changed their voice, body, mannerisms etc etc - so even if the face functioning and the lack of scarring was believable (it isn't) the rest is even more ludicrous. Which all just distracts from the fact that is is a ludicrous yet boring action film. Typical Woo - looks shiny but YAWN.
There are actual people who watched Con Air and Face/Off looking for realism and trying to find plot holes... ?
Con Air is a perfect movie. Nicolas Cage's hair and his terrible accent. John Malkovich being evil. Huge explosions. What's not to like?
Con Air is a perfect movie. Nicolas Cage's hair and his terrible accent. John Malkovich being evil. Huge explosions. What's not to like?
Con Air and Face/off are two of my favorite films of all time. Sure the acting and dialogue isn't the best or even good sometimes but it's great switch off your brain type fun. The main reason to go to the movies and decompress is to enjoy a bit of time away from the regular life. Now that I think about it Con Air is basically the progenitor of the Fast and Furious series.
Con Air and Face/off are two of my favorite films of all time. Sure the acting and dialogue isn't the best or even good sometimes but it's great switch off your brain type fun. The main reason to go to the movies and decompress is to enjoy a bit of time away from the regular life. Now that I think about it Con Air is basically the progenitor of the Fast and Furious series.
It's corny, but it's fun. I think that characterized a lot of the action movies of the 90's and early 2000's. I'd liken it a bit to another favorite of mine from that same genre and period, which is Die Hard with a Vengeance. It's from an era before they started abusing digital effects (mostly), so they generally hold up to scrutiny, when it comes to the visuals (this might be a bit of a hot take, I'm prepared to be proven wrong).
Speaking of Rebel Ridge, I thought it was okay. Some cool stuff but also a lot of silliness. The bike/bus/fist bump scene must win the stupidest and most out of place scene of the year.

Blade Runner

Saw this at the Waterloo IMAX tonight. First time watching it at a cinema and yeah just incredible.

Greatest sci fi film of all time

Oh man I'm jealous. I've never seen it in the theatre.
You lucky bastard
I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe(Which includes paying £11.00 for a popcorn and coke).

I would highly recommend seeing it in a theatre. It was like watching the film for the very first time again. There is so much detail that becomes visible on the big screen. The colours, lighting and rain all had an extra pop.

Also with the great sound system it really highlighted the Vangelis soundtrack. The wind chimes and synth bleeps quietly humming in the atmospheric background was perfect.
Grand Theft Hamlet

Tickets on sale for this at 10am today if anyone fancies it. It’s my friends film, did well at SXSW, is very funny, and has a very civilised Sunday 11am screen time at the BFI IMAX in London. For anyone that wants to roll the dice on a doco about the difficulties and insanities of attempting to put on a production of Hamlet inside GTA. (It’s very good).
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Blade Runner

Saw this at the Waterloo IMAX tonight. First time watching it at a cinema and yeah just incredible.

Greatest sci fi film of all time

Final Cut in 4k?

Sounds great.

I watched the original in a cinema, never having heard of the film, after going to see something else that was sold out. I was blown away even with the voice over.
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Final Cut in 4k?

Sounds great.
Yep. This isn’t my photo as I was sitting at the very back in seats with more leg room.


I watched the original in a cinema, never having heard of the film, after going to see something else that was sold out. I was blown away even with the voice over.
Any of the versions are brilliant. I do have a soft spot for the voice over version. Adds to the noir vibe.
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Wondering why Longlegs feels so awkward and completely blighted with affectation. From the opening scenes it feels like it's being shot by a tween ticktocker who's just found out about the visual arts through watching Fight Club. Then I find out it's by the same charlatan that made this film:
Gretel and Hansel. Lame, vacuous, intellectually counterfeit. A big stupid voice over points out all the themes, then does nothing with them. It's a Gaga pop music video stretched out over 90 minutes.
Has the same tacky, cumbersome style, constantly drawing attention to itself.

Lambs and se7en aren't built on directorial style and Auteur flourishes. They don't work without a tight script and basic storytelling competency, and neither does this. The Demme and Fincher style arise from a solid underlying film craft. But go on, tell me the grand significance of the Clinton portrait in your powerpoint presentation. Liars, the lot of you.

Somewhat irrelevant given that nothing else works either but it has to be said:Nic Cage is dreadful. Having harvested his reputation in service to the meme for so long, he no longer reads as a convincing performer. The joke is dead, let it rest.

This whole medium now runs on counterfeiting. Waste my time with this shit.
Pain Hustlers. A 2023 Netflix film by David Yates about a woman (Emily Blunt) who's poor and stuck and needs money for her daughter's care. She then joins a dying pharmaceutical company (featuring, among others, Chris Evans and Andy García) that sells a fentanyl-based painkiller - and which through moral-free marketing manages to turn their fate around and break into their state market big time. But that's illegal, and so on.

It's OK. It's a bit like The Wolf of Wall Street, with its focus (for a bit) on unscrupulous business people living it up once they become rich (nowhere near as rich, but same difference), except it does have an explicit moral focus and you never feel like these people are just having the time of their lives (which is what I disliked about The Wolf of Wall Street). They take it too far, though, to the point where pretty much every character in Pain Hustlers is also a nice person that you can understand and feel sorry for, and the main character is in some ways almost an angel. That's just too soppy. Decent work otherwise though. 3/5
Maybe part of me quite liked longlegs because it just felt kind of novel. Its a film that hasn't been getting made much in recent years. I'm quite partial to self indulgent directors and kind of gimmicky movies too probably.