Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Nice to see some Interstellar love. Brilliant film. I hope we get it in IMAX here at the 10 year anniversary as we didn't have IMAX when it originally released. Would love to see it on the big screen again.

Anyway, I saw The Substance recently and it was pretty damn good I thought. Body horror usually isn't my thing and I did think the third act dragged a bit but overall I thought it was a very interesting concept and quite creatively made as well. It was also a good experience in a theater. Not something I will be revisiting anytime soon though.
Nice to see some Interstellar love. Brilliant film. I hope we get it in IMAX here at the 10 year anniversary as we didn't have IMAX when it originally released. Would love to see it on the big screen again.

Anyway, I saw The Substance recently and it was pretty damn good I thought. Body horror usually isn't my thing and I did think the third act dragged a bit but overall I thought it was a very interesting concept and quite creatively made as well. It was also a good experience in a theater. Not something I will be revisiting anytime soon though.
I saw it in IMAX on Friday evening with my better half, who had seen it but "didn't really remember it" from what she was saying. Which struck me as a bit weird. After we saw it on Friday, she admitted she'd probably seen it high and didn't remember much about it (and was confusing a lot of it with The Martian :lol:)

Anyway, it was absolutely wonderful. Great film, still looks amazing 10 years on, the OST is great, the performances are impeccable all around, and it packs an emotional punch like few other Nolan films do. I am a big fan of his but I recognize some of his stuff lacks emotional depth - this is absolutely not one of those, though. The characterization of Murph as a kid, the love Cooper has for his children (mainly for Murph, in fairness, but the relationship with the son wasn't quite as bad as I remembered), his burning desire to get back to them, are sufficiently fleshed out so that the few gut punches properly land - his discovery of the past 27 years or whatever it is when he comes back onto the ship after the wave planet, and him seeing Murph as a dying old lady at the end. McConaughey is truly at his peak in this, and his performance is top notch. His breaking down when watching those videos is genuinely heart breaking.

Anyway, fantastic film, fantastic visuals, if you have the opportunity to go see it on the big screen as part of the 10 year re-release, run to your cinema!
I saw it in IMAX on Friday evening with my better half, who had seen it but "didn't really remember it" from what she was saying. Which struck me as a bit weird. After we saw it on Friday, she admitted she'd probably seen it high and didn't remember much about it (and was confusing a lot of it with The Martian :lol:)

Anyway, it was absolutely wonderful. Great film, still looks amazing 10 years on, the OST is great, the performances are impeccable all around, and it packs an emotional punch like few other Nolan films do. I am a big fan of his but I recognize some of his stuff lacks emotional depth - this is absolutely not one of those, though. The characterization of Murph as a kid, the love Cooper has for his children (mainly for Murph, in fairness, but the relationship with the son wasn't quite as bad as I remembered), his burning desire to get back to them, are sufficiently fleshed out so that the few gut punches properly land - his discovery of the past 27 years or whatever it is when he comes back onto the ship after the wave planet, and him seeing Murph as a dying old lady at the end. McConaughey is truly at his peak in this, and his performance is top notch. His breaking down when watching those videos is genuinely heart breaking.

Anyway, fantastic film, fantastic visuals, if you have the opportunity to go see it on the big screen as part of the 10 year re-release, run to your cinema!

When I think about this movie it always freaks me out wondering about the guy who was left on the ship waiting those 30 years or whatever for them to come back so depressing!
When I think about this movie it always freaks me out wondering about the guy who was left on the ship waiting those 30 years or whatever for them to come back so depressing!
And then dies almost immediately after they return :lol:
I saw it in IMAX on Friday evening with my better half, who had seen it but "didn't really remember it" from what she was saying. Which struck me as a bit weird. After we saw it on Friday, she admitted she'd probably seen it high and didn't remember much about it (and was confusing a lot of it with The Martian :lol:)

Anyway, it was absolutely wonderful. Great film, still looks amazing 10 years on, the OST is great, the performances are impeccable all around, and it packs an emotional punch like few other Nolan films do. I am a big fan of his but I recognize some of his stuff lacks emotional depth - this is absolutely not one of those, though. The characterization of Murph as a kid, the love Cooper has for his children (mainly for Murph, in fairness, but the relationship with the son wasn't quite as bad as I remembered), his burning desire to get back to them, are sufficiently fleshed out so that the few gut punches properly land - his discovery of the past 27 years or whatever it is when he comes back onto the ship after the wave planet, and him seeing Murph as a dying old lady at the end. McConaughey is truly at his peak in this, and his performance is top notch. His breaking down when watching those videos is genuinely heart breaking.

Anyway, fantastic film, fantastic visuals, if you have the opportunity to go see it on the big screen as part of the 10 year re-release, run to your cinema!
He was balls deep in the McConnaughsaince at this time. True Detective, Dallas Buyers Club and Interstellar on the bounce. A trilogy Nicolas Cage could only dream of (@Dirty Schwein).
Con Air - greatest film of all time.
I saw it in IMAX on Friday evening with my better half, who had seen it but "didn't really remember it" from what she was saying. Which struck me as a bit weird. After we saw it on Friday, she admitted she'd probably seen it high and didn't remember much about it (and was confusing a lot of it with The Martian :lol:)

Anyway, it was absolutely wonderful. Great film, still looks amazing 10 years on, the OST is great, the performances are impeccable all around, and it packs an emotional punch like few other Nolan films do. I am a big fan of his but I recognize some of his stuff lacks emotional depth - this is absolutely not one of those, though. The characterization of Murph as a kid, the love Cooper has for his children (mainly for Murph, in fairness, but the relationship with the son wasn't quite as bad as I remembered), his burning desire to get back to them, are sufficiently fleshed out so that the few gut punches properly land - his discovery of the past 27 years or whatever it is when he comes back onto the ship after the wave planet, and him seeing Murph as a dying old lady at the end. McConaughey is truly at his peak in this, and his performance is top notch. His breaking down when watching those videos is genuinely heart breaking.

Anyway, fantastic film, fantastic visuals, if you have the opportunity to go see it on the big screen as part of the 10 year re-release, run to your cinema!
Agreed with most everything you write here, especially about the emotional depth which makes this hit in a different way than most of Nolan's other work. It's one of those films I can watch over and over as well, as there is so much quality in different aspects of filmmaking on display. Will keep an eye open if they're gonna show this near me soon.

Username checks out.
Heh, good one. Didn't think of that.
Honestly no idea. Feels like an anti film at times. But in a really good way, as I’ll watch Clooney and Pitt together in any movie, doing anything. I enjoyed watching it, but honestly couldn’t tell anyone it was good.
Honestly no idea. Feels like an anti film at times. But in a really good way, as I’ll watch Clooney and Pitt together in any movie, doing anything. I enjoyed watching it, but honestly couldn’t tell anyone it was good.
I would write it pretty much the same, word for word. It's a nothing film, but not necessarily in a bad way, and it's enjoyable. It's the perfect Sunday evening film to watch with your partner, doesn't take up any of your mental bandwidth, is overall quite charming (Austin Abrams plays the "kid" part super well), and despite a couple of slightly self indulgent pieces (particularly the chase, which gets boring within about 15 seconds), it's a nice watch. 18 hours on and I've pretty much forgotten most of it, which is the kind of product it aims to be. In a couple of years, I'll have a vague recollection of watching it, of having appreciated the Clooney/Pitt chemistry, and Abrams's performance being nice, and that's it. It also has no higher ambitions, or no ambitions whatsoever, to be honest.
Oh following Interstellar, we also rewatched The Martian. I had the memory of having enjoyed it but not so much, but I'd also finished the book just a couple of days before seeing it, and as it's pretty much a copy/paste of the book, I think that played against my appreciation of the film - 9 years on, and I've got to say I enjoyed it a lot more and thought it was great. Damon carries it in a very charming, funny way, the film still looks great, and it feels "realistic" enough (I'm sure the science could be taken apart easily, but in its portrayal on screen, it works well enough that you don't have to suspend your disbelief too much) for it to be engrossing and quite stressful at times.