Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Alien 3 (Assembly Cut)
Head above the parapet… It’s my favourite Alien movie. I can accept that it’s not the best, and that the first two have more artistic merit. But I really like it. The themes it plays with; the reformed oddness of the prisoners, trying to kill a terror with no weapons, the vastness of the location and the smallness of the battlefield. A woman taking lead in a space that has a full absence of women. Charles Dance is brilliant in it too. It’s also utterly gorgeous, incredibly well lit and framed.

It's ok but way overhyped. Forget any notion of this being a Silence of the Lambs rival because for one there's a supernatural element to to this movie that you either go with or not. I think how far you're prepared to suspend that disbelief is related directly to how much you'll enjoy it. It's definitely creepy in places, first half more so (before it becomes more supernatural) and there's a decent soundtrack as well. The Cage renaissance continues.
Alien 3 (Assembly Cut)
Head above the parapet… It’s my favourite Alien movie. I can accept that it’s not the best, and that the first two have more artistic merit. But I really like it. The themes it plays with; the reformed oddness of the prisoners, trying to kill a terror with no weapons, the vastness of the location and the smallness of the battlefield. A woman taking lead in a space that has a full absence of women. Charles Dance is brilliant in it too. It’s also utterly gorgeous, incredibly well lit and framed.

I love it too, especially the assembly cut... I wonder what Fincher could've done if left to his own devices on it
Reminder that this Saturday is National Cinema Day and most multiplexes are selling tickets for £4/€5 plus booking fee.
Alien 3 (Assembly Cut)
Head above the parapet… It’s my favourite Alien movie. I can accept that it’s not the best, and that the first two have more artistic merit. But I really like it. The themes it plays with; the reformed oddness of the prisoners, trying to kill a terror with no weapons, the vastness of the location and the smallness of the battlefield. A woman taking lead in a space that has a full absence of women. Charles Dance is brilliant in it too. It’s also utterly gorgeous, incredibly well lit and framed.
Is this the 1992 movie?
I love it too, especially the assembly cut... I wonder what Fincher could've done if left to his own devices on it
Asswmbly cut vastly different to the „original“? Longer, more gore or what‘s the difference?
Alien 3 (Assembly Cut)
Head above the parapet… It’s my favourite Alien movie. I can accept that it’s not the best, and that the first two have more artistic merit. But I really like it. The themes it plays with; the reformed oddness of the prisoners, trying to kill a terror with no weapons, the vastness of the location and the smallness of the battlefield. A woman taking lead in a space that has a full absence of women. Charles Dance is brilliant in it too. It’s also utterly gorgeous, incredibly well lit and framed.
My man
Alien 3 (Assembly Cut)
Head above the parapet… It’s my favourite Alien movie. I can accept that it’s not the best, and that the first two have more artistic merit. But I really like it. The themes it plays with; the reformed oddness of the prisoners, trying to kill a terror with no weapons, the vastness of the location and the smallness of the battlefield. A woman taking lead in a space that has a full absence of women. Charles Dance is brilliant in it too. It’s also utterly gorgeous, incredibly well lit and framed.

Recently rewatched the whole saga preparing for the new movie and Alien 3 definitely went up my ranking.

1. Alien
2. Alien 3
3. Aliens
Asswmbly cut vastly different to the „original“? Longer, more gore or what‘s the difference?

I can't remember the original much to be honest, but there seemed to be a good solid hour of bald british blokes running around dark tunnels, and you can't tell who is who.. they definitely improved on that

but I think the assembly cut was the attempt to recreate Fincher's vision of the film, so worth checking out IMO
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Alien 3 (Assembly Cut)
Head above the parapet… It’s my favourite Alien movie. I can accept that it’s not the best, and that the first two have more artistic merit. But I really like it. The themes it plays with; the reformed oddness of the prisoners, trying to kill a terror with no weapons, the vastness of the location and the smallness of the battlefield. A woman taking lead in a space that has a full absence of women. Charles Dance is brilliant in it too. It’s also utterly gorgeous, incredibly well lit and framed.
I think after we've seen how difficult it is to make an Alien movie that doesn't suck, after several in a row that were pretty bad, Alien 3 looks better by default. But that Assembly Cut has me intrigued, have to say...
I can't remember the original much to be honest, but there seemed to be a good solid hour of bald british blokes running around dark tunnels, and you can't tell who is who.. they definitely improved on that

but I think Alien 3 was the attempt to recreate Fincher's vision of the film, so worth checking out IMO
What do you mean by that? The Assembly cut?
I hate when there are different cuts. So if I want to watch Alien 3, should I watch this Assembly Cut instead of the theatrical cut?
Alien 3 is debatably the best looking Alien, but I personally find it quite slow and meh story-wise. Can’t fault the atmosphere though. The version with Paul McGann is a lot better tbf, which ever one that is..

If only there was a way to escape? Other than running sideways, which is obviously a silly idea.


There are just a litany of stupid decisions, but still none of them rank above the idea of making a backstory to Alien where they explain that one of the most terrifying creatures in film was actually a bioweapon engineered by a celestial Mr Muscle from a bunch of magic goo and then GMO’d by an angsty android from Earth. Just… what the feck are you doing!?
yeah, Boyhood was strange. A fascinating concept, like the Seven Up (Michael Apted) works, but it ended up playing out like someone's home movie - but with Ethan Hawke and Patricia Arquette appearing every once in a while. It was unsettling to watch that kid age, following him around for 11 years, but it ended up being underwhelming. I think I was expecting more, despite not really being a Linklater fan.
Seven Up and each ‘sequel’ (14, 21, 28…) were brilliant. Ground breaking for me and the variances in how their lives panned out was fascinating… especially Neil.
Just finished the entire marathon.

Not much needs to be said. One of the best films ever made. I watch this at least once a year, usually more 9.5/10


The more I watch this, the less I enjoy it but still, it's a fantastic film and a great genre addition of its time. I didn't like that they made the aliens so easy to dispose of but there are some great scenes and it was smart to alternate genre as it would have been impossible to match the original in my opinion 8/10

Alien 3

Seems like a big drop off from the first two, at least in terms of budget. I might be wrong but that's how it feels when looking at the Xenomorph, it looks terrible and no real memorable kills from it either. But it's still an enjoyable film, mainly thanks to Ripley. I would one day like to watch the assembly cut 6/10

Alien Resurrection

I actually quite enjoy this movie. Nice to see Ripley in a new role altogether without it being a weird off screen character development angle. However, the final act shits the bed so hard that it genuinely makes it a difficult film to recommend. Like really, really shitty final act, it's laughably horrible 5/10


Despite most people's opinions, I don't mind this movie. It takes a big swing and you can't knock it for trying something new. I found the engineers to be intriguing, the themes to be interesting and the look of the film is beautiful. However, the acting is poor, the pacing makes it a bit boring and the characters are dumb as shit. I know there was a lot of cuts made in the edit but you can only judge based off what you've seen 5.5/10

Alien Covenant

I was so in for the first half of this movie. Loved the setup and Billy Crudups character was an interesting choice to lead the team. However, David shows up, the rest of the characters become simple Jack and then David goes on to do so many exposition dumps that they don't just ruin the movie, they retroactively start fecking up the movies that came before it. I am left raging every time I watch this garbage 3/10

Alien Romulus

I had a great time with this. The colony planet was cinematically a place that was worth exploring (I wish they explored it more) and narrative of space capitalism was interesting and I would like to spend more time there. I think this had some nice character relationships, which made each kill at least have meaning. It was a back to basics approach and a good way to get new fans into the series. I didn't mind the call backs too the past films, it didn't bother me at all, apart from the one line (you know which one I'm talking about) as that character had zero narrative reasons to say that line. As for the de-aged Ash, it bothered me a little but reading around it, it was something that the actors estate wanted so it doesn't really bug me that much. It looked shite but it's meant to be an older model synthetic so I can suspend disbelief on it. I also really liked the final boss, it creeped me out. In the end, it was a safe bet the filmmakers took and not very original but I think it's what the franchise needed. Also loved the actor playing the synthetic as I also did the lead actress 7.5/10
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Alien 3 (Assembly Cut)
Head above the parapet… It’s my favourite Alien movie. I can accept that it’s not the best, and that the first two have more artistic merit. But I really like it. The themes it plays with; the reformed oddness of the prisoners, trying to kill a terror with no weapons, the vastness of the location and the smallness of the battlefield. A woman taking lead in a space that has a full absence of women. Charles Dance is brilliant in it too. It’s also utterly gorgeous, incredibly well lit and framed.

Glad we have another believe in the house. I already like the original cut of the film, but I LOVE the assembly cut.

Is there a version out there now that is remastered in any way? When I watched the assembly cut, there were some audio issues with some of the scenes, specifically those that were inserted in. I've only ever seen this in the Alien Quadrilogy DVD boxset.

I originally saw Alien, Aliens, and Alien 3 together in the same week when I was in my early teens. They were showing them on tv, so I taped them like the pirate I was (Yarrgghh!) and watched them over the course of that week. To me, the whole plot line of Ripley losing Newt and Hicks at the start of the film felt natural at the time. It seemed like Ripley was just destined to suffer from rotten luck and to spend so much time in isolation and amongst unfamiliar company. It's a film that has its own identify and style, which I appreciate. I love the simplicity of the film and the inevitability of the ending. It's bleak, it's depressing, it's grimy, it's pessimistic at times...but I fecking love it. It feels like a natural follow on from the first film in terms of what that set out to do.

I also watched Alien Resurrection again recently. It's such a strange film in many ways. Growing up, I was not a fan of this. I don't want to say that I'm warming to it now as I am still very mixed, but I can appreciate that it also has its own style and uniqueness to it. The underwater chase scene is fantastic and a real highlight of the film. I like certain scenes like that, and the scene where Ripley torches the failed clone projects. That's got some emotional weight to it, so I can appreciate that. But, I dislike the look of the aliens in this film. They're too slimy and seem to look quite cheap compared to the original. At this point, they seem to have gone too far down the route of them being 'space bugs' rather than the threatening species that they were in the original. I dislike the dialogue in lots of places as it's too corny and seems to have a bit too much cheap humour thrown around to get a quick laugh. I actually like some of the crew that we are introduced to, but just wish we had a better/more mature script to go with it.

The action scenes really fluctuate, too. You've got the lovely build-up in that underwater scene, and then there's that other scene where the Auriga's crew gets slaughtered in seconds, complete with that extremely dumb scene with the death of Dan Hedaya's character. I always hated that scene. There's no finesse to it. Compare that to the Lambert and Parker scene in the original and it's completely cheap in comparison.

I'm not a fan of the final 20 minutes or so with that hybrid. Found that whole scene to be ugly, which I know is what the director and writers were going for. But, I just didn't like it. We've got a Queen there that we maybe see for 2 scenes in the entire film. Felt unnecessary to sideline what could potentially have been an interesting battle to give us what we got. I will admit that the newborn's death scene was...interesting. Again, corny in places, especially that final shot of its head getting sucked into space.

It's one of those films that I imagine could have been made into an interesting comic instead. I don't like Joss Whedon's writing, so maybe a different writer could have made this work. Scratch that newborn bit/the final 20 minutes, get rid of the whole need for Ripley at all, give us a better script, and slow down some of the action scenes to add more tension and this could have been better. I don't hate it as much as I used to, but I still dislike it.
Alien 3 is debatably the best looking Alien, but I personally find it quite slow and meh story-wise. Can’t fault the atmosphere though. The version with Paul McGann is a lot better tbf, which ever one that is..

There are just a litany of stupid decisions, but still none of them rank above the idea of making a backstory to Alien where they explain that one of the most terrifying creatures in film was actually a bioweapon engineered by a celestial Mr Muscle from a bunch of magic goo and then GMO’d by an angsty android from Earth. Just… what the feck are you doing!?
I think I'd lost the will to live by then so most of that silliness just merged into the general meh. The visual silliness of the running away from something along the same very specific path that something is taking rather than the obvious made me :lol:And not in a good way.

It is probably better to just forget that anything after Aliens exists tbh. But I know I won't be able to resist watching this latest likely steaming turd.

Annoyed that I slept on this for so long.

Matthew McConaughey plays a fugitive from the law (and other unpleasant folk) hiding out on an island in the Mississippi River when two boys chance across him and decide to help him reunite with his lover (Reese Witherspoon) and make his escape.

Anyone familiar with Jeff Nichols's early work (Take Shelter, Midnight Special) will know what to expect in terms of atmosphere and tension building, but what makes this stand clear of those films is Tye Sheridan in his first leading role. It takes some doing to outshine MM, who was just entering his McConaissance, but he does just that with a performance that belies his years.

Quality support from Sam Shepard and (of course) Michael Shannon.

Available on BBC iPlayer.

Abigail (2024)

A group of criminals kidnap a young ballerina for a substantial ransom but soon realise she is not what she seems.

It's a pretty decent horror movie and the young actress does a very good job in my opinion. You also get budget Ana De Armas and budget Natalie Dyer.

The only annoying character is jacked Elon Musk doing his Arnold Schwarzenegger impression.

Enjoyable movie 7.5/10
I think I'd lost the will to live by then so most of that silliness just merged into the general meh. The visual silliness of the running away from something along the same very specific path that something is taking rather than the obvious made me :lol:And not in a good way.

It is probably better to just forget that anything after Aliens exists tbh. But I know I won't be able to resist watching this latest likely steaming turd.
So, anecdote about the obvious path: Myself and several others were helping a friend move out of his apartment in Hollywood. He lived on the 10th floor of building - but he had a balcony overlooking an empty alley. So we took the obvious shortcut and just threw things off the balcony (bags of clothes, soft items) and then got to throwing off his mattress. I happened to be in the alley as the mattress came sailing over the balcony, and something primal took over and I ran in the exact parabola it was falling. (It missed me, in case you're wondering.) This happened a couple more times to other participants, and we kinda laughed about how when something is falling on you, all you had to do was take a couple steps to either side and you were safe, but all of us did a variation of this running from the rolling ship thing.
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Nic Cage and his two sons have to survive in a world where malevolent creatures roam at night. Loved the originality in the creature design and Cage is stripped back, which is nice once in a while but the story was a bit generic and isn't really that memorable of a film 5/10
Nic Cage and his two sons have to survive in a world where malevolent creatures roam at night. Loved the originality in the creature design and Cage is stripped back, which is nice once in a while but the story was a bit generic and isn't really that memorable of a film 5/10
I love your devotion to Nic Cage.
Nic Cage and his two sons have to survive in a world where malevolent creatures roam at night. Loved the originality in the creature design and Cage is stripped back, which is nice once in a while but the story was a bit generic and isn't really that memorable of a film 5/10
The monsters were kind of cool. Undercooked otherwise.
After raising an unnervingly talented spider in secret, 12-year-old Charlotte must face the facts about her pet-and fight for her family's survival-when the once-charming creature rapidly transforms into a giant, flesh-eating monster. Absolutely dog shit. Tonally all over the place, badly acted, zero tension and a horrible cgi spider. Apart from one death sequence, I don't think I enjoyed anything about this god-awful film 1/10

The latest mind diaroeah from Cinema's biggest hack. You'll often hear people say "switch your brain off" to enjoy a film but you could pull your brain out through your ear with a corkscrew, stick it in a blender and then spread it on toast like pate before gobbling it back up and this would still be an insult to your intelligence.

I'll give him credit, he does come up with ideas that nobody else would even think about but at some point you have to question why that is and who is facilitating this clearly very troubled individual.

Josh Hartnett is shit as well.
Fresh Kills Surprisingly engaging and somewhat unusual take on a Mafia drama. Jennifer Esposito did almost everything (director, writer, producer and actor) and does an excellent job in all respects but in the end Emily Bader steals the show with a subtle but stand-out performance. A simple story told well and in a way that feels authentic. Not exactly an uplifting watch but I enjoyed it a great deal. 8.5/10

The latest mind diaroeah from Cinema's biggest hack. You'll often hear people say "switch your brain off" to enjoy a film but you could pull your brain out through your ear with a corkscrew, stick it in a blender and then spread it on toast like pate before gobbling it back up and this would still be an insult to your intelligence.

I'll give him credit, he does come up with ideas that nobody else would even think about but at some point you have to question why that is and who is facilitating this clearly very troubled individual.

Josh Hartnett is shit as well.


For feck’s sake. I just know I’m gonna end up watching it too…
Beverly Hills Cop - Axel F

Embarrassing, absolutely unwatchable. Second sequel for Eddie Murphy that was utter drek. Shame because Coming to America & the original Beverly Hills Cops were quite good.
Damn it. I missed this warning and watched it last night. Well, I say watched it but in the end it was merely playing in the background, as I kept tuning out. So bad.
I'm usually a big fan of Yorgos but I thought Kinds of Kindness was kinda shite.
Watched it last night and thought it was a lot of fun. I liked the 3 story structure and imo made the long run time fly by. The second story is pretty much Yorgos take on the 80’s film Possession (The sit down scene where they watch the VHS was fecking funny.)

Enjoyed how cruel it was overall(Poor Things was very uplifting and hopeful. Emma Stone and Jesse Plemons put in great performances in as well.
Watched it last night and thought it was a lot of fun. I liked the 3 story structure and imo made the long run time fly by. The second story is pretty much Yorgos take on the 80’s film Possession (The sit down scene where they watch the VHS was fecking funny.)

Enjoyed how cruel it was overall(Poor Things was very uplifting and hopeful. Emma Stone and Jesse Plemons put in great performances in as well.
I usually love his brand of humor and am a big fan of both leads and Defoe but it largely missed the mark for me. Didn’t find it fun for the most part. The second story was definitely the best one, though.
Anatomy of a Fall What a great film. Some great performances but Milo Machado-Graner is the best of all. The long run times flashes past and the ambiguous end works incredibly well. Amazing that there were no distracting bullshit side stories required 9/10
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For feck’s sake. I just know I’m gonna end up watching it too…

It gets worse. Apparently the girl who's concert the characters are going to is his daughter so now the whole film looks like a vehicle to launch her pop career. Add nepotism to the list of his cinematic war crimes.