Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Why do we have a mega thread now? Way easier to leave comments about specific movies in it's own thread.... as if Alien Romulus hasn't pissed me off enough ffs!

Anyway, a low 7/10 from me. Too much fan service, and weird decisions
Babylon. Damien Chazelle's sprawling 2022 film about the end of the silent era and beginning of the sound era in Hollywood. It follows a star actor, new hit actress, and a guy making career on the business side (as wel as a few other characters) as they navigate the film world during this period.

It's hard to talk about this film, since it's all over the place in style, tone, and narrative. Some bits work well, like the chaos of the opening party (very Luhrman-like and not something I care much for, but I can see the craft in it), the bit where a ton of silent films are being shot together (more controlled chaos, basically), and especially the start of the sound era: the way the first scene on the sound stage starts is amazing - even if it subsequently descends into another wild farce.

But on the other side, I felt a lot of scenes were unnecessarily drawn out (enormously, sometimes), a lot of plot elements were unnecessary (which matters in a 3h film), the tonal shift to a very dark (and strangely bizarre) world in the final third was exaggerated, and the character developments were poorly motivated. I also felt the shift from a naive, free world of silent film, that could be progressive and cheeky and provocative, to a much more closed-minded era where the socio-eonomic-cultural elite, criminals, and conservatism entered Hollywood was probably far too black and white - although it seems like the film is heavily inspired by Singing in the Rain, and I never saw that one; I feel that limited my understanding of certain developments in the story. And as much as I understand the film is a kind of dark homage to Hollywood, the final 'history of cinema' sequence seemed tacked on rather pointlessly. (And after a pretty good first half also selected and edited strangely; but maybe that's my lack of understanding of the history.)

So it's good but bad, impressive but dumb, joyful but very dark, everything but far too much of it. 3/5

Good review. I adore Chazelle and whilst I don't remember every element of this movie, because there was SO much going on, I thought the first hour or so was a juggernaut and brilliant cinema. I intend to rewatch this soon.

Slightly off topic but I feel its a shame that this movie has been so quickly sidelined. Movie fans have a bad habit of judging directors whenever a movie isn't seen as being flawless, but these sorts of movies have to keep being made even if the end result is mixed.

Its similar with Nolan. I loved Interstellar, which was picked apart, and didn't like Tenet, but we have to give creative directors room to fail and still applaud them for the attempt, or the industry will suffer and die.
Good review. I adore Chazelle and whilst I don't remember every element of this movie, because there was SO much going on, I thought the first hour or so was a juggernaut and brilliant cinema. I intend to rewatch this soon.

Slightly off topic but I feel its a shame that this movie has been so quickly sidelined. Movie fans have a bad habit of judging directors whenever a movie isn't seen as being flawless, but these sorts of movies have to keep being made even if the end result is mixed.

Its similar with Nolan. I loved Interstellar, which was picked apart, and didn't like Tenet, but we have to give creative directors room to fail and still applaud them for the attempt, or the industry will suffer and die.
That's because:
Every judgement has to be instant these days
I blame you.

Other than that, it's great that a drunk film like this can get made. Chazelle must have had a lot of creative freedom, cause I can't see how this made much more sense on paper!
That's because:

I blame you.

Other than that, it's great that a drunk film like this can get made. Chazelle must have had a lot of creative freedom, cause I can't see how this made much more sense on paper!

Haha. Impressive multi quoting there
Its similar with Nolan. I loved Interstellar, which was picked apart, and didn't like Tenet, but we have to give creative directors room to fail and still applaud them for the attempt, or the industry will suffer and die.
I too loved Interstellar. Tenet was even worse than Babylon, maybe a 1 out of 10 rating, but both movies made me think I’d been giving both directors too much credit.
The Killer

John Woo remakes his all time classic action film in 2024. I was worried after seeing the poor trailers but well we get - Goldfish, Eric Cantona as a postmodern art dealer/drug lord, the worlds slowest bike chase, great action and the doves are back!

It’s TV movie slop and my god does the slop taste so good. Pure entertaining bliss. A ton of fun to watch.

The Outrun, Anora , Megalopolis and Rumours are looking like the only interesting English speaking films coming out for the remainder of the year.
I had it in my mind that The Shrouds was coming out too but that's next year.:(
All on my list to watch.
Three of those are Hitchcock tbf so it could also be that :lol: But no there is something about black and white and how it brings out the shadows and light that is particularly beautiful with the right director/cinematographer.
He was eclipsed by how god-awful David Washington was. I watched that piece of shit twice because I was convinced there must have been hidden things that I just missed the first time round, like in Memento, but nope.
I saw it twice on IMAX and was more confused the second time around.
I’m watching Prometheus again and I am not having any of this post-Romulus revisionism nonsense, this film is still bad and dumb. But it at least looks prettier than Covenant
We'll always have the trailer.

It was an all timer to be sure, and hey I’ll give the film this, there is a genuinely impressive litany of very silly things happening every 5 minutes or so. I had forgotten all about the reanimated Art Attack head and the magic flute that flies the ship. It definitely has its camp B move charm, whereas I remember Covenant being equally dumb but also really dour and colourless.
It was an all timer to be sure, and hey I’ll give the film this, there is a genuinely impressive litany of very silly things happening every 5 minutes or so. I had forgotten all about the reanimated Art Attack head and the magic flute that flies the ship. It definitely has its camp B move charm, whereas I remember Covenant being equally dumb but also really dour and colourless.
Remember the guy telling them all to be careful and stop touching shit only to then start poking and talking to the dangerous looking snake like alien creature as if it was a little baby?

Or Charlie Theron’s character blurting out that Guy Pearse’s was her “father” even though it had nothing to do with anything :lol:

Maybe I should watch it again.
It was an all timer to be sure, and hey I’ll give the film this, there is a genuinely impressive litany of very silly things happening every 5 minutes or so. I had forgotten all about the reanimated Art Attack head and the magic flute that flies the ship. It definitely has its camp B move charm, whereas I remember Covenant being equally dumb but also really dour and colourless.
There's a blink and you'll miss it Neil Buchanan cameo.
The Tomorrow War
Fairly sure I reviewed this when it was released. Watched it again tonight under duress. Albeit while cooking and cleaning and doing whatever possible to not be in front of the tv. It’s so shit.

On repeat viewing, a few more questions…

30 years into the future, they just drop people in from a height of the Empire State Building*. Most die on arrival. ON WHAT PLANET would people go after returning soldiers tell people that? It’s mental.

To the same point… the movie opens with visitors from the future arriving onto the field of the World Cup final as it guaranteed most simultaneous eye balls. If they could do that, why not do that when they send soldiers?

Finally… it says the global population has dwindled to 500,000. Wut? Why the feck would you not get reports from returning soldiers and just use the global population of 8bn to produce adequate weapons? Make bunkers and strongholds. These things are killable fairly easily.

It’s such a stupid cnut of a movie.

*We shall just ignore the fact it might be an idea to strap a parachute to every soldier sent. Perhaps. Maybe. Slightly improve the odds.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
.The Tomorrow War:

Vomit/10. Avoid. Garbage. Not even entertainingly bad garbage

The Tomorrow War
Fairly sure I reviewed this when it was released. Watched it again tonight under duress. Albeit while cooking and cleaning and doing whatever possible to not be in front of the tv. It’s so shit.

On repeat viewing, a few more questions…

30 years into the future, they just drop people in from a height of the Empire State Building*. Most die on arrival. ON WHAT PLANET would people go after returning soldiers tell people that? It’s mental.

To the same point… the movie opens with visitors from the future arriving onto the field of the World Cup final as it guaranteed most simultaneous eye balls. If they could do that, why not do that when they send soldiers?

Finally… it says the global population has dwindled to 500,000. Wut? Why the feck would you not get reports from returning soldiers and just use the global population of 8bn to produce adequate weapons? Make bunkers and strongholds. These things are killable fairly easily.

It’s such a stupid cnut of a movie.

*We shall just ignore the fact it might be an idea to strap a parachute to every soldier sent. Perhaps. Maybe. Slightly improve the odds.

Remember getting actively angry while watching.
I too loved Interstellar. Tenet was even worse than Babylon, maybe a 1 out of 10 rating, but both movies made me think I’d been giving both directors too much credit.
I thought roughly the same of Inception, Interstellar, and Tenet: the story's nonsense and conceptually way too full of itself, but the film as it unfolds is kinda entertaining - but ultimately too long and succombs under its own misplaced sense of gravitas. I was quite disappointed with Oppenheimer as well. For me, it seems like Nolan would need to start writing with someone that can sharpen his ideas, cause he seems unable to focus properly and discard the unnecessary.

But he wins prizes and has huge audiences, so I know im basically disagreeing with everyone.
I thought roughly the same of Inception, Interstellar, and Tenet: the story's nonsense and conceptually way too full of itself, but the film as it unfolds is kinda entertaining - but ultimately too long and succombs under its own misplaced sense of gravitas. I was quite disappointed with Oppenheimer as well. For me, it seems like Nolan would need to start writing with someone that can sharpen his ideas, cause he seems unable to focus properly and discard the unnecessary.

But he wins prizes and has huge audiences, so I know im basically disagreeing with everyone.
I thought Inception was great, and it even featured two actors I don’t like. I thought Oppenheimer was really well done, but far from perfect, and not enjoyable in a storytelling way as Inception and Interstellar were. I mean, I enjoyed learning about the Manhattan Project and thought Murphy was great, they portrayed the struggle and the genius of the man, it looked great, but it’s not a movie I would ever return to.

Murphy being Cillian, but imagine it starring Eddie Murphy, that would have been some movie!
I thought roughly the same of Inception, Interstellar, and Tenet: the story's nonsense and conceptually way too full of itself, but the film as it unfolds is kinda entertaining - but ultimately too long and succombs under its own misplaced sense of gravitas. I was quite disappointed with Oppenheimer as well. For me, it seems like Nolan would need to start writing with someone that can sharpen his ideas, cause he seems unable to focus properly and discard the unnecessary.

But he wins prizes and has huge audiences, so I know im basically disagreeing with everyone.

You’re not disagreeing with me, that’s for sure. 100% in agreement about Interstellar and Inception. Hence I didn’t watch Oppenheimer and Tenet.

Although I did enjoy Dunkirk, which at least held together as a concept.
Remember the guy telling them all to be careful and stop touching shit only to then start poking and talking to the dangerous looking snake like alien creature as if it was a little baby?

Or Charlie Theron’s character blurting out that Guy Pearse’s was her “father” even though it had nothing to do with anything :lol:

Maybe I should watch it again.

Every single person is the worst example of their job. The geologist who works the mapping tech gets immediately lost in a cave (when the other crew just seem to walk straight out when they need to) the biologist is terrified of dead bodies but wants to pet the dick snake in the creepy goo room. The expedition’s co-runner becomes inconsolably depressed after merely finding the first example of alien life and a re-animated head on their first day. The captain is more concerned with trying to bang his boss than with the two members of his crew lost in an alien structure… but then this is all partly excusable by the fact none of these people apparently even knew what the mission was until they were 2 years in and already there!

Scott’s a good enough director to make it watchable by my god is the script bad. I’m looking forward to the enthusiastic cinephile reappraisal of Shane Black’s The Predator after the next one is merely competent.
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I thought Inception was great, and it even featured two actors I don’t like. I thought Oppenheimer was really well done, but far from perfect, and not enjoyable in a storytelling way as Inception and Interstellar were. I mean, I enjoyed learning about the Manhattan Project and thought Murphy was great, they portrayed the struggle and the genius of the man, it looked great, but it’s not a movie I would ever return to.

Murphy being Cillian, but imagine it starring Eddie Murphy, that would have been some movie!
I would say that a lot is good about his movies, he (Nolan) is just letting himself down with the storytelling. Oppenheimer would be much better if it wasn't a biography within a procedural drama within a procedural drama; and the other films I mentioned are just too occupied with their concepts. In fact, I would say that even his Batman 2 is too long; I really felt it was done around 2h in, and there was an entire other part to come. (Which was good, but it made the movie too long and unbalanced, for me.)
You’re not disagreeing with me, that’s for sure. 100% in agreement about Interstellar and Inception. Hence I didn’t watch Oppenheimer and Tenet.

Although I did enjoy Dunkirk, which at least held together as a concept.
I also liked Dunkirk best among his recent work.

And to complete the list: I also really liked The Prestige, Insomnia, and Memento, and Following was alright as well. I was indifferent to Batman 1 and thought Batman 3 was unnecessary, bloated, and just uninteresting.

I also liked Dunkirk best among his recent work.

And to complete the list: I also really liked The Prestige, Insomnia, and Memento, and Following was alright as well. I was indifferent to Batman 1 and thought Batman 3 was unnecessary, bloated, and just uninteresting.


Pretty much exactly my opinion too. Although I kind of didn’t think much of Prestige because, like a fool, I bought into the hype too much before watching it. And was expecting a much better movie. Which obviously wasn’t an issue for Following or Memento (which I still think is my favourite of all his films)
Want to watch a decent film tonight as I’m in hospital, will have a read through some reviews hopefully find a good one!
Pretty much exactly my opinion too. Although I kind of didn’t think much of Prestige because, like a fool, I bought into the hype too much before watching it. And was expecting a much better movie. Which obviously wasn’t an issue for Following or Memento (which I still think is my favourite of all his films)
Oh, I don't remember any hype for The Prestige! Guess I wasn't following that at the time.