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Ban niMic.
What of it takes the most time? You really dont have to write something about every player, just post the screenshots.
that makes no sense to me, what is worst about that is that i am now in the bleeding romanian league ffs!
The abilities make no sense? How quick your CA increases depends mainly on how many games you play, the likes of Diver and cw1984 have clearly played more games than most. Simple as that.
I wouldn't worry anyway, all of us apart from Ed can still reach 200.
i understand tha but how can Ed only reach 175? his looks exactly the same as the rest to me, plus he is a goalie and will surely play for longer so has more time to improve no?
Ooh I'm off to West Ham. Nice post cina
Any chance you could post where Bolton played me in those 35 games? RW or up front?
Oh right, yeah it's weird, the 175 thing is taken off Genie, I'm not sure exactly how it works, maybe it's faulty and doesn't work properly with goalies.
Did he have a big injury, or something? I don't think that can affect the PA, but I can't think of anything else. The only other possibility is that I made a mistake with the database. Anyway, you can fix that with the FMRTE.
You can't change the difference with the FMRTE, the only way to do it would be to increase his CA by 25.
Are you sure? I'm pretty sure it's possible to edit the PA.
Have you run another season? I used Genie on the save I sent you, and Ed Weatherall has 200 PA.
No no, you're not getting me, his PA is 200, the problem is that his CA is only 130, which is 70 short at his age, and according to Genie Scout the max he can improve by at that age is 45, which means he can only reach 175.
Ed Weatherfall, I regret to inform you that you can now only ever reach 175 of your ability![]()
Actually here's an idea, who wants to make a little competition?
Basically, a list of the "first player to..."
Win world player of the year?
Win the Champions league?
Win the World Cup?
Reach 200 CA?
Suggestions and input welcome!