I was thinking Cutch could sneak in there and take Ronaldo himself but the centre back partnership makes that a no-go with Alba being a must to take out. Shame! Aldo possibly could have been looking at pairing up him and Muller for an outrageous front two but both fullbacks need to be swapped out here I think.
I was thinking Cutch could sneak in there and take Ronaldo himself but the centre back partnership makes that a no-go with Alba being a must to take out. Shame! Aldo possibly could have been looking at pairing up him and Muller for an outrageous front two but both fullbacks need to be swapped out here I think.
No option is standing out
fecks sake Theon, can you fecking pick?
Calm yourself down KM, I had to go out
You wanted Diego, admit it anto.You kept bigging up Ronaldo and others hoping he would slip through. Wolf!
Sure I did, I even mentioned it in the Iso game as the reason it was daft of me to be helping him so much. You have no chance with Xavi and Tigana in midfield though, none. You will get raped.
I did half expect you to go with him, of course, I know you too well to think otherwise. The Ronaldo thing is certainly an alternative. I just need to go work out what would be available and interesting in the next picking round in the off chance I get there.
Maradona is unlikely to last, but Ronnie would probably suit me. The million dollar question is whether Zico will be around too. It could be crucial that.
Don't you take much time, VP's likely to go off soon. It is 20 past midnight.
I'm down to Facchetti or Matthaus.
You've effectively knocked me out Theon, by letting Brwned get Bestie. Can't blame you for going for Diego obviously. Just that I cannot really argue against two of my all time favourites.
Sucks, thought reinforcements could provide me the key to going far.