Television The Propgropthrop

What was with the incredibly Inception like moment where Big Show interupted Cody's match to show him a video of him last week interupting Cody's match to show him a video?! Colour me confuse.

Anyway, opening segment was excellent, the whole show went downhill from there. Wish Cena wouldn't grin so much though... but that's just a bug-bearer of mine.

Also, this show missed Daniel Bryan...
wwe is definitely exiting the pg era imo, the pg era happened before but it was a lot better then. Crowds were booing Bret hart and shit was crazy but now its not like that and there was blood even if it wasnt on purpose, there was cursing from jericho and these past few weeks have been the same. So far so good, its got me hooked up once more thanks to Brock and Rock.

ALSO Paul Heyman has other commitments so unfortunately isnt able to make a return. Look at him here its hilarious 3:10 is fecking funny!

Clearly Bryan has been cast as a top heel, and there's few of those about at the moment, so any chance he's been getting a lot of heat behind the scenes for all the support he's getting? Admittedly turning the "yes" chants into "these people are mocking me" was clever, but they've gotta be annoyed that their top heel is clearly a fan favourite.

I guess in wrestling, if you appreciate the job a heel is doing, you boo him as loudly and as vociferously as you can.
Clearly Bryan has been cast as a top heel, and there's few of those about at the moment, so any chance he's been getting a lot of heat behind the scenes for all the support he's getting? Admittedly turning the "yes" chants into "these people are mocking me" was clever, but they've gotta be annoyed that their top heel is clearly a fan favourite.

I guess in wrestling, if you appreciate the job a heel is doing, you boo him as loudly and as vociferously as you can.

Stone Cold and the Rock are both examples of heels who were cheered. The Rock became popular as a heel, and the WWE ran with it. They're stupid not to this time.
Clearly Bryan has been cast as a top heel, and there's few of those about at the moment, so any chance he's been getting a lot of heat behind the scenes for all the support he's getting? Admittedly turning the "yes" chants into "these people are mocking me" was clever, but they've gotta be annoyed that their top heel is clearly a fan favourite.

I guess in wrestling, if you appreciate the job a heel is doing, you boo him as loudly and as vociferously as you can.

Looks like they're trying to kill off the YES YES YES chants, no Bryan tonight

I think people get too caught up in Wrestlemania week in particular with crowd response. The crowd for Wrestlemania week is always smarky, for Wrestlemania and the RAW after which is why Bryan was so over. Now that everything is back to normal in terms of the crowd, he won't be that popular. Only have to look at Lesnars ovation today compared to last week. May I also add that Bryan is on Smackdown not RAW. Sheamus and Orton didn't make Raw tonight either.

Basically, stop reading too much into things.
Have to agree about the YES! chants as I mentioned previously, it was mainly Wrestlemania hype.

I'm liking the Lesnar/Cena chemistry, that slap was wicked and Lesnar's first punch really hit home too. Lesnar's looking dangerous and I mean more in the sense that he could actually injure someone. That low blow seemed vicious! (could have been the fast panning of the camera but still).

The Jericho/Punk rivalry is becoming a bit one dimensional now. More of the same from both parties really. I reckon Jericho should've taken the title and WM and driven Punk over the edge. The whole drinking and straight-edge angle is getting a little boring.

:lol: at ALLLLBERRRTTTTT ALLLLLBEEERRTTTT. Tensai my arse. The mist thing is a bit nasty as well, at least Tajiri's mist was something to look at. Albert's looks like it's just spit.

They should have a Nobel Selling Prize, Ziggler would win it time after time.

Regarding Leroy's comment about Bryan being on SD and not Raw; in general the top stars of SD appear on both shows. I'm guessing the only reason those three didn't show tonight was because of the live programme tomorrow, making it more 'special' or some crap.
Is this Laurinaitis guy a brilliant act or does he really struggle to put two sentences together?
SD live at 1am (Uk time) - so basically 20 minutes.

Bryan on Pipers Pit. Could be interesting.
Did they really have to show, pretty much that entire segment again?
Isn't Ryback 'Skip Sheffield'?

Edit: Refresh before posting next time.