Television The Propgropthrop

I've actually started to respect Cena a lot. I do feel his in ring performance needs to evolve but his mic skills are second to none and jobbing to improve storylines for someone who has practically been the number 1 in the company for the last 6 years is always great.
I've actually started to respect Cena a lot. I do feel his in ring performance needs to evolve but his mic skills are second to none and jobbing to improve storylines for someone who has practically been the number 1 in the company for the last 6 years is always great.
When he's on his game his promos are pretty damn good. The one time when he rattled off on The Rock about why he needed to win was especially well done. There is something that I don't like about some of his mic work though. It's like he's pandering to the crowd so that they'll like him sometimes, but it doesn't work. Apart from that the best thing about his promos is that they sound natural. They just flow from the tongue. I would still say CM Punk and Triple H are better though.
Del Rio is good, I like Sheamus, Bryan I'm not convinced on. Everybody gives him a reacharound in this thread, but his character pisses me off no end, I also dislike this high school drama with his girlfriend and whether he loves her or not, and that he doesn't eat meat. I don't care. I do find the YES YES YES thing funny though.

I think people either like Bryan cos of the YES YES YES thing, or because, like Benoit previously, he's such a talented in ring performer, rather than his mic work or storylines. The YES YES YES thing is getting him over with the general fans, his in ring ability means he was loved by the IWC
Cena is way too cheesy for my liking however he could have easily pulled out of the rock match and the brock f5 because hes been there every night on raw but the rock and brock lesnar havent, he isnt a prick and put the company first.
When he's on his game his promos are pretty damn good. The one time when he rattled off on The Rock about why he needed to win was especially well done. There is something that I don't like about some of his mic work though. It's like he's pandering to the crowd so that they'll like him sometimes, but it doesn't work. Apart from that the best thing about his promos is that they sound natural. They just flow from the tongue. I would still say CM Punk and Triple H are better though.

CM Punks mic work annoys me. Then again everything about CM Punk annoys me. I'd rather see the wrestler he's ripping off night in night out.
CM Punks mic work annoys me. Then again everything about CM Punk annoys me. I'd rather see the wrestler he's ripping off night in night out.

CM Punk made me interested in WWE again...mission accomplished.
Best wrestler in the world, bah, not even the best wrestler in the USA. Jericho has made it more interesting for me, shame they decided to have him jobbing straight away. The feud would have worked so much better had Jericho taken the title then did the drink thing to allow for a Punk redemption match at next years wrestlemania. The only way they can make it work now is if Jericho keeps chipping away at him.
Huge show tonight, dictates where they are going with this year. Anything other than building it around Punk vs Jericho would be a huge letdown and once again pandering to egos rather than making the title the most important thing.

Hopefully they don't rush Brock vs Cena in for Extreme Rules too, they need to build for the year.
How exactly is Jericho claiming CM Punk is a rip off? Maybe I'm just being a bit slow but I can't see it.
How exactly is Jericho claiming CM Punk is a rip off? Maybe I'm just being a bit slow but I can't see it.

Jerichos sticht, everyone is ripping him off and CM is just another one. Punk is a rip off though, just not of Jericho.
Huge show tonight, dictates where they are going with this year. Anything other than building it around Punk vs Jericho would be a huge letdown and once again pandering to egos rather than making the title the most important thing.

Hopefully they don't rush Brock vs Cena in for Extreme Rules too, they need to build for the year.

Special guest stars: the three stooges.

Don't get your hopes up
Special guest stars: the three stooges.

Don't get your hopes up

My hopes weren't up, the optimist in me had a slight hope.

I've decided I don't want to see Brock this week. I'm a huge mark for him but the best way to play this, IMO, is random appearances and F5'ing random wrestlers every few weeks, rather than allowing it to be predictable.

Again, they'll probably get him to speak up tonight and kill it though.
Special guest stars: the three stooges.

Don't get your hopes up

Thankfully their last few hosts have had limited tv time. Hopefully they get one segment like 2-3 minutes long to plug their movie.
The best thing about this return was clearly that mental pelvic thrusting fan.
Well, they're going with Punk vs Lesnar, which is downright bizarre, as there is no apparent beef apart from Brock being team Johnny.

Oh wait, just as I was thinking it's not all bad, here comes Cena for "retribution".
You can tell half the people out there were thinking "now's my chance to be on TV!"
The angles ridiculous though, this is pointing towards a triple threat title match at ER between Cena, Brock and Punk.

The fight itself was quite well handled, just ridiculous to go that way IMO.
The angles ridiculous though, this is pointing towards a triple threat title match at ER between Cena, Brock and Punk.

The fight itself was quite well handled, just ridiculous to go that way IMO.

"Big jonny" already said its a one on one at extreme rules just there though. I dont see how they can incorporate punk into this story line at all..
they need powerful matches at PPV's and Cena vs Brock would be perfect imo. They have had a match previously at backlash which is now ER in 03