Television The Propgropthrop

Just browsing Youtube, and I came across this:

Superb promo work from Regal, and it's a real shame that he failed his wellness test just when it seemed he was finally getting his big push.
Smackdown was poor on the whole... though I enjoyed the Piper's Pit segment, more so for Piper then Bryan suprisingly. Piper very rarely disappoints when he's used on television.

As for Extreme Rules, when was the last time Cena lost on two consecutive PPV's??
Money in the Bank then Summerslam

Whoops, I meant to say clean... last time Cena lost clean on two consecutive PPV's??

Brock will win at Extreme Rules, and I think he will do it in a convincing manner... to make this guy seem even remotely weak at this stage would be a terrible, terrible move from the WWE.
Whoops, I meant to say clean... last time Cena lost clean on two consecutive PPV's??

Hell in a Cell and Vengeance he lost after interference from others, but they were No-DQ matches. He hasn't lost entirely cleanly, Wrestlemania excepted, for years though.
As for Extreme Rules, when was the last time Cena lost on two consecutive PPV's??

Hell in a Cell and Vengeance he lost after interference from others, but they were No-DQ matches. He hasn't lost entirely cleanly, Wrestlemania excepted, for years though.

Whoops, I meant to say clean... last time Cena lost clean on two consecutive PPV's??

:lol: Look at them go again, trying to besmirch Cena AGAIN.

John Cena has actually lost 3 TIMES IN A ROW CLEAN AT PPV'S. 2008.
Night of Champions to HHH, Great American Bash to JBL and Summerslam to Batista.

As the main face that is actually ridiculous, I don't ever ever remember Austin or Rock jobbing clean three ppv's in a row, let alone to superstars so beneath them as Batista and JBL are to Cena.

Ill be mighty pissed if Brock loses. Theyre making him the heel and cena the face, yet we all want to see brock win this.

That's not true though is it. As we saw on RAW, Cena still has a fair portion of the crowd behind him, it's only in Smark central that Lesnar will be cheered above Cena.
:lol: Look at them go again, trying to besmirch Cena AGAIN.

John Cena has actually lost 3 TIMES IN A ROW CLEAN AT PPV'S. 2008.
Night of Champions to HHH, Great American Bash to JBL and Summerslam to Batista.

As the main face that is actually ridiculous, I don't ever ever remember Austin or Rock jobbing clean three ppv's in a row, let alone to superstars so beneath them as Batista and JBL are to Cena.

That's not true though is it. As we saw on RAW, Cena still has a fair portion of the crowd behind him, it's only in Smark central that Lesnar will be cheered above Cena.

Calm down Leroy... it was a legitimate question. If HHH was looking like he was going to lose 2 PPVs clean in a row, I would ask the same question as well. Ultimately, 4 years is quite some time ago, so sorry if I couldn't remember what happened back then.

Claiming that Cena doesn't often lose clean twice in a row on PPV is not a slight on him as a wrestler, and is not besmirching him in anyway... it is just a fact that it doesn't often happen. This is due to how he is written... ergo it's not exactly his fault, nor did I say it was.
I don't get why smarks like Lesnar, he fecked off and tried to distance himself from them. No that's failed he's come back for a booty call.
Calm down Leroy... it was a legitimate question. If HHH was looking like he was going to lose 2 PPVs clean in a row, I would ask the same question as well. Ultimately, 4 years is quite some time ago, so sorry if I couldn't remember what happened back then.

Claiming that Cena doesn't often lose clean twice in a row on PPV is not a slight on him as a wrestler, and is not besmirching him in anyway... it is just a fact that it doesn't often happen. This is due to how he is written... ergo it's not exactly his fault, nor did I say it was.

I said that with perfect calmness. It's your abrupt re-wording of the question that was pointing towards anti-Cena behavior, I felt before it got out of hand and someone tried to latch onto it, it was important to state the facts.

Now steady on a bit. That's a wrestling god that you're talking about there.


I don't get why smarks like Lesnar, he fecked off and tried to distance himself from them. No that's failed he's come back for a booty call.

Cos its the cool/apparently more manly thing to do, just as it was to boo him out the building at WM20.
I said that with perfect calmness. It's your abrupt re-wording of the question that was pointing towards anti-Cena behavior, I felt before it got out of hand and someone tried to latch onto it, it was important to state the facts.

Capitalised words doesn't general point towards calmness... just a friendly suggestion there!

I don't really think it's an abrput rewording, as opposed to (again) a legitimate question that I wanted to ask. I think it's great Cena will be losing clean twice in a row... his standing is so high it is practically impossible for him to get hurt by it, and it might go someway to remove the superman character that people dislike with him.

Also, I imagine Cena is perfectly happy to lose two PPVs in a row... hell I bet he'd lose on every single PPV this year if he was asked too.
I've been watching old Lesnar vids. It's really fun watching him against cruiserweights, just throwing them around. I watched one video of him vs. Paul London (London's debut), and after the match Kendrick ran down, and Lesnar just threw him into the ringpost. Awesome stuff.

And I like Cena. The guy carried Bobby Lashley to a good match. I've said it before, but I don't think I can get across how amazing an achievement that is. Bobby Lashley is to wrestling what Ali Dia was to football.
I don't get why smarks like Lesnar, he fecked off and tried to distance himself from them. No that's failed he's come back for a booty call.

Because we're men, not women. We don't hold silly 8 year grudges. It's the WWE, not your brother he walked away from. Like Leroy brought up earlier in the thread look at the Rooney debacle. I left a job once because I was unhappy, then after a while I went back, it was water under the bridge and the stuff I was unhappy about had been sorted. But none of them questioned me, I had prospects at the time and it's my life, who is anyone else to tell me not to go for prospects.

Everyone does stupid stuff. When everyone grows up a bit, who cares anymore. People are entitled to do whatever they want with their lives.

People will like him because he's entertaining, and they tune in to be entertained. Disliking somebody because they wanted to live their life is incredibly selfish imo.
Because we're men, not women. We don't hold silly 8 year grudges. It's the WWE, not your brother he walked away from. Like Leroy brought up earlier in the thread look at the Rooney debacle. I left a job once because I was unhappy, then after a while I went back, it was water under the bridge and the stuff I was unhappy about had been sorted. But none of them questioned me, I had prospects at the time and it's my life, who is anyone else to tell me not to go for prospects.

Everyone does stupid stuff. When everyone grows up a bit, who cares anymore. People are entitled to do whatever they want with their lives.

People will like him because he's entertaining, and they tune in to be entertained. Disliking somebody because they wanted to live their life is incredibly selfish imo.

A lot of smarks are still very bitter about HBK screwing Bret.

If I worked somewhere(that I loved) and a colleague left, if that colleague then proceeded to absolutely bury and run down the place I work. Only to come back 8 years later for a big paycheck I'd tell him to go feck himself.

He can do what he likes of course, money's money. But he can still go feck himself as can everyone else welcoming him back with open arms.

And Lesnar isn't that entertaining, he's the reason I went on a semi wrestling hiatus back in 2003. Coming out with no charisma, botching moves, left, right and centre, burying everyone, winning every single fecking thing within a week, it was awful. People talk about Triple H burying people, but he did it over 5 years, Lesnar buried the entire roster in his first week.
A lot of smarks are still very bitter about HBK screwing Bret.

If I worked somewhere(that I loved) and a colleague left, if that colleague then proceeded to absolutely bury and run down the place I work. Only to come back 8 years later for a big paycheck I'd tell him to go feck himself.

He can do what he likes of course, money's money. But he can still go feck himself as can everyone else welcoming him back with open arms.

And Lesnar isn't that entertaining, he's the reason I went on a semi wrestling hiatus back in 2003. Coming out with no charisma, botching moves, left, right and centre, burying everyone, winning every single fecking thing within a week, it was awful.

Yeah but many just don't care any more, well they would if you brought it up, but if you didn't say anything they'd just watch segments with Vince and not care either way until you made a point about what he once did. People move on with time.

The point is also you don't work there. Neither do I. His colleagues do, you just watch it, so what he decides to do hasn't got much to do with any of us. Noone said anything about welcoming back with open arms either. We just watch the entertainment, if someone decides they want to try something else because we only live once, good luck to them. If it doesn't work out, at least they went for it. They're entitled to go back to making their living as they did do. I know I'd rather try something I wanted to try, fail and go back to what I did before than regret never trying it and feck what anyone else thinks I should do.
Serious question but how has Lesnar run down WWE. I know he has mentioned the schedule but that is pretty understandable, but what else has he said?
Serious question but how has Lesnar run down WWE. I know he has mentioned the schedule but that is pretty understandable, but what else has he said?

I dont see any difference between the rock and lesnar.

They both went off too try different things, and both have come back to the thing that made them.

You cant blame lesnar trying something as tough as MMA, and then deciding its probably not for him. The rock has done great in acting right now and seems to be getting better, im pleased they both feel they can return and still cut it. Its not a slant on the WWE, if anything its a good thing.
Didn't Lesnar have a go at playing football (of the American variety)?
Myself and my niece went to the Smackdown show here in Belfast last night. It was a great show as always.

I just have to say that Sheamus is an absolutely brilliant guy. We took a walk around the back of the arena and saw them coming in off the coaches. Sheamus was the only one who bothered his arse to come over to the fans, take time with us and sign autographs. He's such a lovely guy.
Myself and my niece went to the Smackdown show here in Belfast last night. It was a great show as always.

I just have to say that Sheamus is an absolutely brilliant guy. We took a walk around the back of the arena and saw them coming in off the coaches. Sheamus was the only one who bothered his arse to come over to the fans, take time with us and sign autographs. He's such a lovely guy.
Lovely guy or egomaniac? "Hello fans, love me, LOVE ME DAMN IT!"
Lovely guy or egomaniac? "Hello fans, love me, LOVE ME DAMN IT!"

Definitely not an egomaniac.

I don't see how a guy who gives some of his time to fans can be criticised. He was the only one who made an effort. There were children there too, particularly a little boy who had a Sheamus top on (which Sheamus signed for him), and you want to see the boy's face. He was completely made up.
I dont see any difference between the rock and lesnar.

They both went off too try different things, and both have come back to the thing that made them.

You cant blame lesnar trying something as tough as MMA, and then deciding its probably not for him. The rock has done great in acting right now and seems to be getting better, im pleased they both feel they can return and still cut it. Its not a slant on the WWE, if anything its a good thing.

He became the world heavy weight champion in MMA, that was a hell of an achievement, but he's also had an operation thats removed a foot of his intestine and it didn't cure the ailment. He's not able to compete at that level anymore so it wasn't him deciding it wasn't for him.
Didn't Lesnar have a go at playing football (of the American variety)?

He originally left the WWE to pursue a NFL career played for the Minneota Vikings during their pre-season but was cut before the season started. He then went to Japan to wrestle then made the change to MMA.