Television The Propgropthrop

wwe reckons punk is too small and he called out austin earlier today, theres a video. I reckon Austin will face Punk and next year at WM the rock will fight Brock in both of their last matches.
I can see Swagger or Ziggler being the first to pin Brodus (since Funkasaurus). Not tonight, but I'm sure at some point in the future one of them will end his undefeated run.

I've been watching this for the last 5 minutes, I could carry on for several hours.
Ziggler could make The Worm look like the most painful move in history.
Wait, Curt Hawkins has now appeared on RAW in two seperate scenes. This is a new personal record!
I wouldn't think so; given the stance on blood that the company has had for a little while then Cena must've been busted-up hard way in that brawl with Lesnar.
Ah, there we go, Kane being used in comedy segments. His latest "I AM ANGRY MONSTER" run lasted...about two months?
I like how Cody seems like he just wanted to move on after Mania, but now Show refuses to leave him alone. The great big bully.
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Apparently Yoshi Tatsu was too injured to be pinned. This is why our officials go to referee school, to make the tough calls. #RAWTonight
You just know somebody's going to slip and injure themselves on that now.

Probably Mysterio. It'd be just like him to return, fall over, and leave for months.
Mark Henry says he'll be the new World Heavyweight Champion.

An incredible achievement, considering he's wrestling Punk, who is the WWE Champion.
didnt paul betray lesnar? how would they get back together

The same way that DX hated each other's guts and then teamed again afterwards?

Just have Heyman come out, and completely ignore the whole "they hated each other once" thing.
They were separate at the time of the storyline finishing, they are legit good friends though and I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to work his way back in. Just need Vince to accept that he was wrong over the incident that saw Heyman leave, everyone else can see it but we all know what Vince is like.
Aside from the opening segment, Brock/Cena other stuff and Punk/Y2J stuff, this Raw was horrible. Didnt help they had such a shit crowd either.
Very much a transitional RAW, I thought. The vast majority of it seemed to be moving storylines on.

If somebody asks me what I remember about this episode of RAW later in the year, I'll probably just shrug.