Television The Propgropthrop

Why are you pointing me in the direction of the video....."Just youtubed this return"

Music hits


Brock comes out


Seriously, none of those are his usually facial expression, it's pretty obvious he's a bad actor, but he sold a mildly concerned look enough for me, I guess that's because I don't expect my wrestlers to be trained by Lee Strasberg and be Oscar Winners. Jesus now I'm involved in this good awful debate. *facepalm*

:lol: Looking surprised is hardly an oscar deserving performance.

Maybe to me, surprise looks something different to a blank canvas face. Maybe to you that's what it looks like. You're right at least that it's a god awful debate.
I've seen many times before where the likes of Austin and rock have looked scared as the Undertaker of Kane make an unexpected appearance

The only appropriate response here is


Just youtubed this return, legit have no idea what you are arguing about anyway....when he first comes out, he clearly tries to do a somewhat concerned look, but he's a terribly actor at the best of times....but his character can't allow for him to be truly fazed by shit, he's up to all challenges, thats his schtick. He doesn't actually smile and greet it until about 20 seconds after Brock comes out. The stuff Cena haters come up with sometimes is crazy.

Exactly, I've actually watched it back again and there is just nothing there. Apparently Cena's meant to turn all pussy, his response was in keeping with the character.

I'm not a Cena hater, I think that the stuff Cena praisers come up with is crazy, it's like Barcelona fans when they talk about their own team and shrug off any accusations of diving.

The video is on page 90, skip to 06:42. Music hits, no surprised look, immediately just turns and looks about the crowd, no 'eh? Brock?' or 'what's he doing here?' just a oh let's look at the crowd. Then he starts to smile, there's no confusion, no puzzled look, no surprise. It's just bad acting that's all.

Ahh yes, it's the Cena defenders that are the crazy ones :rolleyes:

tbh, this is how you truly sell a return.

The HHHeel oversell. Nothing better.

Jerichos reaction is very similar to Cena's to Lesnar, sort of like an unfazed YET acknowledging smile. But it appears HHH's reaction is what people expected Cena to do despite the fact it would be completely daft and out of character. Next week in order to sell the F5 they'll expect Cena to come out on crutches.
The only appropriate response here is


Exactly, I've actually watched it back again and there is just nothing there. Apparently Cena's meant to turn all pussy, his response was in keeping with the character.

Ahh yes, it's the Cena defenders that are the crazy ones :rolleyes:

Jerichos reaction is very similar to Cena's to Lesnar, sort of like an unfazed YET acknowledging smile. But it appears HHH's reaction is what people expected Cena to do despite the fact it would be completely daft and out of character. Next week in order to sell the F5 they'll expect Cena to come out on crutches.

You're completely dodging 'surprise' and choosing to focus on 'scared' which hasn't really been brought up. Crutches? Where's that 'really' picture you just posted... your massive overexaggeration is typical and why I likened it to Barcelona fans I know.
I reckon an addition for this years Caf awards should be most spasticated argument award, front runners so far are The Religion vs Cider for "stop signing all the kids, you bastard" in soccer manager and Leroy vs Zarlak for "Cena should be surprised. No he shouldn't, you're just a hater"
You're completely dodging 'surprise' and choosing to focus on 'scared' which hasn't really been brought up. Crutches? Where's that 'really' picture you just posted... your massive overexaggeration is typical and why I likened it to Barcelona fans I know.

People react to surprise differently, it made sense for the heel HHH to respond as he did to HBK. Cena's body language and facial expressions change which is enough to signify "surprise" but he had to maintain calmness, it wasn't fantastic but it was all it needed to be, the fact it's being analysed is insane.
Since you're an expert on this, can you clarify how exactly Cena should have responded without coming across as a frightened heel.

And I will get you a quote next week from someone moaning about Cena no selling the F5 this coming Monday on RAW, that is how sure I am of the daftness of the anti-Cena crew.
People react to surprise differently, it made sense for the heel HHH to respond as he did to HBK. Cena's body language and facial expressions change which is enough to signify "surprise" but he had to maintain calmness, it wasn't fantastic but it was all it needed to be, the fact it's being analysed is insane.
Since you're an expert on this, can you clarify how exactly Cena should have responded without coming across as a frightened heel.

And I will get you a quote next week from someone moaning about Cena no selling the F5 this coming Monday on RAW, that is how sure I am of the daftness of the anti-Cena crew.

Just a surprised face would have done, rather than a motionless stone wall. A double take at the music and a look of puzzlement, rather than just a blank canvas. None of that covneys 'frightened heel' you keep mentioning 'frightened' and 'scared' but he doesn't need to come across as that at all. Surprised is what you'd expect somebody to be when someone makes a random return you haven't seen in years that you weren't expecting.

It's not asking for Oscar nominated performances, just trying to sell something happening 'out of the blue'

Anyway, it didn't need to be analysed, I just made a statement based on my observations, and you picked up on it and it went from there. I didn't ask for a big discussion analysing him, it's just that you seem to reply to negative posts about Cena because you like him. We can just agree to disagree.

Also I'm not denying there are some actual retards out there re: the whole crutches thing, only that you seemed to think that's what we were asking for.
You can nomiante us, but TR and the guy who said the police were all racist and went around looking for black people to arrest already has my vote.

No, see that's not a spasticated arguement. That was one spastic being destroyed by people who can form opinions using their brains. A bit like Mickey and the gay thread.

You 2 are actually in an argument about whether or not someone acted enough....
used to be the biggest wrestling fan ever. Been trying to get back into it recently but im slightly confused on somthing

Kane used to wear a mask because his face was scarred so bad etc etc..

He has this ripped off and it looked messed up slightly.

Stopped watching for a while.

Next time i viewed he was bald and had no scars what so ever.

Watched it again recently and he has a mask and long hair again ? What is the purpose of the mask this time ??
Havent watched wrestling in a while and not comfortable with some new wrestlers. Alberto Del Rio, sheamus, daniel bryan and people like that, do you really have the potential to be real main eventers like HBK, HHH, Taker, Austin, Cena, Rock, Orton etc?
Del Rio is good, I like Sheamus, Bryan I'm not convinced on. Everybody gives him a reacharound in this thread, but his character pisses me off no end, I also dislike this high school drama with his girlfriend and whether he loves her or not, and that he doesn't eat meat. I don't care. I do find the YES YES YES thing funny though.
Del Rio is good, I like Sheamus, Bryan I'm not convinced on. Everybody gives him a reacharound in this thread, but his character pisses me off no end, I also dislike this high school drama with his girlfriend and whether he loves her or not, and that he doesn't eat meat. I don't care. I do find the YES YES YES thing funny though.


He's a fantastic in ring performer, the Yes Yes Yes thing seems to be putting him over with fans, so we might see them think about developing his character.
I'd love The Rock to take the piss out of him like he did with Cena 'you can' shee me, you can' shee me' just to give him the Rockbottom and then grab a mic and start going 'yesh, yesh, yesh, yesh, yesh' at him.

I guess it's just his character doing its job why I don't like him. If his gimmick was different I might like him. So I guess he's got the last laugh as it's working.
Just caught up on raw, is Cena now a full time jobber to overrated wrestlers who have returned after trying and failing to disassociate themselves completely from the industry?
Three guys mentioned up the page, Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus and Bryan.

I think Bryan is excellent, love the "YES!" thing he's got going on, but he's just a fantastic wrestler in general. Strongly recommend watching his match against Nigel McGuiness from ROH Driven 2007. Then watch his match against Takeshi Morishima from ROH Manhattan Mayhem II, in which he fractures his orbital bone early on, and still goes on to put on a fantastic match.

Alberto Del Rio is a guy that can put on excellent matches, but I'm not too fond of his character at the moment. His promos all seem to follow the same pattern. 1. Come out in rented fancy car. 2. MY NAME IS ALBERTO...DEL...RRRRRRRRRRRRIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3. Something something destiny. 4. Leave. Need to do something about that. His matches against Christian on Smackdown last year were great though.

Sheamus is hit and miss. At the moment he's miss, because his character in the build up to the Wrestlemania match has just been booked terribly. "Daniel Bryan, you're a coward, now I'm going to sneak attack you a few times, in a totally not cowardly at all way, fella." I'll see where he goes next though, because I still haven't made my mind up about him.
No, see that's not a spasticated arguement. That was one spastic being destroyed by people who can form opinions using their brains. A bit like Mickey and the gay thread.

You 2 are actually in an argument about whether or not someone acted enough....

You have no opinion. You'd rather fit into social norms rather than ask taboo questions.
I don't know the meaning of social norm, I do computer science
Mate plans on doing that next year. Any good?

I like it, more maths than I thought there'd be but it's survivable. Computer science can be quite theory heavy which people don't expect. I'm presuming the title of computer science is the same worldwide, although could be done differently over there.