Television The Propgropthrop

To be honest, it's just the divas match I didn't like.

I'm odd though, and I actually like Mark Henry. :nervous:
Say what you like about the WWE but the video editing team that put together these promos are fantastic.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Wish the UFC had something similar, would make the shows look so much better.
You could have a feud between two of the worst wrestlers around, say Kurrgan and Matt Striker, and the video team would make it seem like a must see event.

Loving the shirt for Punk there.
Reminds me of when Cena was fighting RVD in an ECW show a few years ago. A little less tense, but still similar
I can't remember the last time I was this excited for a match. Probably when I was around 11, and still thought it was real.