Television The Propgropthrop

In fact in pure wrestling terms I've never seen a tag team as good as the Steiners. They were incredible to watch. Scott Steiner at the time looked like the future of wrestling. The Steiner Driver is still one of the riskiest moves I've ever seen. When he became Big Poppa pump he had lost is mobility and speed and never seemed to push himself anymore in the ring. What a loss.

I have never seen a moonsault powerslam before.
I have never seen a moonsault powerslam before.

Quite regular now, It's just a fall away slam with a twist. Muta took it up as did Liger and Guerrero. I also loved the way Scott used to do the Fankensteiner. It wasn't a Hurricarana as it has now become it was a weird ddt.
I miss the man of 5000 gimmicks and none ever getting over Billy Gunn. Rock burying him was one of the greatest promos ever.
The best big man the industyr has seen, totally misused by WWF as a glorified jobber, his time in WCW was a breath of fresh air and brought across the much more physical Japanese style to the American industry. I rmember him and Hansen stealing the show at wrestlewar 91. Everything else other than the steiners seemed satle in comparison. WCW brought him in and the years of him v the WCW roster are my favourite period in wrestling. The matches against Cactus Jack were brutal, especially for Mick Foley Also a user of the moonsault slam.
Big Van Vader!!!!!.

Vader v Misawa

V cactus jack check out the punch at 6.30

at halloween havoc

Nope everyone who knows how to use the internet prefers the Rock and agree with his promos too.
Nope everyone who knows how to use the internet prefers the Rock and agree with his promos too.

You need to stop logging on to

My problem with the Rock isn't that he's not showing up to every show. I wouldn't expect him to, he's not a wrestler any more. My problem is that he takes over the shows that he's on.

Last Wrestlemania became about Cena and The Rock even though The Miz was champion at the time. The Rock's involvement in the main event ruined that match for me. Then we had the Rock Birthday RAW, which was one of the worst episodes I've seen for a long long time.

Now next Wrestlemania he's going to take over the show again. All through the show it's likely that we're going to get constant references to Rock vs. Cena, like "hey guys, **** what's going on right now, there's this match coming up!" and that basically shits on all the guys that are there full time, week in and week out.

Bret Hart made his return to in-ring action at last Wrestlemania, which is arguably just as big a deal as Rock returning, especially if you consider how he left etc. The match was hyped, but it didn't dominate the show, as I suspect Rock/Cena will.

I don't hate The Rock. He was the guy I marked for as a kid watching the Attitude Era. That's nostalgia though, that's looking back on a man that was the best talker of his generation, and the big star of his generation. I'd rather remember that Rock, than the Rock that brings it via Youtube, than the Rock that gets an entire RAW dedicated to him. I get this sense from listening to The Rock that we should all be grateful that he's bothered to grace us with his presence again.
Don't really know why you are telling me that, I was just stating a fact that it's like 99.999999% The Rock on the internet in that feud. Dude got boo'd in his own hometown arena this past week, pretty embarrassing.

They've needed to turn him heel for years, it's becoming a farce at this point, and well he not only got buried by the Rock for it this week, but so did Punk. His gimmick is stale, boring, and just past the point now.

Brets return was a pretty huge flop too, shit was silent as hell. Whereas they've been building towards a Rock-Cena match, inadvertently maybe, for a long long time and it's been something people have wanted for years, kinda like Sting-Taker and Hogan-Austin which both never happened, now fans finally get one of their dream matches, it's obviously gonna be a big deal.

I don't like that he walks into the main event and agree with what Punk said on that too, but at the end of the day, thats whats gonna make it the biggest WM in years.
Don't really know why you are telling me that, I was just stating a fact that it's like 99.999999% The Rock on the internet in that feud. Dude got boo'd in his own hometown arena this past week, pretty embarrassing.

They've needed to turn him heel for years, it's becoming a farce at this point, and well he not only got buried by the Rock for it this week, but so did Punk. His gimmick is stale, boring, and just past the point now.

Brets return was a pretty huge flop too, shit was silent as hell. Whereas they've been building towards a Rock-Cena match, inadvertently maybe, for a long long time and it's been something people have wanted for years, kinda like Sting-Taker and Hogan-Austin which both never happened, now fans finally get one of their dream matches, it's obviously gonna be a big deal.

I don't like that he walks into the main event and agree with what Punk said on that too, but at the end of the day, thats whats gonna make it the biggest WM in years.

I don't think Cena v Rock could be compared in size to Sting v Taker (10-15 years to late) or Hogan v Austin (various operations and hip replacements to late).
Can't go wrong with a ladder match when it comes to real pain, am looking forward to MITB tomorrow!

Wathc those vader v cactus jack vids. Makes the Austin rock match look like wusses.
If you want blood, then you might want to look at things like CZW, or the Japanese Deathmatch wrestling stuff. Not a fan, myself, so I couldn't suggest specific matches.
If you want blood, then you might want to look at things like CZW, or the Japanese Deathmatch wrestling stuff. Not a fan, myself, so I couldn't suggest specific matches.

Thing was a lot of them were shit matches, just plenty of gore. ECW started off with the better idea of giving good solid in ring performances and the gore being and hish spots being a real show closer, but then lost itself in its own federation wide gimmick and the whole thing lost it's impact. Watch CZW and it's the same story, if they bring the blood and high spots in from the get go then the pacing of the whole show is lost, if you've seen someone go through 12 tables and are pooring blood within the first 10 minutes then your really not going to give a shi when it happens ad infinitum for the rest of the card. It's why i miss the 90's era, they had the right mix throughout. Matches that were solid and told a story within itself, instead of the various wrestlers just hitting their signature move to get the cheers. It's why when you watched Shawn take a huge bump from the top of a cage it blew your mind.
Bravo Chavo:

“Ok, don’t “Fin” say that people will talk about this for years if you’re going to let Punk do all the work and not deliver at the PPV, Cena. I am tired and I know fans are tired of WWE Superstars talking big and not delivering. We don’t want to see someone just in a fight. And frankly no one believes it anymore. If Miz can kick your ass then the clerk at the store can kick your ass, so please deliver if you say that..

“People will remember this PPV. You know Punk will bring “it”. I’ve been in the ring with both of you and Punk has “it”. Cena you have mic skills yes but if you think people believe your BS lazy comeback that you do exactly the same every match then you are mistaken. Eddie and I taught you different. We never said “get lazy” and do the damn thing every night. We always said “think out of the box” and give the fans what they deserve and not rely on the “machine” to “get you over”.

“I hope this lights a fire under your ass and you deliver this Sunday. Don’t just rest on you being over cause you are and that is easy. Challenge yourself and give the fans what they deserve. That’s why they boo you. Because they aren’t stupid. They know what they pay for and the “great” promo guy but the shitty “match” guy that you have become is not what they want. I understand “longevity” but at the sacrifice of the fans trust is not worth it. Deliver on your fans and deliver on why you got into this business. Eventually the fans that you have gained with from the purple t-shirts will turn on you. Take a lesson from the Hulkster. Give the fans there $ worth and don’t become just another “promo” guy. I know you love this biz and don’t get distracted from the McMahon $. Deliver please!! Have enough respect for your fans because without them, you’re working at a fast food chain.

“Love you man and I support you and hope you see this because I know Punk will and I know he’s going to bring it because he’s got nothing to lose!”

Edit: Predictions for tomorrow's PPV, anyone?
Edit: Predictions for tomorrow's PPV, anyone?

Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Alex Riley vs. R-Truth vs. The Miz vs. Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger

Kane vs. Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Heath Slater vs. Sheamus

Singles match for the WWE Divas Championship
Kelly Kelly (c) vs. Brie Bella

Singles match for the WWE Championship.
John Cena (c) vs. CM Punk

Big Show vs. Mark Henry

Singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Randy Orton (c) vs. Christian
Don't care about the Divas match, but I'll go ahead and set the over/under at 4 minutes.

I guess Mark Henry will beat the Big Show but I don't really care. I wouldn't be surprised if this ends in a DQ with all kinds of shit getting destroyed.

I think Barrett wins the Smackdown match. Kane's a little too boring at this point. Sin Cara's too botchy. Slater is pointless. Sheamus doesn't need it. Gabriel is too raw on the mic. Cody Rhodes is wearing thin. Daniel Bryan is the only other person I can see winning this match. If he doesn't win he'll at least put on a hell of a show.

Christian gets a dirty win over Orton to keep the feud going I think.

Operating under the idea originally proposed by phelans_shorts that Punk will win and the MITB winner will save the title, I think the winner of the Raw match will have to be someone who can legitimately hold a title. That leaves Rey Mysterio, Miz, and Jack Swagger as former title holders and Alberto Del Rio and maybe Kofi Kingston if they want to elevate someone to the title. If they're going to win it from Punk, then they probably have to be a face, which leaves Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston. I think it will have to be Rey Mysterio due to his history with Punk and the fact that he's surprisingly never won a MITB match.

Punk winning would be a shock, but one I think WWE is willing to pull given their out with MITB. What I think they could do to make it even more interesting is to have Punk win by submission. If they really want to kill off this Super Cena character, having him tap to an Anaconda Vice to let down the "WWE Universe" would be a perfect way to do it IMO. It'd be pretty awful to have to sit through Cena as champion all the way until Wrestlemania, so I think it would make sense to start his downward spiral here and then have him win it back some time in the winter.
Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Alex Riley vs. R-Truth vs. The Miz vs. Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger

Kane vs. Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Heath Slater vs. Sheamus

Singles match for the WWE Divas Championship
Kelly Kelly (c) vs. Brie Bella

Singles match for the WWE Championship.
John Cena (c) vs. CM Punk

Big Show vs. Mark Henry

Singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Randy Orton (c) vs. Christian

I think that Christian will use some sort of illegal move to get the win over Randy Orton. Then Sin Cara will beat him on the next Smackdown.
The way I saw it going with Christian is he sneaks the win, maybe Orton goes for the RKO and gets rolled up, for example. He's there celebrating when the SD MITB winner comes out with the briefcase, and beats him.

Cue hysterics.
Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Alex Riley vs. R-Truth vs. The Miz vs. Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger

Kane vs. Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Heath Slater vs. Sheamus

Singles match for the WWE Divas Championship
Kelly Kelly (c) vs. Brie Bella

Singles match for the WWE Championship.
John Cena (c) vs. CM Punk

Big Show vs. Mark Henry

Singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Randy Orton (c) vs. Christian

With Del Rio winning the title off of Punk at the end, although I wouldn't be surprised if it was Mysterio. Also I think Chavo summed up the whole Punk Cena thing well.
Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Alex Riley vs. R-Truth vs. The Miz vs. Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger

Kane vs. Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Heath Slater vs. Sheamus

Singles match for the WWE Divas Championship
Kelly Kelly (c) vs. Brie Bella

Singles match for the WWE Championship.
John Cena (c) vs. CM Punk

Big Show vs. Mark Henry

Singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Randy Orton (c) vs. Christian

The Miz cashing in at the end to beat Punk.