Television The Propgropthrop

The last match i can think of that was like this was, the wwe version of ECW at one of their PPVs. Cena was in the match, cant remember the opponent, but cena got massive hate.

Rob Van Dam
Punk vs. Cena - MOTY (so far)

MITB 2011, best PPV since...I dunno, but in a hell of a long time.
Punk vs. Cena - MOTY (so far)

MITB 2011, best PPV since...I dunno, but in a hell of a long time.

Admittedly I went and watched a youtube video of Jerry Lawler vs. Prof. Tanaka during the divas match, but still.

Henry vs Show was amazing, the story of the Christian/Orton match was great, and I don't think I've seen an MitB match laid out better than these two.

And holy fecking feck that ending actually happened. That seriously just happened. It's what I wanted to happen, and I'm so used to WWE big angles letting me down that I'm in total shock that they went through with it.

I'm sure they'll find a way to feck it up down the road, but still...
What can I say? If this was real sports I'd say that you can't write an ending like this. Kudos to Creative for proving that you can. They planted the seed and we all saw it coming, but they still managed to take it a step further than we thought they would.

In a PPV that probably drew a lot of viewers from the proverbial and usually cynical internet wrestling community, the writers stepped it up big time and delivered a show for the ages. Not only did the internet love that, the live crowd did too, and I'm sure it'll be an experience they will never forget.

And they didn't have to sacrifice their future to do it either. Bryan and Del Rio got much needed pushes. People are actually interested in Mark Henry now. Orton and Christian put on a decent-to-good match, Punk got his moment, and even Cena didn't come out of it looking bad. I don't think any of us are planning on missing Raw tomorrow are we?
Holy Crap I can't believe Punk won this match.
Christian spat in ortons face so orton kicked christian in the nuts causing a DQ.

Punk beat Cena after Cena got distracted trying to stop vinnie mac doing a montreal-esq screw job on punk, Del Rio ran down to cash it in but before the ref could ring the bell Punk hit del rio and left the building through the crowd
Was MITB on PPV or Sky Sports? It sounds incredible, the matches and the crowd.

I want the days back when the crowd were hot and we had wrestlers actually worth watching. I must admit, I was never a big CM Punk fan but with his recent character, he started to grow on me.

Now he's just exploded into this 'Austin' type character that people just go nuts for, the anti-hero. I'm not saying he'll get to the level that Austin ever did, but you can certainly see the similarities.

Long may it continue because WWE have needed this type of thing for a long, long time and they'll be insane to let Punk go now. They need to give him a huge contract and get him to stay.
I just rewatched MITB with my brother (who was asleep when it was on), and it definitely stands up to the rewatch. Watching it back having calmed down, and being able to actually analyse it, the show really is my favourite PPV of all time, and Punk vs. Cena is a match that I personally would give *****, or 10/10, or A+, or whatever rating you want to give.

Even the Vince overbooking shenanigans were great. That sort of thing has the potential to ruin a match, but the throwback to the screwjob worked, and it especially got Cena's character over well that he wasn't willing to go down that route. Then the Alberto Del Rio thing was the sign of Vince being a desperate man, offset by Punk mockingly blowing him a kiss goodbye as he exited through the crowd.

Which, by the way, has to be the best crowd in WWE since ECW One Night Stand where RVD fought Cena.

Just a brilliant match, all the way through.
Just finished watching it there, Cena and Punk deserve so much praise, great match. Great PPV.