Television The Propgropthrop

They're overdoing the "isn't it dangerous" thing, 3 "injuries" in 4 matches is way OTT.

Back in the days of the Hardy Boyz vs The Dudley Boys vs Edge & Christian they just carried them away at the end, or they came back out.
They're overdoing the "isn't it dangerous" thing, 3 "injuries" in 4 matches is way OTT.

The ones on Cara and Show are obviously staged but the Miz one looked legit, my main reason is that he's not that good at selling and the fact that he just fell awkwardly so it doesn't further any storyline him getting injured at that point.

EDIT: It's still real to me damnit
The ones on Cara and Show are obviously staged but the Miz one looked legit, my main reason is that he's not that good at selling and the fact that he just fell awkwardly so it doesn't further any storyline him getting injured at that point.

That and the fact that his knee looked to be in the wrong position when they briefly showed it.

I only really saw it through the corner of my eye, fair enough if it's legit.

Still having 2/4 having kayfabe injuries is too much still.