This is a post show promo that shouldn’t really be aired. It’s weird
What the feck is going on?This is a post show promo that shouldn’t really be aired. It’s weird
Looks like the honeymoon period for Trips is over
What a crap ending
A weird ending doesn't make the show bad?
Just kept rolling for some reason.What the feck is going on?
The booking and the ending was bad
Booking was fine throughout, just the main event with Drew not going over... But wrestling wise this was still a home run show.
They really should have put Drew over
.. Would have been an all timer moment.
People just get worked by the ending but can’t admit to getting worked so blame booking instead. In many respects it’s the only way to get close to KayfabeBooking was fine throughout, just the main event with Drew not going over... But wrestling wise this was still a home run show.
They really should have put Drew over
.. Would have been an all timer moment.
On the train home now and feels like the end of the world.
Brilliant showthe booking in the main event up until the third uso ruined it was great, fair play I thought we were about to see history and was absolutely gutted
Fury borking Theory was class
Thought most matches were great, Morgan Probably the weakest along with the Rollins for me.
McIntyre and Fury clearly had no chemistryTotally agree with you mate. The acing the stadium, the mood was proper flat. The show had been great - Tyson stopping Theory from cashing in was funny, but can’t believe Drew didn’t get his moment.
Whether this was a test run and they’ll come back and have a rematch (maybe at Hampden Park / Wembley) next year.
The less said about the singalong the better…
McIntyre and Fury clearly had no chemistryI found the awkwardness funny, can’t believed they aired the song along apparently!
Really done with Roman as champion now. Hope Cody hurry’s up and beats him.
Also Edge probably got the pop of the night along with Drew.
Yeah I only knew because my mate told meYeah. Me and my mate assumed the cameras would have stopped rolling. If didn’t give the crowd the feel good factor.
I swear Drew said about Sweet Caroline only for Tyson to refuse the Mic, Drew say he only knew the chorus and transition into a bit of Oasis - but of a car crash and mental it aired.
We’re we meant to know who that other Uso was? Me and my mate were like “who the feck is this”….
On the train home now and feels like the end of the world.
Brilliant showthe booking in the main event up until the third uso ruined it was great, fair play I thought we were about to see history and was absolutely gutted
Fury borking Theory was class
Thought most matches were great, Morgan Probably the weakest along with the Rollins for me.
Yeah that’s fair! Felt odd that nothing changed.It was very odd not to give the fans anything after waiting like 30 years since Summerslam. You'd think that either Sheamus or Drew would've gone over. Thought it was a little bit disrespectful if I'm honest. Not a single belt changed hands.
Yeah I only knew because my mate told menot sure who he is to be fair.
The awkward sweet Caroline bit made me laugh, Fury wasn’t having it.
I do think Drew is quite an awkward baby face to be fair, but he deserved to win that. Crowd would have gone insane, need to split those titles.
Also, better dad than Benoit![]()
It did! It’s doing the rounds online.Any idea if the Chris Benoit T shirt made it on to the tv broadcast??
Did you see the guy give the proper up close wanker hand signal behind Gunther before his ring walk?![]()
He's been champion for 2 years and is part-time, only having wrestled about 3 times in 3 months. Him dropping the title needs doing, not because of the big pop, but because it's pathetic having him as champ without being a full-time performer.I don’t really watch anymore, but just dropping the title for a big pop would be pointless long term no? Isn’t it better for Triple H to keep the status quo with the title for now whilst they actually plan a long term championship storyline? They are still unwinding Vince’s madness, and Cody’s injury has not helped.
I'm still thinking about that Sheamus Gunther match.
The IC title hasn't meant this much in years
You would absolutely love that wouldnt you?Looks like the honeymoon period for Trips is over
What a crap ending
He's hardly part time. Just because he's not wrestling every week doesn't make him part time.He's been champion for 2 years and is part-time, only having wrestled about 3 times in 3 months. Him dropping the title needs doing, not because of the big pop, but because it's pathetic having him as champ without being a full-time performer.
He's literally on a part-time contract, that makes him part-time.He's hardly part time. Just because he's not wrestling every week doesn't make him part time.
It's a solid enough card but I'm not excited for it tbh. Feel AEW has gone a little stale recently. Perhaps this card will be used as a catalyst to freshen things up.Just realised all out is tonight