Television The Propgropthrop

Just watched Punks promo and feck me the crowd was done with Punk until the end. Their reaction fecked everything up. Mox promo was obviously written with being in Chicago and getting booed assumption but that just didn’t happen.
Laid out a challenge thinking the crowd would chant for Punk. Nope, MJF
Cheering Mox as he said he beat Punk. Says the crowd likes Punk to mixed reaction.
Punk was actually booed as he started his promo then roasts a fan for no reason other than chanting for Colt Cabana.
Mox was basically begging for boos on the fly because of it.
The angle seems to be Punk had a one week funk and wasn’t injured despite everybody claiming look at his pivot foot! Last week
It’s a weird dynamic.
Just watched Punks promo and feck me the crowd was done with Punk until the end. Their reaction fecked everything up. Mox promo was obviously written with being in Chicago and getting booed assumption but that just didn’t happen.
Laid out a challenge thinking the crowd would chant for Punk. Nope, MJF
Cheering Mox as he said he beat Punk. Says the crowd likes Punk to mixed reaction.
Punk was actually booed as he started his promo then roasts a fan for no reason other than chanting for Colt Cabana.
Mox was basically begging for boos on the fly because of it.
The angle seems to be Punk had a one week funk and wasn’t injured despite everybody claiming look at his pivot foot! Last week
It’s a weird dynamic.

Still can't make sense of the match last week. It only made sense if it was a legitimate injury, but if it wasn't a planned ending they wouldn't have stuck it in the middle of a Dynamite episode, which in itself made no sense unless the plan was to botch the match.

They should never have put the title on punk in the first place tbh. The irony of him saying he joined to wrestle the younger guys to put them over, when all he's actually done is beat all of them in order to put himself over and become champion,disappear for months and then act like a tit about it. Reminds me of that promo he did where he accused Cena of becoming everything cena hated, in that this is exactly what's happened to Punk.

The interim nonsense didn't help either. I don't care if they do it in UFC. It makes no sense there either, and UFC fighters compete 3 times a year. They don't have to perform and parade the belt around every single week
Still can't make sense of the match last week. It only made sense if it was a legitimate injury, but if it wasn't a planned ending they wouldn't have stuck it in the middle of a Dynamite episode, which in itself made no sense unless the plan was to botch the match.

They should never have put the title on punk in the first place tbh. The irony of him saying he joined to wrestle the younger guys to put them over, when all he's actually done is beat all of them in order to put himself over and become champion,disappear for months and then act like a tit about it. Reminds me of that promo he did where he accused Cena of becoming everything cena hated, in that this is exactly what's happened to Punk.

The interim nonsense didn't help either. I don't care if they do it in UFC. It makes no sense there either, and UFC fighters compete 3 times a year. They don't have to perform and parade the belt around every single week

I think the match last week was probably to officially recognise Mox as a two time champion rather than an interim one but yeah I agree that it's a bit silly in Pro Wrestling. Just strip the injured party and give them a shot when they return. It's a built in angle that requires no further promotion.
Just watched Punks promo and feck me the crowd was done with Punk until the end. Their reaction fecked everything up. Mox promo was obviously written with being in Chicago and getting booed assumption but that just didn’t happen.
Laid out a challenge thinking the crowd would chant for Punk. Nope, MJF
Cheering Mox as he said he beat Punk. Says the crowd likes Punk to mixed reaction.
Punk was actually booed as he started his promo then roasts a fan for no reason other than chanting for Colt Cabana.
Mox was basically begging for boos on the fly because of it.
The angle seems to be Punk had a one week funk and wasn’t injured despite everybody claiming look at his pivot foot! Last week
It’s a weird dynamic.

It was odd. Lot of thing about this I don't like, for example having a open contract that no one wants to take. One of the things I've liked in AEW is contender matches and ranking systems mean something but undermining all that with Mox just getting a contract that anyone can sign to challenge the world champion is something Vince would do.
It was odd. Lot of thing about this I don't like, for example having a open contract that no one wants to take. One of the things I've liked in AEW is contender matches and ranking systems mean something but undermining all that with Mox just getting a contract that anyone can sign to challenge the world champion is something Vince would do.
The explanation Reddit are giving for that is; "Would you be willing to face Jon Moxley?"

For feck sake...
The explanation Reddit are giving for that is; "Would you be willing to face Jon Moxley?"

For feck sake...

Yeah I've been read a few things on reddit and seems to be getting a free pass. Not for me, AEW has reignited my enjoyment for wrestling again but this storyline isn't working for me.
It was odd. Lot of thing about this I don't like, for example having a open contract that no one wants to take. One of the things I've liked in AEW is contender matches and ranking systems mean something but undermining all that with Mox just getting a contract that anyone can sign to challenge the world champion is something Vince would do.
Last night was the exact same angle as Hangman with his lack of confidence and gets a pep talk from a jobber that gets him believing in himself again.
It’s like recycled homework
AEW have been treading water for a while and actually seem to be taking backwards steps.

They were doing everything in their power to satisfy the IWC; and as a result have disappeared up their own anus, similarly to a lot of their fans.

There has always been a huge hypocrisy towards them. They'd be given free passes for a variety of things that had they happened in WWE they would have been slaughtered.

The interim title was stupid, as is their overall booking recently. For a territory that didn't want to become the new TNA, they've done little to change those comparisons over the last 12 months. They've signed so many "stars" from WWE who were supposedly being underutilised only to lose them in the shuffle.

While one swallow doesn't make a spring, WWE have been on a huge upward swing since the Vince scandal. If they continue on this trajectory, I think AEW will become more of a niche product where flips and spots are perceived more important as that's real wrasslin.
Its much like Forbidden Door... No interest in any of the stories going in, but it'll still be a great wrestling show

Probably true but for me I was well up for Forbidden Door so much I was happy to pay for the ppv and stay up to watch it whereas this one I'll just catch whenever.

Might as well watch the Clash at the Castle this weekend live as well seeing as it's free on BT Sport.
Tony on a media scrum saying the womens champions didn’t get a longer promo to announce an injury because she basically doesn’t draw.
Then they wonder why morale is low or there’s infighting
Its much like Forbidden Door... No interest in any of the stories going in, but it'll still be a great wrestling show

True. Although I'd argue some of the build to Forbidden Door was better than this but as you say it'll be a great wrestling show. 14 matches is a bit much though, these 6 hour shows no matter how good they are do drag.
Aew has kinda plateaued and signing all these guys hasn't helped

I get signings like cesaro Danielson, punk, Cole but they also sign some really random ones which aren't needed.

Tony needs help as he's trying to do too much. And it's affecting the product. Not that it's bad or anything but it also seems like they peaked after punks debut and the ppv where Danielson and Cole debuted
Probably true but for me I was well up for Forbidden Door so much I was happy to pay for the ppv and stay up to watch it whereas this one I'll just catch whenever.

Might as well watch the Clash at the Castle this weekend live as well seeing as it's free on BT Sport.

Yeah I'll watch Castle live - mainly because I need to see Sheamus and WALTER knock the living shit out of each other as soon as possible.
Clash tonight. Heading to Wales in a few hours with kickoff at 5. Which is probably when I'll arrive

Pushing it as need to go airport (Heathrow) few hours before :nervous:
On my way now, anyone going to the undertaker experience in the castle? :lol:
Cardiff was pretty fecking busy last night so I’m expecting today to be manic. Could be a night to remember though, seemed pretty special yesterday with everything going on. Including the car taking Undertaker out of his venue holding up my fecking bus because a large group of fans blocking the road to take photos.
Not able to get down there myself, but am watching live on BT Sport (nice of them to give it away).

Wish there was somewhere nearby showing it, so I could at least have some atmosphere aside from my cat occasionally waking up and yawning.

Edit: I've got Smackdown on now. To this day, I will never understand how anybody let Sami Zayn pretend he couldn't speak English and wear a mask.
Edge even attempting a 619 is amazing. I don’t even care that it wasn’t good, just the effort is enough.
Been a while since I watched WWE, are the graphics always this cheesy?
The opening was ok, Walter/Sheamus was worth the event alone and Rollins/Riddle was good. Not even got to the main event yet.
It's been pretty bland overall.

Riddle and Rollins was good.

Gunter and Sheamus was alright as well.

I expect the main event will end in shenanigans.
from what I’ve seen this has been a phenomenal work rate card

Edit this main event is sensational
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