Television The Propgropthrop

He was called out, offered a world title rematch and doesn't show up. Then he was called a coward to a cheering crowd.

It's not 3D chess booking. It's just shit booking.

Still doesn't make him look like an asshole. If it's not all part of the script the only one who looks like an asshole here is Punk.
Thought it was pretty clear it was off script abd it just made CM Punk look like a tit.

Using a scripted fued to have a genuine dig is one thing and is just part of the storytelling. You give it out but might get it back.

What Punk did was just cowardly and unprofessional. Taking off script personal shots at someone during a live segment when he knows they can't do or say anything back.
Thought it was pretty clear it was off script abd it just made CM Punk look like a tit.

Using a scripted fued to have a genuine dig is one thing and is just part of the storytelling. You give it out but might get it back.

What Punk did was just cowardly and unprofessional. Taking off script personal shots at someone during a live segment when he knows they can't do or say anything back.

I don't like it either. It's immature and unprofessional. There are a plethora of stories about Triple H going slightly off script during the attitude era when in promos with Rock and Austin (it was a little obvious during a 1999 segment with Rock and Shawn Michaels on the stage and Triple H and DX in the ring, and even more obvious during a 2003/2004 promo in which Triple H ran down Austin's Sheriff gimmick, to which Austin had no response except to glare at Triple H). But even then, it wasn't as bad because most of the time, it was during a feud and building up to a PPV.

What Punk did was go to business for himself, and made a fellow wrestler look extremely silly, especially because there was no rebuttal or comeuppance.
Delighted with how Gargano was called up

Watched nearly every episode of nxt from late 2012 i think and stopped watching the product after seeing how the call ups were treated around the time of the whole 2.0 thing. Satifying to see Trips doing them right now
With HHH in charge, its a great time to be a wrestling fan for both AEW and Raw/SD.
DO wonder if Adam Cole would have stayed (despite his wife and friends) if the decision came up now. Is AEW run has been really underwhelming
That was a genuinely great episode of RAW.

I think a lot of people expected for years that WWE would improve when Vince stepped back. I don't think anybody expected the improvement to be so big, so quickly.

Fantastic for anybody who has tickets for the Wales PPV. I imagine that show will be fantastic.
Good for Gargano. He knows hes one of Triple H's guys and has gone straight into Ziggler's spot with Theory, only they have more of a story and history. I dont imagine he would have got a better spot than that in AEW. After that runs its course we'll see, but again Triple H is much more likely to stick with him in an upper mid spot than Vince.
It helps when wrestlers are allowed to come to the main WWE roster and bring their NXT character and reputation with them. Rather than have both replaced by them wearing some silly face harness or becoming Miz's comic relief slave.

And the low point of wwe will forever be them randomly adding a chew chew train sound effect whenever Bron Strowman ran round the outside of the ring...and this is despite the fact I remember the storyline where Perry Saturn fell in love with a mop
I think a lot of people expected for years that WWE would improve when Vince stepped back. I don't think anybody expected the improvement to be so big, so quickly.

Fantastic for anybody who has tickets for the Wales PPV. I imagine that show will be fantastic.
Cant wait for it :D
Fantastic for anybody who has tickets for the Wales PPV. I imagine that show will be fantastic.
Raw in Toronto was one of the best live wrestling shows that I've seen in recent years, up there with Summerslam in 2019 if not better. Clash of the Castle is going to be incredibly exciting for sure with NXT-quality matches to go along with the much improved story developments.
It helps when wrestlers are allowed to come to the main WWE roster and bring their NXT character and reputation with them. Rather than have both replaced by them wearing some silly face harness or becoming Miz's comic relief slave.

And the low point of wwe will forever be them randomly adding a chew chew train sound effect whenever Bron Strowman ran round the outside of the ring...and this is despite the fact I remember the storyline where Perry Saturn fell in love with a mop

Leave Moppy out of this.
Moxley just beat Punk in 5 mins. Not sure what that was about? Punk seemed to injure his leg so not sure if linked to that but something going on.

I'm thinking Punk was legit hurt and they called it to wrap it up right away. It's been more than 20 minutes since the match ended and we've not had any ring action since, so maybe match called short?

Something about this whole situation makes no sense. Punk vs Mox was to main event the PPV in Punks home town which would have been absolutely hot, but it gets bumped to a midway point on a Dynamite episode and Punk gets 'squashed' in minutes?
Apparently went to plan.
No MJF return, now no title match for All Out that makes any sense after a title match squash mid way though the show. Maybe that was all Punk was prepared to do?
It’s an absolute cluster feck. Name one good storyline, hell storyline at all, heading into All Out. It seems so last minute
Surely he's just still injured and they wanted him to drop the title? I imagine it's that simple.
I think Moxley has been so good this summer that the original plan went out the window and there was desire to legitimise his title run and make him the genuine champ. I'm happy with that, as someone who liked but never loved Moxley, because I think he's on an absolute tear right now. He should be the beloved champ and Punk should be a bitter heel. Obviously you couldn't and wouldn't want to do that match and outcome in Chicago. That said, I've no idea how All Out will play out if there will be a rematch in the main event. Punk taking the title off Moxley certainly turns him heel in every other city bar Chicago.

Worth pointing out AEW is in New York the week after All Out. One interesting fan theory is that The Pinnacle are going to be reformed with Punk as the heel leader having Wardlow and FTR join him, which MJF would then return and face off with.

In other news, the 6-man main event was fantastic. Will Ospreay looks golden right now and him vs Omega in the ring next week should be the start of something good.
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Apparently went to plan.
No MJF return, now no title match for All Out that makes any sense after a title match squash mid way though the show. Maybe that was all Punk was prepared to do?
It’s an absolute cluster feck. Name one good storyline, hell storyline at all, heading into All Out. It seems so last minute

The Christian/Jungle Boy stuff has been decent. Otherwise yeah it's all a bit of a mess.

Punk being an idiot last week and then losing in 5 minutes this probably isn't a coincidence.

I do think they're missing mjf as well. The only person doing a half decent job as a heel is Christian.
feck knows whats going on with punk.

Do people prefer a trios title, or a trio competing under the freebirds rule for tag titles?
If you had asked me a few months ago that what the Bloodline needed to give them a bit of a refresh - I don't think I'd have come up with Sami Zayn joining them...

And yet it's now my favourite thing in wrestling at the moment.
Zayn is fantastic however I can see that working towards Owens and Zayn taking the tag team titles.

It definitely is - wonder how long they can stretch it out for... like, you could see Owens going for the title as a program before that happens, which will give Sami even more conflict.

That's if Roman retains in Wales of course
Just enjoyed watching Street Prophets and Alpha Academy on Raw. I didnt like the street prophets at first with their characters, despite Montez obviously being very athletic and having a huge jump for his splash. But In recent months Dawkins has got a lot better with his own wrestling and I like them a lot more after watching that match. Very good.
Can’t wait for Saturday! Staying in Cardiff for the weekend it should be epic.
If you had asked me a few months ago that what the Bloodline needed to give them a bit of a refresh - I don't think I'd have come up with Sami Zayn joining them...

And yet it's now my favourite thing in wrestling at the moment.
It's been fantastic. His comedy timing is brilliant

Can’t wait for Saturday! Staying in Cardiff for the weekend it should be epic.
Can't wait. The timing of Vince going and hhh taking over has been amazing for uk
Booked tickets for the 2nd New Japan Pro show in London in October and really looking forward to it, hope FTR and Will Osprey are there that night.
Also going to see AEW in New York in a few weeks. My life is just wrestling right now and that's fine.

I want him to form a trios with Danhausen and Dan the Dad.
Whats everyones Cardiff itinerary? My brother is going to that what culture show. Not sure what to do with myself during the day. Could just go into Cardiff and eat and drink i suppose.

I see Pryzm have Bret Hart and Mickie James in :lol:
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Unfortunately will just be in and out for the show, taking my nephew and he is only 9 so there will be no Tiny Rebel stops or anything and i want to get back to Manchester pronto afterwards as we have Arsenal at home on the Sunday.

Usually i'd have hit the Progress show and plenty of drinking over the weekend but this is going to be a rather sedate affair.
Anyone going to Cardiff and thinking of having food somewhere make sure you book. You are already weeks late but if you leave it till Saturday then you will be popping to Greggs at the rate places were already fully booked yesterday.