Television The Propgropthrop

Just finished All Our spoiler-free. Don’t think I have ever experienced such a wide range of emotions watching a single PPV. AEW certainly know how to put on a show on PPV. Some of the wrestling was unbelievable, some of the booking was eyebrow raising, some of the match outcomes were surprising, some of the crowd reactions were incredible… and now it sounds like there’s even more to catch-up with?!

In fairness to those who put the show together, whilst they probably couldn’t foresee too much of some of the negative immediate reaction to parts of the show, someone probably could have anticipated many of those match results being buzzkillers. That said, surprising results and comprehensive victories do pay dividends longer term. The big AEW shows do retain the ability to surprise, shock and thrill in a way that WWE shows have struggled to do for decades now that fans are a lot smarter.

As for some particular points, the Casino Ladder Match ultimately delivered even though it probably didn’t dawn on many what was happening until it happened after the main event. I don’t think anyone expected the live crowd or many of us at home to find ourselves caring about The Acclaimed winning the titles so much, so much so that Lee and Swerve were booed as absolute heels. That was an incredible sleeper match. Jamie Hayter was super over too, and the women’s division needs to stop being a few months behind with capitalising on the right act. Toni Storm should have won the belt at the last show.

As for the conclusion, for some reason, I suddenly knew it was MJF mid-way through the show. It still was awesome. MJF being cheered over Punk in Chicago was quite the sight. If Punk is really as deluded as Cody about him not being the bad guy, then kayfabe is more dead than satire. Surely, surely, surely this time it is a work? Maybe Punk is really that deluded.

Oh, Jon Moxley is the best wrestler in the world right now bar none. The complete total package. I was never big on him until now.

I’m excited for next week once again, and that’s ultimately what the acid test always is.
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Just finished All Our spoiler-free. Don’t think I have ever experienced such a wide range of emotions watching a single PPV. AEW certainly know how to put on a show on PPV. Some of the wrestling was unbelievable, some of the booking was eyebrow raising, some of the match outcomes were surprising, some of the crowd reactions were incredible… and now it sounds like there’s even more to catch-up with?!

In fairness to those who put the show together, whilst they probably couldn’t foresee too much of some of the negative immediate reaction to parts of the show, someone probably could have anticipated many of those match results being buzzkillers. That said, surprising results and comprehensive victories do pay dividends longer term. The big AEW shows do retain the ability to surprise, shock and thrill in a way that WWE shows have struggled to do for decades now that fans are a lot smarter.

As for some particular points, the Casino Ladder Match ultimately delivered even though it probably didn’t dawn on many what was happening until it happened after the main event. I don’t think anyone expected the live crowd or many of us at home to find ourselves caring about The Acclaimed winning the titles so much, so much so that Lee and Swerve were booed as absolute heels. That was an incredible sleeper match. Jamie Hayter was super over too, and the women’s division needs to stop being a few months behind with capitalising on the right act. Toni Storm should have won the belt at the last show.

As for the conclusion, for some reason, I suddenly knew it was MJF mid-way through the show. It still was awesome. MJF being cheered over Punk in Chicago was quite the sight. If Punk is really as deluded as Cody about him not being the bad guy, then kayfabe is more dead than satire. Surely, surely, surely this time it is a work? Maybe Punk is really that deluded.

Oh, Jon Moxley is the best wrestler in the world right now bar none. The complete total package. I was never big on him until now.

I’m excited for next week once again, and that’s ultimately what the acid test always is.
Legit question, what was surprising, shocking and thrilling about the show? It was a solid enough ppv with a couple of great matches, but the only thing that you could say was surprising was how over the acclaimed got in their match IMO.
Legit question, what was surprising, shocking and thrilling about the show? It was a solid enough ppv with a couple of great matches, but the only thing that you could say was surprising was how over the acclaimed got in their match IMO.
Surprising from top to bottom: the ladder match being turned into a quasi angle that made little sense at the time, until it dawned on you: Ricky Starks getting stomped by Powerhouse Hobbs clean; Luchasaurus turning and showing that he has been with Christian Cage the whole time, before Jungle Boy got squashed; Jericho beating Danielson.

Did you watch the whole show, or just read up on it? All Out was a lot of things, including frustrating and a little bloated, but I can’t see how anyone could argue that it wasn’t surprising or shocking.

If you weren’t thrilled by several of the matches on the show, then what are you doing watching wrestling? The Trios Title match and the Tag Team Title match were two possible five star affairs and the main event was a heck of hot match too.

I watched WWE for years and years and years, and I cannot tell you how many times I watched a WWE PPV and just felt that I completely wasted time, delighted if anything got over with the crowd and maybe one match that could touch four stars. AEW always deliver in comparison and always leave me wanting more, excited for the next shows.
One other thing on my mind here. In the same way, Tony Khan stopped Omega, Cody and the Bucks being too nice and jobbing themselves out to much of the roster, he needs to do the same with Danielson. The guy was the best and most over wrestler on the planet before he took time off, and is now way cooler. I cannot really understand why Jericho won, especially as he just won the Kingston feud and then lost a subsequent title match. Jericho isn’t going to be challenging for the title again, so unless he is putting another champion like Castagnoli, Wardlow or Pac over strongly, this makes no sense.

We know Danielson is way too happy to put other guys over, but he should be treated the same way Punk, Omega and Moxley are and heavily protected. It’s time to build him back up and have these losses worked into a storyline.
Just watched Punk’s media scrum. Just bizarre. But this makes it even weirder:

Just watched Punk’s media scrum. Just bizarre. But this makes it even weirder:

:lol: Hilarious. Genuinely better than any soap opera you can watch. I mean none of us really know the truth of his history with Cabana but how he can go off on Hangman for an innocuous comment in a promo that was no worse than anything Kingston or MJF had already said shows how fragile his ego is. The guy has literally built an entire career off of blurring the lines between what's real and what's not in his promo's (because he damn sure isn't a great wrestler) so how he's got the nerve to be upset with Hangman boggles my mind.

His beef now with Hangman and the EVP's is huge moment for this company. Something has to give and it doesn't look like Tony has got anywhere near the required character to deal with it either. Btw these media scrums for wrestling shows are fecking dumb. Was it Kingston that said "I know kayfabe is dead but you don't have to piss all over it's grave" ? That's what they remind me of.

PPV was meh as well I thought. Trio's title and the tag title being the stand outs. There were some very strange outcomes in some of the matches as well which I assume is purely to prolong the feuds and give them something to do for the coming months. The ending was cool as well but was obvious who it was when he walked out in the Casino match.
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One other thing on my mind here. In the same way, Tony Khan stopped Omega, Cody and the Bucks being too nice and jobbing themselves out to much of the roster, he needs to do the same with Danielson. The guy was the best and most over wrestler on the planet before he took time off, and is now way cooler. I cannot really understand why Jericho won, especially as he just won the Kingston feud and then lost a subsequent title match. Jericho isn’t going to be challenging for the title again, so unless he is putting another champion like Castagnoli, Wardlow or Pac over strongly, this makes no sense.

We know Danielson is way too happy to put other guys over, but he should be treated the same way Punk, Omega and Moxley are and heavily protected. It’s time to build him back up and have these losses worked into a storyline.

Yeah it's weird isn't it. Punk was the one who said he wanted to work with and put over all the new guys and yet Danielson, despite saying he didn't give a stuff about them and just wanted to kick everyone's heads in, is the one actually doing it. I 100% agree he needs to start getting booked stronger.
Surprising from top to bottom: the ladder match being turned into a quasi angle that made little sense at the time, until it dawned on you: Ricky Starks getting stomped by Powerhouse Hobbs clean; Luchasaurus turning and showing that he has been with Christian Cage the whole time, before Jungle Boy got squashed; Jericho beating Danielson.

Did you watch the whole show, or just read up on it? All Out was a lot of things, including frustrating and a little bloated, but I can’t see how anyone could argue that it wasn’t surprising or shocking.

If you weren’t thrilled by several of the matches on the show, then what are you doing watching wrestling? The Trios Title match and the Tag Team Title match were two possible five star affairs and the main event was a heck of hot match too.

I watched WWE for years and years and years, and I cannot tell you how many times I watched a WWE PPV and just felt that I completely wasted time, delighted if anything got over with the crowd and maybe one match that could touch four stars. AEW always deliver in comparison and always leave me wanting more, excited for the next shows.
Interesting. Can't say I agree with all that but interesting nonetheless.
It was obvious Lumis would show up when Miz tried to leave the cage but the way he did was hilarious, just laying there staring up at him :lol:
One other thing on my mind here. In the same way, Tony Khan stopped Omega, Cody and the Bucks being too nice and jobbing themselves out to much of the roster, he needs to do the same with Danielson. The guy was the best and most over wrestler on the planet before he took time off, and is now way cooler. I cannot really understand why Jericho won, especially as he just won the Kingston feud and then lost a subsequent title match. Jericho isn’t going to be challenging for the title again, so unless he is putting another champion like Castagnoli, Wardlow or Pac over strongly, this makes no sense.

We know Danielson is way too happy to put other guys over, but he should be treated the same way Punk, Omega and Moxley are and heavily protected. It’s time to build him back up and have these losses worked into a storyline.

I think its because it isnt a one and done. Danielson and Jericho will continue, so the heel won first and then Danielson will get the next. Then likely go over in the rubber.

However in ring Jericho is currently as good as ever but hes not likely to be around that much longer. So I can see why they'd want to milk this current purple patch especially if hes working with someone as great as Danielson.
It was obvious Lumis would show up when Miz tried to leave the cage but the way he did was hilarious, just laying there staring up at him :lol:

My first thought was "He can just win the match and take care of Lumis by just dropping from the cage into a double footstomp". Lumis couldnt have put himself in a more dangerous position if you were to try and believe this was sort of real.

Gets rid of Lumis, wins the title... Nope too much sense
What’s going on with Theory? he‘s barely won a match since May and gets beat every single week.

He’s a complete jobber at the minute they’ve gone too far with his loses.
Just seen on Reddit that Punk may have torn his pectoral muscle during the backstage scrap.
What’s going on with Theory? he‘s barely won a match since May and gets beat every single week.

He’s a complete jobber at the minute they’ve gone too far with his loses.
For real, he shouldn't be made to look so weak, it's stupid.
Having devoured everything Punk related today, he just comes across as an absolute bellend, and I never would have been that harsh before. I’ve greatly enjoyed having him in AEW, but in a wrestling sense we don’t need another Cody who can’t see the wood for the trees in terms of his obvious (heel) fit on the roster, and if he’s throwing his weight around backstage, the company would be incredibly stupid to back him over Omega, the Young Bucks and Hangman. A decision to fire him would probably be easier if they hadn’t just had him beat Moxley clean for the title.

I think its because it isnt a one and done. Danielson and Jericho will continue, so the heel won first and then Danielson will get the next. Then likely go over in the rubber.

However in ring Jericho is currently as good as ever but hes not likely to be around that much longer. So I can see why they'd want to milk this current purple patch especially if hes working with someone as great as Danielson.
I thought the Jericho and Danielson match looked hard work, but a couple of Danielson’s matches have recently. There’s almost too much of an effort to make it look stiff and a real war. His 2/3 falls match v Garcia was the same.
It does feel as if we are going to see firings and/or suspensions of multiple people in the next 24 hours:

Rumours Lara Sullivan will debut on Dynamite with a Val Venis style gimmick
So.... If you're Tony Khan, what would you do?

... After you put down the coke of course

What would I do? Fire his broken egotistical ass and instruct MJF to go scorched earth on him tomorrow night.

It was obvious from the scrum though that he's not looked at with any kind of respect which is why he didn't have a clue how to deal with it nor could he have. If he'd have tried to act like a boss and shut him down Punk would've humiliated him even more than he did.
What’s going on with Theory? he‘s barely won a match since May and gets beat every single week.

He’s a complete jobber at the minute they’ve gone too far with his loses.

Well that’s an easy one. His Daddy left… fully expect him to fail his cash in.
So.... If you're Tony Khan, what would you do?

... After you put down the coke of course

Suspensions/fines and then try my hardest to convince them all how much potential money they could make from this. The interest level is insane. But I don't think they can all put their egos aside - punk especially.
Yeah Punk is famously someone that holds grudges about the most pathetic of things so can't see how they can smooth this over and turn it into an angle.

It's not just the Elite either he shit all over Adam Page, had a pop at MJF (although you could pass that off as in character) and dragged Colt Cabana's name through the mud again who really hasn't said a thing about any of it. Even that comment about working with "feckin children" was a shot at the roster. I can't imagine there's many people in that locker room bar FTR who would want to work with him barring some genuine apology which again would suggest a level of humility that he's never previously shown before.

Also let's not forget that he's gonna get booed if he ever steps foot in the ring again. Against MJF as well. :lol: You have to think that was a part of his complete meltdown, hearing the cheers for MJF and even Mox in his beloved hometown. I think in his head he thinks Page and the Elite have turned "his" audience against him when he's just "trying to run a business here".
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Any sort of lengthy suspension for Kenny and he’s gone. He has under 5 months left on his contract
It would be the one time I cannot actually just sit down and watch Dynamite in the AM tommorrow: