Television The Propgropthrop

The only reason I don’t mock the Bliss stuff is because I only watch NXT out of the WWE shows. And they’re doing some nonsense with Xia Li right now.

I should probably praise what AEW does well more, but I’m not going to try to defend that explosion. The only positive, for me, is I’m keen to see how they cover it on Dynamite.

My money is on Michael Nakazawa getting the blame again.

Theyll have to make a joke out of it, or just not bring it up.

Ive not seen anyone bar Ekeke try to defend it
Theyll have to make a joke out of it, or just not bring it up.

Ive not seen anyone bar Ekeke try to defend it

I think they're better off laughing it off. This was an egregious disaster to close what Tony Khan called their WrestleMania. For a lot of people including myself, this was the first time we were exposed to AEW, and I can't remember seeing something this awful before.

I don't see how they could just not bring it up either, given the fact that it was the finish to the biggest match in the company, in their biggest event.

Let's see what they decide to do, but the entire wrestling universe is laughing and/or deriding them for this.
I think they're better off laughing it off. This was an egregious disaster to close what Tony Khan called their WrestleMania. For a lot of people including myself, this was the first time we were exposed to AEW, and I can't remember seeing something this awful before.

I don't see how they could just not bring it up either, given the fact that it was the finish to the biggest match in the company, in their biggest event.

Let's see what they decide to do, but the entire wrestling universe is laughing and/or deriding them for this.
Do you generally watch AEW Dynamite and this was your first PPV or just your first viewing of anything AEW related? Quite interested to know if its the latter, whether you want to watch more (explosion aside)
There's been 3 angles of the explosion posted in here to be fair. It really cannot be defended that. It was horrible.

I showed it to my wife, who wouldn't know the difference between WWE, AEW, NXT etc and she literally sat there open mouthed and asked what the feck that was.

And that's part of the problem. They're facing ridicule from people who are just seeing it shared etc. It really was THAT bad

Even my friends who dont watch wrestling are making fun of it based on the clip. One a lapsed fan saying the WWE Ripoff looks cheap even though im trying to convince him its much better than WWE (the only other clip hes seen from AEW is the dance off with Jericho and MJF)

Funny you should mention that...

SO im just thinking on this. I remember when the Lana wedding happened and Meltzer quite rightly trashed it and how awful it was, saying to the effect of its not his cup of tea, but he went in on how bad it was.
However I also remember the MJF/Jericho dance off. He said it wasnt his cup of tea, but he didnt trash it, he basically said he will wait until ratings to see how it does as opposed to giving his opinion too. There is a clear bias when the owner of that company comes on your show and you have friends who are executives and name a move after you.

He does a great job with stats and all. And its clear, he wants AEW to succeed like most people do, because if theres more competition, its better for the fans (and for him as a business). But all this 'whataboutism' with WWE is nonsense. Most of us on here make fun of WWE because it deserves it. ANd nobody defends it vehemently

Yet AEW gets ridiculed when it deserves it, but theres always one person getting on his knees to defend it with a lot of 'yeah but....'
Just accept it as a fan and move on.
Do you generally watch AEW Dynamite and this was your first PPV or just your first viewing of anything AEW related? Quite interested to know if its the latter, whether you want to watch more (explosion aside)

It's the first time I've watched any AEW event. I've seen some clips online and read reports of Jericho making his debut there a while back, but in the leadup to this event, there was talk on the wrestling forums that we could see Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, or Kurt Angle show up at the AEW event. I then read and article in which Tony Khan called it their WrestleMania, so I reckoned this was as good an opportunity as any to give AEW a chance.

If this is meant to be AEW's wrestlemania, I'm not sure why I'd want to check out their regular programming. Most of the show (including Sting's match) was desultory at best, and the finish was one of the most embarrassing things I've seen. Having the guy covering Ambrose sell that as if he were dead, after the obvious malfunction was just...bizzare.

I'm not sure it's a good idea to hype an event as your wrestlemania unless you can deliver, and it isn't a smart idea regardless of whether you avert obvious botches, because you're comparing your event with something you can't match. Even when WWE was in the doldrums, wrestlemania still felt big. Compare the production and commentary of Wrestlemania 12, for example, with this. It's night and day. Wrestlemania always felt big. And I can't remember a single wrestlemania in the 36 years of its existence that was anywhere near this bad. Even Wrestlemania 9 felt ten times bigger and better than this.

I may give this another shot down the line, but if I have to be completely honest, this was a letdown. WWE isn't great these days, but as frustrated as people get when they compare their pedestrian product nowadays with that of yesteryear, seeing other products such as this AEW revolution PPV reminds you that it's the best thing out there. Not that it's great. But the rest of the wrestling stuff out there is pure junk, judging by this AEW "wrestlemania".
So looks like moose vs Swann and the winner faces Kenny in a title vs title match on April 24th. Guessing Kenny wins them both (unless they do a lame duck no contest)

Interesting @Ladron de redcafe
I wonder if you would have felt differently if the ending wasn't as bad? Normally the ending can really sway opinion overall

I thought it was an overall good ppv with a fun main event but that ending, yeah
Total shit show that nobody sane can defend
Wrestling fans don't help themselves with the hype they create to be fair. It was pretty obvious that the signing wasn't going to be Punk or Brock. People speculating names like Cena or Rock was just ridiculous. Not that Khan helped the situation by exaggerating to a degree...but I think it was more general fans that led to the let down feeling some ultimately experienced.
So looks like moose vs Swann and the winner faces Kenny in a title vs title match on April 24th. Guessing Kenny wins them both (unless they do a lame duck no contest)

Interesting @Ladron de redcafe
I wonder if you would have felt differently if the ending wasn't as bad? Normally the ending can really sway opinion overall

I thought it was an overall good ppv with a fun main event but that ending, yeah
Total shit show that nobody sane can defend

Swann/Moose losing to Omega makes no sense for TNA so we know Omega will win.
Wrestling fans don't help themselves with the hype they create to be fair. It was pretty obvious that the signing wasn't going to be Punk or Brock. People speculating names like Cena or Rock was just ridiculous. Not that Khan helped the situation by exaggerating to a degree...but I think it was more general fans that led to the let down feeling some ultimately experienced.
I think most logical people knew it wouldnt be that. I think most were thinking Angle/Christian, but Tony Khan needlessly adding 'huge huge star' or whatever it was, was pointless. I dont think he added thousands of buys by saying that, and what Paul Wight said was good enough. He just needed to reiterate it and say how hes excited etc.
Good episode of Dynamite, which made good use of the botched PPV finish and set up some interesting new feuds. AEW is falling into a pattern with new signees going into the title picture early, which makes good use of their first loss being against a champion. A shame that there wasn't a big crowd in for the MJF and Inner Circle angle.
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Christian in the door and straight to a world title feud.

That's how AEW have booked many of their bigger names debuting so far. They did the same with Lance Archer, Brodie Lee, Brian Cage etc. Even someone like Eddie Kingston was only losing to champions early doors. It's good booking, because they can give the champions a rub scoring the first wins over the hotter new acts. Better that than their first loss being in the midcard and an undefeated streak going nowhere. Christian won't be beating Omega.
Give credit for AEW for attempt to explain away the ending of the PPV last night... and in the realm of wrestling (un)believability I think they did a decent job.

However feels like they spent so much time trying to ret-con the ending, they forgot about the brutal/violent (and good) 30 minute match that came before it... Moxley/Omega seemingly had zero effects from their match on Sunday, so if you weren't focused on the ending of that match before (and to be fair, who wasn't) you definitely are now.
Christian in the door and straight to a world title feud.


Some interesting quotes from Big Show

Once he finally completed rehab and had a clean bill of health from all of his prior injuries throughout the years, WWE’s Talent and Relations didn’t give him the welcome back celebration he expected. Instead, they informed him where his career was going to go moving forward.

“I got pulled into a Talent and Relations office,” Wight was told five years ago. “And [I was told] I will never main event WrestleMania again. I will never main event a pay-per-view again. And I will only be used to get over NXT talent. That was said to my face. There’s your f–king inspiration, now go work hard. Vince didn’t say it to me; it wasn’t him. But you know where it comes from. It hurt a little bit. It was like, is this really where we’re at?

“Again, I’m not making any excuses. I understand where they’re coming from. But they were trying to give me the heads up like, ‘Hey, you’ve done everything that you could do. You’ve had a great career. Maybe it’s time for you to start thinking about slowing down.’ F–k that, Jack!”

He was also talking shit about people who show up and be in the title picture straight away. This was recorded before Christian debuted. But not sure what WWE said anything wrong there? That royal rumble where Show and Kane were beating down everyone was ridiculous. Nobody wants to see him in the main event. The way they described it to him is exactly how he should have been treated.
Some interesting quotes from Big Show

He was also talking shit about people who show up and be in the title picture straight away. This was recorded before Christian debuted. But not sure what WWE said anything wrong there? That royal rumble where Show and Kane were beating down everyone was ridiculous. Nobody wants to see him in the main event. The way they described it to him is exactly how he should have been treated.

Big Show has always been delusional about himself
Some interesting quotes from Big Show

He was also talking shit about people who show up and be in the title picture straight away. This was recorded before Christian debuted. But not sure what WWE said anything wrong there? That royal rumble where Show and Kane were beating down everyone was ridiculous. Nobody wants to see him in the main event. The way they described it to him is exactly how he should have been treated.

It reads as though they knew he was way past his best but they were willing to keep him around and keep paying him due to his service. I’m not sure they did much wrong. But he’s clearly an ambitious guy.

I like the role he has in AEW currently but he should never ever be main eventing
'I will never main event Wrestlemania again.'

How many times did he main event Mania? Once? In the McMahon in every corner match in 2000? Even then he was obviously the 4th wheel. Why he would even expect that on any level is crazy. I get being ambitious but if it hadn't happened in your physical peak then obviously it wouldn't be happening again soon.
Some interesting quotes from Big Show

He was also talking shit about people who show up and be in the title picture straight away. This was recorded before Christian debuted. But not sure what WWE said anything wrong there? That royal rumble where Show and Kane were beating down everyone was ridiculous. Nobody wants to see him in the main event. The way they described it to him is exactly how he should have been treated.
I don’t know if something is happening in AEW/WWE like that lately but didn’t Big Show win the WCW title in like his first match/PPV with the company?
So ridiculous :lol: basically buried their entire roster so Reigns and Rock could look good.
Oh this rumble was something else.

Were WWE thinking that these two destroying all the favourites and young talent would make the fans cheer the Almighty hero in reigns for avenging them? And them the rock appearing because they will never boo anybody associated with the rock :lol:
Also aew and nxt were both a lot of fun this week. Shame they are head to head and not getting over 1m viewers each.

Hopefully the nxt move to Tuesday will allow that
Oh this rumble was something else.

Were WWE thinking that these two destroying all the favourites and young talent would make the fans cheer the Almighty hero in reigns for avenging them? And them the rock appearing because they will never boo anybody associated with the rock :lol:
I think so! Then act surprised when the fans booed the Rock out of the building, well done Vince, you got The Rock booed. :lol:
Big show has always had an ego to match the size of his ass rather than the size of his actual talent.
I remember when big show left WWE like 10 years ago and said he never has to use his slave name again :lol:
Of course not. Hangman will be the one to take the title from him.

Quite enjoyed the show last night. Set up some decent looking feuds. Looks like Penta is bringing back his arm breaking character.
Still think there's a chance that Cody does something to get in the way of Hangman, or any other hot babyface, to turn heel and become champion.
Of course not. Hangman will be the one to take the title from him.

Quite enjoyed the show last night. Set up some decent looking feuds. Looks like Penta is bringing back his arm breaking character.
Pentagon was great in lucha underground

Hangman winning the title of omega would be great
Of course not. Hangman will be the one to take the title from him.

Quite enjoyed the show last night. Set up some decent looking feuds. Looks like Penta is bringing back his arm breaking character.

I wasn’t expecting the translator/commentator to be full on heel too. He seemed to enjoy his job a bit too much for a commentator, I think we’ll see him and Penta as a pairing more.

One thing I didn’t like was Schiavone acknowledging the face and heel tunnels. We all know it’s a thing, but it feels like something that shouldn’t be pointed at.

Matt Jackson vs Fenix was great though, and I think they’ve done about as well as they could have to explain away the dud explosions. Also interested to see where this MJF stable goes.

Over on NXT, I’m still enjoying The Way. Good matches too, with Cole vs Balor being predictably good, but a nice showing from Jake Atlas against Pete Dunne.

Not a fan of the Xia Li storyline, but that might be because I find Kayden Carter to be a dreadful actor. So willing to let this run and judge her against better foil.
I wasn’t expecting the translator/commentator to be full on heel too. He seemed to enjoy his job a bit too much for a commentator, I think we’ll see him and Penta as a pairing more.

One thing I didn’t like was Schiavone acknowledging the face and heel tunnels. We all know it’s a thing, but it feels like something that shouldn’t be pointed at.

Matt Jackson vs Fenix was great though, and I think they’ve done about as well as they could have to explain away the dud explosions. Also interested to see where this MJF stable goes.

Over on NXT, I’m still enjoying The Way. Good matches too, with Cole vs Balor being predictably good, but a nice showing from Jake Atlas against Pete Dunne.

Not a fan of the Xia Li storyline, but that might be because I find Kayden Carter to be a dreadful actor. So willing to let this run and judge her against better foil.

Yeah they've got a bunch of ready made feuds there with...

Jericho v MJF
Proud and Powerful v FTR
Hagar v Wardlow
Sammy v Spears

Although Jericho needs fading out this year imo before he breaks his neck with another botched Lionsault.

Looking forward to Pac and Fenix v The Bucks as well. Could be a classic.
It reads as though they knew he was way past his best but they were willing to keep him around and keep paying him due to his service. I’m not sure they did much wrong. But he’s clearly an ambitious guy.

I like the role he has in AEW currently but he should never ever be main eventing

If you were the size of Big Show and used to having the incentive of a main event now and again purely due to how you look, wouldn't you think its a waste to be fed to NXT guys to get them over?

Just due to his size and his name/accomplishments he can be someone that the stars beat before they are going to the pay per view and going for the big belt. The visual and easy story of beating the biggest giant in the business to mark that on a contenders cv. Especially if the title match is going to be against someone who isnt that big. Then having beat Big Show and then beat Daniel Bryan for the title or whatever, theres no question about "yeah but can he beat one of the biggest guys", which if this were real and storyline is supposed to be "real" would be one of the obvious question marks. I mean look at Fedor's MMA career - theres always curiousity and fascination about a smaller guy taking on the big guys. Thats how he made his money.

El Gigante is considered one of the biggest dissappointments and he had some big matches just due to his huge size.

Big Show is obviously past his best. So are a lot of the guys in WWE, AEW, NJPW. Wrestling is somewhere older guys can be protected and last longer than if it was real fighting or sports.

Now, unless he had a new gimmick or character or a really cool storyline I cannot say I'd be excited to see him in a main event for a pay per view. When you've been around as long as he had been and done as much as he had done obviously over time you want to see new guys in the top spots. But its easier said than done and WWE have had trouble replacing him with someone else. I think we can say in the past couple of years that Braun is now that guy and can do what Big Show did. A couple of inches smaller but in better physical shape and age, and working against smaller main eventers than Big Show used to


Considering theres 2 main brands, is there still a spot available for a giant guy? You would think so, but maybe Drew McIntyre and Damien Priest at 6'5 are now considered giant enough for that spot even though they're another few inches smaller than Braun.

So from Big Show's perspective I can see why he would want more than just putting over the guys who come up from NXT, I think he could still play his role due to his size but at the same time WWE probably have tall enough guys to tell the big guy small guy story a billion times without him and with new people it will always seem more fresh. So I can also see why WWE would want to give new guys those kinds of spots. I complain about WWE not making or pushing people into those new star spots, but this is an example where they clearly have tried to do that and I think its hard for a neutral to feel like they're getting it wrong.

Edit - Edge would be another one same size as Drew and Priest
Kenny confirms the explosion was a botch and looked a lot better in rehearsal. A shame, I'd like to see the rehearsal footage.