Television The Propgropthrop

Christian isn't a big star, in any sense of the word. Let's be serious, for a second. Listing wrestling observer awards and his hardcore championships doesn't change that fact.

I listed a WWE triple crown and grand slam champion. Do you even know what those mean? :lol:

It means hes done it all in the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. Of course he's a big star for anyone other than WWE who have multiple people who have done that on the roster.

But we arent talking about WWE are we. We're talking about another promotion. So for another promotion Christian is a huge star because they dont have many options to bring those kinds of people in and still have them wrestle some good matches. If he was to have signed for New Japan he'd still be a big star because they dont have many people they could have signed with those accomplishments either. Or ROH, or Impact. Anyone other than WWE.

When we look at the biggest possible names like Brock, Ronda or Punk... Even WWE isnt paying them to be around all the time. So why would AEW? WWE have more money to throw away, more security with their tv deal, more shows and oppertunities to potentially make money from putting them on shows. They dont do it because its going to take a lot of money to convince them to come in and WWE have decided its not worth it.

So are AEW supposed to sign them and bankrupt themselves doing something that WWE wouldnt financially do even though they're in a much better position? Obviously not. WCW already went out of business doing that.

At a time where AEW could have a massive arena show full of fans where they're trying to get as high a capacity as possible and make as much money as possible, then and only then might it be worth having someone come in for huge money to make money.
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I listed a WWE triple crown and grand slam champion. Do you even know what those mean? :lol:

It means hes done it all in the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. Of course he's a big star for anyone other than WWE who have multiple people who have done that on the roster.

But we arent talking about WWE are we. We're talking about another promotion. So for another promotion Christian is a huge star because they dont have many options to bring those kinds of people in and still have them wrestle some good matches. If he was to have signed for New Japan he'd still be a big star because they dont have many people they could have signed with those accomplishments either. Or ROH, or Impact. Anyone other than WWE.

When we look at the biggest possible names like Brock, Ronda or Punk... Even WWE isnt paying them to be around all the time. So why would AEW? WWE have more money to throw away, more security with their tv deal, more shows and oppertunities to potentially make money from putting them on shows. They dont do it because its going to take a lot of money to convince them to come in and WWE have decided its not worth it.

So are AEW supposed to sign them and bankrupt themselves doing something that WWE wouldnt financially do even though they're in a much better position? Obviously not. WCW already went out of business doing that.

At a time where AEW could have a massive arena show full of fans where they're trying to get as high a capacity as possible and make as much money as possible, then and only then might it be worth having someone come in for huge money to make money.

That's ironic, because there's just one poster in this thread being ridiculed for his lack of wrestling knowledge, and it definitely isn't me.

Miz has main evented WrestleMania, which Christian has never been even close to big enough to ever do. And you were whinging about his physique.

I'm not sure what being a "GrandSlam champion' has to do with anything because the only thing that matters is being an established main event guy, and Christian was never that. When he held the belt, he was nowhere near the top stars in the industry.

Not sure what the last 3 or 4 paragraphs have to do with anything. Seems like an angry rant, more than anything.
That's ironic, because there's just one poster in this thread being ridiculed for his lack of wrestling knowledge, and it definitely isn't me.

Miz has main evented WrestleMania, which Christian has never been even close to big enough to ever do. And you were whinging about his physique.

I'm not sure what being a "GrandSlam champion' has to do with anything because the only thing that matters is being an established main event guy, and Christian was never that. When he held the belt, he was nowhere near the top stars in the industry.

Not sure what the last 3 or 4 paragraphs have to do with anything. Seems like an angry rant, more than anything.

Its you and a bunch of other people for sure, you just dont know enough to know how little you know.
Big Show is also a grand slam champion. So why wasn’t his arrival hyped with “hall of fame level signing?” (I’d argue that Show is probably even more worthy of the HOF actually).

Then Kofi Kingston is also a grand slam champ. If his contract expired, and he jumped to AEW tomorrow, would it be huge news? Or would it be more a case of “he’s a solid wrestler, but this isn’t earth shattering”
Its you and a bunch of other people for sure, you just dont know enough to know how little you know.

A better body than the Miz and the oracle of wrestling knowledge.. it’s a surprise one of the wrestling companies hasn’t snapped you up
Big Show is also a grand slam champion. So why wasn’t his arrival hyped with “hall of fame level signing?” (I’d argue that Show is probably even more worthy of the HOF actually).

Then Kofi Kingston is also a grand slam champ. If his contract expired, and he jumped to AEW tomorrow, would it be huge news? Or would it be more a case of “he’s a solid wrestler, but this isn’t earth shattering”

Because he isnt wrestling, he's a commentator and someone to talk. There might be an angle to have a match in the future but Christian is clearly coming in to compete so you build him up as a competitor
Big Show is also a grand slam champion. So why wasn’t his arrival hyped with “hall of fame level signing?” (I’d argue that Show is probably even more worthy of the HOF actually).

Then Kofi Kingston is also a grand slam champ. If his contract expired, and he jumped to AEW tomorrow, would it be huge news? Or would it be more a case of “he’s a solid wrestler, but this isn’t earth shattering”

It would be huge for any company that isnt WWE to have one of WWE's top champions from the past few years yes. It would be huge for New Japan, or AEW, or Impact, or ROH

There are few that would be available and worth bringing in financially. Thats what you're working with
So are AEW supposed to sign them and bankrupt themselves doing something that WWE wouldnt financially do even though they're in a much better position? Obviously not. WCW already went out of business doing that.

No, they shouldn't bankrupt themselves, they just shouldn't say huge huge star and bring a midcarter like Christian. The way Big Show described him is totally fine because he is a hall of fame wrestler. But the way Tony Khan described him is not OK because he's not a huge huge star. Even if he said a huge star I'm sure everybody would be fine, but there's a difference between a huge star and a huge huge star. Nobody wants them to sign Brock or Punk or Ronda, nobody wants them to bankrupt themselves, I'm sure everybody loves Christian and thinks he'll be good at AEW, just don't say huge huge star. How hard is that to understand?
No, they shouldn't bankrupt themselves, they just shouldn't say huge huge star and bring a midcarter like Christian. The way Big Show described him is totally fine because he is a hall of fame wrestler. But the way Tony Khan described him is not OK because he's not a huge huge star. Even if he said a huge star I'm sure everybody would be fine, but there's a difference between a huge star and a huge huge star. Nobody wants them to sign Brock or Punk or Ronda, nobody wants them to bankrupt themselves, I'm sure everybody loves Christian and thinks he'll be good at AEW, just don't say huge huge star. How hard is that to understand?

Yeah but you said something negative about AEW which must be defended now and thus you just dont understand wrestling like most people in this thread or most people on twitter or in the wrestling world. Wrestling is to only be understood by the one or two who actually get it.

You see?
Yeah but you said something negative about AEW which must be defended now and thus you just dont understand wrestling like most people in this thread or most people on twitter or in the wrestling world. Wrestling is to only be understood by the one or two who actually get it.

You see?

You forgot to call me a WWE fan.
Christian was in the final 5 in the royal rumble just over a month ago. How is he not a huge star?
But he is not a huge star who will want to make audience tune in. I don't watch Aew and them signing christian won't change that. He is a decent recruitment but I would say Big show joining was much bigger deal than Christian.
No one who isn't already watching AEW is going to be rushing to watch now because of Christian in 2021. Khan made it sound like a game changer, a ratings draw, Christian is neither. Why would anyone be all that excited for him now?

Him and Edge teaming up was the one draw, and that's gone. I don't want to see him main eventing AEW shows, it's a waste of a slot. He's a great worker, guess what, AEW has plenty of those already.

If you had the bloke come out as a surprise, the overall reaction would be ten times more positive. Khan is a promoter, I get the need to promote, make announcements sound exciting, but don't promote yourself into a corner you can't get out of.

It was the most TNA of moves, even down him having the same music! AEW need to be bloody careful with how they promote signings from now on.
No one who isn't already watching AEW is going to be rushing to watch now because of Christian in 2021. Khan made it sound like a game changer, a ratings draw, Christian is neither. Why would anyone be all that excited for him now?

Him and Edge teaming up was the one draw, and that's gone. I don't want to see him main eventing AEW shows, it's a waste of a slot. He's a great worker, guess what, AEW has plenty of those already.

If you had the bloke come out as a surprise, the overall reaction would be ten times more positive. Khan is a promoter, I get the need to promote, make announcements sound exciting, but don't promote yourself into a corner you can't get out of.

It was the most TNA of moves, even down him having the same music! AEW need to be bloody careful with how they promote signings from now on.

The funny thing is when Christian came back he did actually do well for the ratings on that Raw. While Edge hasnt meant anything for the ratings.

Obviously you'd choose Edge over Christian as he's a bigger star. And part of the reason Christian does have star power is because Edge is being pushed as the royal rumble winner and a main event at wrestlemania this year. But its funny that actually Christian has done well for WWE's ratings when he has been there a few times, while Edge has surprisingly not meant much. And when he went down to NXT they still did poorly, whereas when Sasha and Bayley and people like that went down to NXT they did well.

And this is a continuation of the point. I've looked at the ratings data and I listen to people who its their job to look through it and inform. So I will know that Christian did well for his segment and Edge's segments havent been doing as well as we'd think for someone having a return and being treated as a huge star.

I wouldnt know this if I didnt look at the data or listen to people who do look at the data. I'd assume that Edge is a bigger star so he's going to draw more people to watch tv. I'd be out of touch with reality, just so I could make whiny posts about Meltzer

Here's the summary from the newsletter the week Christian was on Raw

"Raw on 6/15 averaged 1,939,000 viewers, the best number for the show since 4/6, the Raw after WrestleMania, which did 2,100,000 viewers. It even beat the 5/11 show’s 1,919,000 viewers which was the show where Becky Lynch announced her pregnancy.

The keys appear to be the PPV bump in the first hour, but also retention through three hours with more angles and talking, less wrestling, and the show-long tease of Christian’s first match in years, Ric Flair appearing live and Big Show returning.

The audience was up 11.6 percent from last week, but in 18-49, the number was identical. The key to the growth was a huge increase in teenage girls and a huge increase in those over 50, plus retaining the over 50 viewers over the three hours far better than usual, which likely ties in with the focus on older performers and Flair, who is a historically big draw to that group, plus Show and Christian who haven’t been around. I don’t believe Christian himself is going to be a ratings changer since Edge hasn’t been, but the show was built around Christian wrestling, whereas Edge never teased an actual television match.

Raw was 12th overall for the night, with the news audience being way down from the past three months. It was fourth among non-news shows. In 18-49, Raw was fifth overall, and beat every news show.

The first-to-third hour overall drop was 7.3 percent, much lower than usual, largely due to a much lower than usual drop of over 50 aged viewers. It also fared better than it has in a long time when compared with last year at the same time, with a 13.2 percent decline in viewers and 25.4 percent drop in 18-49, which in both cases is far better than the show has done in recent months in comparisons. The key was promoting the entire show around a WWE title match (under tag team rules no less), a women’s title match and Christian’s first match in years, so they did keep the audience third hour, particularly those over 50, at a better clip than usual.

The overall first-to-third hour declines were 14.0 percent in women 18-49, 11.6 percent in men 18-49, 12.6 percent in girls 12-17, 27.2 percent with teenage boys and 5.2 percent over 50. The latter is a great improvement over usual while the teenage boys tuning out was far greater than usual.

The first hour did 1,982,000 viewers. The second hour did 1,996,000, the first time since 3/9, the last show in an arena, where the second hour gained viewers, which historically happens most of the time during a normal summer. The third hour did 1,838,000 viewers.

The show did a 0.31 in 12-17 (up 19.2 percent from last week), 0.29 in 18-34 (down 9.4 percent from last week), 0.77 in 35-49 (up 4.1 percent from last week) and 0.95 in 50+ (up 15.9 percent from last week).

The audience was 62.3 percent male in 18-49 and 45.9 percent male in 12-17.

Titan Games on NBC on 6/15 did 3,794,000 viewers and an 0.7 in 18-49, with the viewers down 2.5 percent and key demo down 12.5 percent from the prior week. The show was the highest rated show on TV in 18-49 and third overall trailing two reruns on CBS. NBC was the only network running first run programming.

Smackdown on 6/11 did a 1.35 rating and 2,065,000 viewers (a low 1.27 viewers per home), the best numbers for ratings and viewers since 4/17. Most likely the increase had to do with the long build for the A.J. Styles vs. Daniel Bryan IC title match as well as lack of competition since every other network show was a rerun.

The keys are that far more homes watched, but they were single viewer homes, and older viewers than usual.

Smackdown won in 18-49 at 0.5 (655,000 viewers, basically the same as the 656,000 the prior week with the lower overall audience). It’s the same number it’s been locked at for weeks. It also won in 18-34 at 0.3 and tied with a 20/20 rerun for first in 25-54 at 0.7 as well as won in all male demos.

The total audience was up 4.1 percent from the prior week and the rating was up 6.3 percent. .

Last year in the same time slot, FOX had U.S. Open golf coverage which did 2,601,000 viewers and an 0.5 in 18-49, so 20.6 percent overall and the same in the demo.

The Total Divas on 6/11 gender reveal episode (Nikki & Artem are having a boy; Brie and Bryan, well, they refused to go along with Nikki’s plan of revealing at the party) did 693,000 viewers and an 0.29 in 18-49, which showed huge interest.

In 18-49, it was No. 8 for the night, and No. 4 in its time slot, and aside from news the only show that beat it head-to-head on cable in 18-49 was Real Housewives of New York at 0.42.

The audience was up 68.6 percent overall and 70.6 percent in 18-49. I guess Raw needs to advertise Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins’ gender reveal for a one night rating boost.

The show did a 0.14 in 12-17 (up 55.6 percent), 0.21 in 18-34 (up 75.0 percent), 0.37 in 35-49 (up 68.2 percent) and 0.19 in 50+ (up 46.2 percent).

The audience was 29.3 percent male in 18-49 and 22.1 percent male in 12-17.

It was not good news for Matt Striker. Striker was eliminated from “Labor of Love” on 6/11. That show on FOX did 912,000 viewers and a 0.2 in 18-49. It was the least watched show on network television both in the demo and overall.

AEW on 6/10 did 1.30 viewers per home. That’s much lower than usual, so it was a normal amount of homes watching but viewers less watching together, which has been the company’s strong point."

So thats the level of detail he's going into and informing people about. Thats news, not opinion, although he is trying to logic why the numbers might be up or down in certain parts of the show. Obviously that part is opinion based on the data
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Christian's a bigger draw than edge confirmed.

Vince messed up having Christian be a mid carder and having Edge main event WrestleMania. Dammit.

Let's be honest here, unless it's some mega star the wrestlers aren't the draw anymore. It's the brand.
Vince messed up having Christian be a mid carder and having Edge main event WrestleMania. Dammit.

Let's be honest here, unless it's some mega star the wrestlers aren't the draw anymore. It's the brand.
Roman Reigns Vs Christian is where the really money was at.
At least we now have confirmation that his thoughts are basically mimicked from the meltzer newsletter and podcast with a twist, not that there was any doubt

If Christian makes people watch aew and the ratings increase (and not because nxt is moving) I'll say fair play and aew gamble paid off (of the Tony Khan hype)
At least we now have confirmation that his thoughts are basically mimicked from the meltzer newsletter and podcast with a twist, not that there was any doubt

If Christian makes people watch aew and the ratings increase (and not because nxt is moving) I'll say fair play and aew gamble paid off (of the Tony Khan hype)

I listen to Meltzer and Alvarez because I like Alvarez a lot , everybody knows that Meltzer is a little biased which is why I don't like him but believe me Meltzer at his worst day is not like this guy. This is just another level. I mean I've never been a fan of Edge but to claim Christian is a bigger draw than Edge is just on another level.
I listen to Meltzer and Alvarez because I like Alvarez a lot , everybody knows that Meltzer is a little biased which is why I don't like him but believe me Meltzer at his worst day is not like this guy. This is just another level. I mean I've never been a fan of Edge but to claim Christian is a bigger draw than Edge is just on another level.
Christian was great in Vikings...

Also that's why I said with a twist. Meltzer calls out aew on daft stuff but this guy will defend the worst stuff or deflect to the 'but WWE... '

And if you dont agree he will insult you and then double down on the nonsense
Ignoring that Christian is generally a mid level wwe guy, where would he sit in AEW? As an admittedly very casual wrestling fan, looking at the names on the roster, seems hard to imagine him higher than a upper-mid card spot.
Christian was great in Vikings...

Also that's why I said with a twist. Meltzer calls out aew on daft stuff but this guy will defend the worst stuff or deflect to the 'but WWE... '

And if you dont agree he will insult you and then double down on the nonsense

Meltzer's opinion can be wrong. I often disagree with it. How are his numbers wrong? He's literally studying the tv network ratings that they produce. Its not an opinion its a fact, you just dont like the person giving you the facts so you're pretending he's done something to them. If he's so wrong why dont you go and look up the ratings for yourself in each quarter and prove that he's giving false numbers?

You dont bother, so you dont know who is or isnt making a difference in the ratings. Choosing to be ignorant and lazy because its easier
Meltzer's opinion can be wrong. I often disagree with it. How are his numbers wrong? He's literally studying the tv network ratings that they produce. Its not an opinion its a fact, you just dont like the person giving you the facts so you're pretending he's done something to them. If he's so wrong why dont you go and look up the ratings for yourself in each quarter and prove that he's giving false numbers?

You dont bother, so you dont know who is or isnt making a difference in the ratings. Choosing to be ignorant and lazy because its easier
How do you feel about some of the newer posters in this thread all coming in basically saying Revolutions ending sucked and Christians not a huge star? They're type AEW are trying to attract no?
Ignoring that Christian is generally a mid level wwe guy, where would he sit in AEW? As an admittedly very casual wrestling fan, looking at the names on the roster, seems hard to imagine him higher than a upper-mid card spot.

No idea, but based on how they have made a big deal of him I would tend to assume it'd be around the Pac, Fenix, Moxley level guys who are having matches with each other to get a shot at Omega. So a contender to lose to Omega
Christian was great in Vikings...

Also that's why I said with a twist. Meltzer calls out aew on daft stuff but this guy will defend the worst stuff or deflect to the 'but WWE... '

And if you dont agree he will insult you and then double down on the nonsense
Funny you should mention that...

How do you feel about some of the newer posters in this thread all coming in basically saying Revolutions ending sucked and Christians not a huge star? They're type AEW are trying to attract no?

I don't think a handful of people on a manchester united forum are going to make or break AEW.

Realistically its A) Americans. Thats the ratings. B) The demo, thats 18-49 or whatever in the ratings and C) People in the tens of thousands. If there were tens of thousands of American people 18-49 coming into this thread and saying they tried AEW and thought it sucked, that would be a big issue. A handful of people who don't care enough to look at the information available to them about what actually matters to advertisers, or who is and isnt in the segments of the show where they gain viewers as opposed to them leaving to watch something else, the truth is you dont matter.

And along with that truth is this one. I dont matter either. But the important part here is I know enough to know I dont matter to whether AEW succeeds or fails. And you seem to think you and a handful of posters on redcafe are going to decide it which shows how out of touch with reality you are.
Meltzer's opinion can be wrong. I often disagree with it. How are his numbers wrong? He's literally studying the tv network ratings that they produce. Its not an opinion its a fact, you just dont like the person giving you the facts so you're pretending he's done something to them. If he's so wrong why dont you go and look up the ratings for yourself in each quarter and prove that he's giving false numbers?

You dont bother, so you dont know who is or isnt making a difference in the ratings. Choosing to be ignorant and lazy because its easier
Who said anything about numbers except you.
Im not questioning his work when it comes to numbers for wrestling or MMA

Again you're changing the narrative to make yourself look clever
As I said deflect or double down
Who said anything about numbers except you.
Im not questioning his work when it comes to numbers for wrestling or MMA

Again you're changing the narrative to make yourself look clever
As I said deflect or double down

I posted the numbers, then you complained about me.
Funny you should mention that...

Did you watch it btw? I remember you were among the posters laughing with the dark order punching the mat scene way back. I dont remember you mentioning Jey Uso. Wonder why

Personally I'm so used to WWE doing embarassing and terrrible looking stuff that its not even news to me. I dont rush to post it on a manchester united forum. But when AEW has a botched ending, thats news because usually its really good and that sticks out.
Here's an example from last week

Alexa Bliss is doing magic in a main event match. She blows out a match and the ring has fire come out of each of the corners, much like AEW had explosions in the corners. But oh look one of the pyros didnt go off in the bottom right corner. Thats a botch. And the whole thing is silly. Alexa Bliss of all people with magic and causing problems for Randy Orton.

But this is the kind of stuff WWE does. And if you posted everytime WWE did something stupid, or something went wrong then you'd be posting every week and most shows. I'm too lazy to do that because this is a few people on a manchester united forum. I'll comment "Alexa Bliss doing magic :wenger:" because its bizarre, but I wont make a big deal of it for a week like it means WWE will be cancelled. Because next show it'll be something else thats dumb or doesnt go right and they'll still be around and the biggest wrestling company
Just caught up with AEW Revolution. Arguably one of their worst PPVs along with All Out 2020 and Fight for the Fallen. The card wasn't particular strong on paper and didn't deliver either. I really enjoyed the opener, but most of the rest just passed me by. It's unbelievable to have not had a big show for four months and that be the best card they could book with that ludicrous roster. So many of their better workers and more interesting performers were either not on the show, or were just stuck in multi-man matches. How are we in a position where your only men's singles match features Matt Hardy in 2021?

In some ways, I think having only four PPVs a year is actually a hinderance, as things can really start to drift. Six big shows a year, one every 8-10 weeks, would be the sweet spot. It feels as if the company have become a bit distracted in recent months, when they should just be doubling down on the strengths of their best workers. Nobody exemplifies this more than Cody who has gone from being the most over wrestler on the planet to just getting bad tattoos and doing celeb angles. I keep think they are having a slow-burn heel turn, which will see him go back on his stip and become world champ, but not whilst Omega is on top. He needs to have a big feud coming out of this.

These Omega vs Moxley garbage main events do nothing for me. It feels as if they are indulged far too much. The last one they had completely divided people and this was so much worse. I can't believe they didn't call an audible on the final explosion. All of the commentators, Tony Khan, and the senior wrestlers completely bottled taking responsibility for saving it. Just have it turn out that Kenny Omega was bluffing. It's literally one of the worst things I have seen from any major company. I feel a bit for Eddie Kingston after such a great year.

I can't believe they put Sting over in the cinematic street fight. That was pure WWE. C'mon. The whole story for the best part of six months has been Team Taz vs Darby Allin. Others seem to have enjoyed that "street fight", but I like to watch wrestling for good wrestling matches. This was just a B action movie.

Big multi-man ladder matches will need to go away for a while. This was a particularly dull one, whose story completely failed to get over too.

Excited for Christian Cage though. He was so criminally underused by the WWE after his TNA run. Easily one of the most underrated wrestlers of the last 20 years, as he's so consistent in the ring. He'll be a great foil for their new generation of talents, like MJF, Jungle Boy and Allin.
Here's an example from last week

Alexa Bliss is doing magic in a main event match. She blows out a match and the ring has fire come out of each of the corners, much like AEW had explosions in the corners. But oh look one of the pyros didnt go off in the bottom right corner. Thats a botch. And the whole thing is silly. Alexa Bliss of all people with magic and causing problems for Randy Orton.

But this is the kind of stuff WWE does. And if you posted everytime WWE did something stupid, or something went wrong then you'd be posting every week and most shows. I'm too lazy to do that because this is a few people on a manchester united forum. I'll comment "Alexa Bliss doing magic :wenger:" because its bizarre, but I wont make a big deal of it for a week like it means WWE will be cancelled. Because next show it'll be something else thats dumb or doesnt go right and they'll still be around and the biggest wrestling company

People have mocked the Bliss stuff on here though.

They're not comparable, in my opinion. Bliss/Orton is a shitty mid-card angle.

Moxley/Omega is AEW's version of Rock/Stone Cold and it happened in the main event of their version of Wrestlemania (Cody's words, not mine). Of course, it's gonna get more ridicule.
Funny you should mention that...

He's doing it again above
deflection at its best

Funny thing is most people know raw sucks (at least lashley and McIntyre are awesome)

But the deflection and the defending is just so hilarious. Especially for somebody who hates the show so much. I dislike raw and have stopped watching completely and am happier for it (except the YouTube vids of edges return promo, or drew vs Sheamus or lashley winning the title or if there's something so so bad and it's trending on twitter)
People have mocked the Bliss stuff on here though.

They're not comparable, in my opinion. Bliss/Orton is a shitty mid-card angle.

Moxley/Omega is AEW's version of Rock/Stone Cold and it happened in the main event of their version of Wrestlemania (Cody's words, not mine). Of course, it's gonna get more ridicule.

Where are all the posts linking it from different angles laughing at it and suggesting its embarassing? Maybe I have all those posters blocked. That is possible.
Where are all the posts linking it from different angles laughing at it and suggesting its embarassing? Maybe I have all those posters blocked. That is possible.

There's been 3 angles of the explosion posted in here to be fair. It really cannot be defended that. It was horrible.

I showed it to my wife, who wouldn't know the difference between WWE, AEW, NXT etc and she literally sat there open mouthed and asked what the feck that was.

And that's part of the problem. They're facing ridicule from people who are just seeing it shared etc. It really was THAT bad
The only reason I don’t mock the Bliss stuff is because I only watch NXT out of the WWE shows. And they’re doing some nonsense with Xia Li right now.

I should probably praise what AEW does well more, but I’m not going to try to defend that explosion. The only positive, for me, is I’m keen to see how they cover it on Dynamite.

My money is on Michael Nakazawa getting the blame again.