Television The Propgropthrop

@Ladron de redcafe

I was going through the PPVs of the 00's anyway, but I'll add in those TV matches to my list. Going to go on Cagematch and see what else I've missed too.
Watched Ospreay Vs. Sabre Jr. 's latest match in the New Japan Cup from today. Another great match in their series, technical grappling, match psychology, counters, quick transitions and some hard hitting. Some of the best of British along with Pac
For everyone in here, what are some of your favourite wrestling matches (any promotion) throughout the years.

What would your top 5 matches over the past 30-40 years be?

@Sylar mentioned a bunch I was going to say. Depending on how you feel about Benoit matches, his match with Angle at RR 03 is probably his best in WWE, and I still think Bayley/Sasha I is the best women's match in WWE ever.

Few more mentions, Dynamite Kid vs Tiger mask. They had a few matches, all excellent and worth checking out. KENTA vs Marafuji from 06 and KENTA vs Bryan Danielson.
@Sylar mentioned a bunch I was going to say. Depending on how you feel about Benoit matches, his match with Angle at RR 03 is probably his best in WWE, and I still think Bayley/Sasha I is the best women's match in WWE ever.

Few more mentions, Dynamite Kid vs Tiger mask. They had a few matches, all excellent and worth checking out. KENTA vs Marafuji from 06 and KENTA vs Bryan Danielson.
Dunno, I think it's been surpassed a few times over at this point. I'd have these above it;

Becky vs Charlotte (Evolution)
Becky vs Sasha (HIAC)
Bayley vs Sasha (HIAC)
Candice vs Io (Takeover Toronto)
Asuka vs Becky vs Charlotte (TLC)
Rock/taker/angle is one of my favourite triple threat matches. Think it was just before Brock vs rock @Ladron de redcafe

I forgot about that one. I think that was the one they used to get the belt off of Taker and on to Rock so that they could do the changing-of-the-guard at SummerSlam. I'm pretty sure someone kicked out of the people's elbow in that match, which nobody did at that point in time because it used to be protected. That was a great match.
@Sylar mentioned a bunch I was going to say. Depending on how you feel about Benoit matches, his match with Angle at RR 03 is probably his best in WWE, and I still think Bayley/Sasha I is the best women's match in WWE ever.

Few more mentions, Dynamite Kid vs Tiger mask. They had a few matches, all excellent and worth checking out. KENTA vs Marafuji from 06 and KENTA vs Bryan Danielson.

Some people feel awkward watching Benoit matches after the incident, but I think I can separate the person from the performer, for the most part, because he was partly a victim of the circumstances. I think that I can still watch his old matches and appreciate them.

Given his state of mind and brain damage he had taken when the incident happened, I think there's a difference between his case and a situation like R. Kelly. With the latter, I can't quite appreciate his music the same way because I view him as a predator and there aren't extenuating circumstances that even partially absolve him from blame regarding his actions. Ditto OJ Simpson and the old Naked Gun films.
For everyone in here, what are some of your favourite wrestling matches (any promotion) throughout the years.

What would your top 5 matches over the past 30-40 years be?
I’m as fair weather a fan as you can get and normally I mostly just have WWE on in the background. However one match I always remeber was when Kevin Owens first came up and had his series with John Cena. I just remember one of those matches being like a total breath of fresh air because they were doing things I hadn’t seen in ages.
Watched Ospreay Vs. Sabre Jr. 's latest match in the New Japan Cup from today. Another great match in their series, technical grappling, match psychology, counters, quick transitions and some hard hitting. Some of the best of British along with Pac

Just watched it (I'm watching all the shows, just a day behind somehow). Incredible stuff.
Miro will be a star, they said...

Miro will be a star, they said...



Top 5 singles ranking and unbeaten streak, top 7 if we count the 2 champs. What do you want him to be? There's 4 pushed ex-WWE guys and he's the 4th and 3 pushed non ex-WWE guys

He's ahead of people like Lance Archer and Fenix :eek:

Top 5 singles ranking and unbeaten streak, top 7 if we count the 2 champs. What do you want him to be? There's 4 pushed ex-WWE guys and he's the 4th and 3 pushed non ex-WWE guys

He's ahead of people like Lance Archer and Fenix :eek:
Why is 2-1 better than 2-0?

Anyway, never mind exploding barb wire deathmatches, this is the one we've all been waiting for...

Why is 2-1 better than 2-0?

Anyway, never mind exploding barb wire deathmatches, this is the one we've all been waiting for...


Obviously leads to a Fiend return. Different look for the Fiend or same old?

Orton v Wyatt at Mania. Bray Wyatt loves a WM rematch.
Obviously leads to a Fiend return. Different look for the Fiend or same old?

Orton v Wyatt at Mania. Bray Wyatt loves a WM rematch.

I hope we get another Firefly Funhouse match. IMO that has been the best of the current wave of cinematic matches.
I hope we get another Firefly Funhouse match. IMO that has been the best of the current wave of cinematic matches.
Really? I mean it was mad but wasnt really a match :lol:
Taker /AJ is still the best for me.

Hopefully Alexa squashes Orton
Why is 2-1 better than 2-0?

Anyway, never mind exploding barb wire deathmatches, this is the one we've all been waiting for...


Because wins matter in AEW. Thats why there are rankings. Cody has 35 wins over more important opponents
Bliss vs Orton is clearly going to be match of the year and a 5 star match rating from that guy everyone keeps going on about. Just a shame it isn’t at Mania.
True :lol:

Not many people I know that didnt like the Boneyard match.

Think he was asking why Cody is ahead of Miro (as 2-0 is better than 2-1)

Thats what I was answering. It has his overall record to the right, the 2-0 and 2-1 are just from 2021. Cody has 35 wins against stronger opponents than Miro has faced
Thats what I was answering. It has his overall record to the right, the 2-0 and 2-1 are just from 2021. Cody has 35 wins against stronger opponents than Miro has faced
So why is page behind pac?
The singles record of 2021 alone doesn't determine the record
And overall doesn't too when combined with 2021 (as page overall has 72℅ and pac has 62℅)

So are opponents given a rating and who you beat determines the ranking too?

Can't find an explanation to how it's done
Surely previous year records like 2019 shouldn't have much say
Dunno and can see why @Shane88 asked the question

This guy talks complete shit. After years of WWE (rightly) taking flack for putting part timers in, he’s now trying to spin it as a bad thing that they won’t be there this year?!

And edge has been great since his return. This is the kind of nonsense which has driven this unbearable ‘rivalry’ between WWE and AEW fans
Why is 2-1 better than 2-0?

Anyway, never mind exploding barb wire deathmatches, this is the one we've all been waiting for...

When I watched Lucha Underground when it first started, I thought there intergender were good, been a hot minute since WWE last had one, wasit back when China was wrestling

This guy talks complete shit. After years of WWE (rightly) taking flack for putting part timers in, he’s now trying to spin it as a bad thing that they won’t be there this year?!

And edge has been great since his return. This is the kind of nonsense which has driven this unbearable ‘rivalry’ between WWE and AEW fans

Not shocked. The man's a fraud.
When I watched Lucha Underground when it first started, I thought there intergender were good, been a hot minute since WWE last had one, wasit back when China was wrestling
They've had a few since then. Becky vs James Ellsworth a few years ago, Nia was in the men's rumble in 2019, Sasha vs Reginald a few weeks back.

This guy talks complete shit. After years of WWE (rightly) taking flack for putting part timers in, he’s now trying to spin it as a bad thing that they won’t be there this year?!

And edge has been great since his return. This is the kind of nonsense which has driven this unbearable ‘rivalry’ between WWE and AEW fans

Meltzer is like Cornette, he says what his audience wants to hear and whatever will keep subscriptions rolling in. His audience wants to hear constant shitting on WWE, so he obliges.
They've had a few since then. Becky vs James Ellsworth a few years ago, Nia was in the men's rumble in 2019, Sasha vs Reginald a few weeks back.

Meltzer is like Cornette, he says what his audience wants to hear and whatever will keep subscriptions rolling in. His audience wants to hear constant shitting on WWE, so he obliges.
:lol: Got a feeling that Orton might get in more offence in than those two, be amazed if Bliss completely squashes him.
So why is page behind pac?
The singles record of 2021 alone doesn't determine the record
And overall doesn't too when combined with 2021 (as page overall has 72℅ and pac has 62℅)

So are opponents given a rating and who you beat determines the ranking too?

Can't find an explanation to how it's done
Surely previous year records like 2019 shouldn't have much say
Dunno and can see why @Shane88 asked the question

Firstly I dont know the exact reasoning for any of this. This is just what immediately makes sense to me.

Cody was the former TNT champ, so he was fighting top contenders for the title. He lost to Darby the current champ. Miro hasn't beaten anyone of particular note that I can think of, he's beat up both members of tag teams instead... Which wouldnt really affect your singles record.

Its still a victory in a tag, not a singles match. But obviously it gets someone over as a powerhouse and threat, which is why he's entered the rankings. He's there for a reason. Clearly the plan is for him to start beating people of note and doing more singles. But he hasnt been defending the TNT title against contenders up until now so why would he be above the former champ?

This guy talks complete shit. After years of WWE (rightly) taking flack for putting part timers in, he’s now trying to spin it as a bad thing that they won’t be there this year?!

And edge has been great since his return. This is the kind of nonsense which has driven this unbearable ‘rivalry’ between WWE and AEW fans

Admittedly I didn't hear the quote but I think it can be read a few ways. He appears to be saying that not having those semi-retired or older stars will hurt the number of eyeballs on the show, and maybe even the number of people in attendance (although this seems less likely). He isn't exactly saying that he thinks this is a bad thing that they won't be there, just that it will be bad for business.

Edge has been good but Meltzer's point is that he isn't a draw. He hasn't increased ratings or moved any other metrics. I assume anyway. I haven't looked into it myself.

This guy talks complete shit. After years of WWE (rightly) taking flack for putting part timers in, he’s now trying to spin it as a bad thing that they won’t be there this year?!

And edge has been great since his return. This is the kind of nonsense which has driven this unbearable ‘rivalry’ between WWE and AEW fans

He's obviously talking about business. They are bigger stars and more people watch shows because of them being on the shows, they mean more £££ and help it seem like more of an event.

You have to sacrifice business a bit to make new stars, or at least have the old stars help the new guys get over with a storyline that makes them seem like a star too. Usually at Wrestlemania though they just do huge matches with who they see as stars... And Edge obviously isnt a new star anyway.

An example could be Sting with Darby Allin, Brian Cage and Ricky Starks. You had the star power from sting, you had him trying to give the rub to Darby as someone like him or someone for the next 10 years and then you had Cage and Starks as credible threats to a big name like Sting.

So the balance is the big stars who people tune in to see in masses, working against someone trying to get to that level or someone they're building for the next 5-10 years so they dont have to keep relying on the same people who just get older each year.

Plus theres pros and cons. Theres a reason WWE has loads of older talent that they've used for a long time in the star roles. And thats what I said above. And theres a reason to make new stars which is building your future. You need both. If theres no older stars less people will pay attention because the names are less recognizable and theres a lot of people who only start watching from around the Royal Rumble or just Wrestlemania. So anyone who hasnt been in a big match at wrestlemania before, those people arent really going to know or care about them too much. And if theres no new stars who are working hard throughout the year and then missing out when an old guy comes back for Mania, then it seems unfair and only helps make sure the new guys never get to that level. So if either is side is lacking you can complain because you dont want one or the other, you want both
I rate MJF highly, already think the pinnacle is more interesting than the inner circle. Big future ahead, hopefully physique isn't a problem ;)
Wow. Just wow. The main event from Thunder Rosa and Britt Baker knocked it out of the park. Way better than anything I expected, they were great and deserved it

Britt Baker's boyfriend would be proud of that himself
For once, I'll agree with Ekeke! Brilliant match.

I dunno if Britt bladed or what but that was reminiscent of Eddie at Judgment Day and then the tacks on top of it? Nuts. It's so weird seeing women do those spots. We're just not used to it.

Edit: Badass...

For once, I'll agree with Ekeke! Brilliant match.

I dunno if Britt bladed or what but that was reminiscent of Eddie at Judgment Day and then the tacks on top of it? Nuts. It's so weird seeing women do those spots. We're just not used to it.

Think they both bladed