Television The Propgropthrop

As Fozzy unfortunately. But I'm sure I can throw in a question or two about other things

Just casually throw in if he ever struggles to fit both careers together, then get to a return, and soon enough it's a WWE interview.
Ask him if he's planning on bringing the beard back <_<. I must find out if my dreams of a Daniel Bryan/Chris Jericho/Mike Knox stable will ever be realised.

Watched RAW this morning, after missing last week's due to complete apathy. Liked the Sheamus vs. Sandow match a lot, very good. I also liked Cesaro hitting his finisher on Clay. The match itself was nothing special, but to hit that move on a guy that size takes some doing.

Speaking of which, back to Japan for Gianto Bernando? Ryback's second clothesline had some venom behind it, and I think he was a bit pissed off with The Hip Hop Hippo Albert Tensai refusing to cooperate.
Batista won his first MMA fight. In the first couple of minutes he was getting hammered with punches but he took them well. Managed to get the takedown on Lucero and win by a TKO. Wasn't a great fight by any means but had it been a stronger puncher, he would have been finished in the first 10 seconds.
Batista is really a bodybuilder and aging with no experience so not too much of a suprise he struggled. I think his ego got the better of him so he went for it but I fear he would get anhilated by anyone half decent
Batista looked atrocious. His striking defense seemed to consist of blocking punches with his head, which is quite a novel approach but not really conducive to winning fights.

However, he's old as feck and didn't have to do it so respect to him for actually having an MMA fight. He should probably not do it again though unless he packs some serious training in.
Best RAW I've seen in a long long time.

Shame it'll be overshadowed by what looks like Punk getting into a fight with a fan as he ran through the crowd. Will be interesting to see if anything comes of it.
Apparently they've fired the lead RAW writer? Guy called Brian Gerwitz?

Maybe that'll lead to better things.
Recording failed. Gay.
You have to watch it on the youtube website/

Apparently they've fired the lead RAW writer? Guy called Brian Gerwitz?

Maybe that'll lead to better things.
Reportedly Vince fired two writers before the show because he was pissed off with the ratings. I'm guessing he just wants new people to ignore. The best two things to happen in years are Punk's promo in which he basically said Vince is the fault the WWE is shit and him punching a fan last night as Vince helplessly watched on from the ring. This should become a reoccurring theme, just Punk trying to get himself fired repeatedly. It's not like they can punish him particularly harshly either, I mean he is on the fecking cover of WWE13.

Their match was pretty bullshit too, are we really supposed to believe that CM Punk, the guy with the WWE championship who has beaten just about everyone in sight would beg for Vince's mercy?

And fecking Ryback. Jesus fecking Christ he really is shit. I can't believe he's so fecking over.

Oh well, at least there was a Tyson Kidd match on TV.
I like Ryback. I said a while back, that people are fed up with nancy pancy wrestling and all technical flair. Introduce a machine who kicks feck out of people and everybody wakes up and cheers. Doesn't matter if his "in ring ability" is lacking, he kicks feck out of people. That's what we want to see. Forget the bullshit of Bryan/Kane acting like 5 year olds despite Kane always being billed as a monster.
Kane hasn't always been billed as a monster..

And he really is awful. I'd rather watch Bryan behave like a 5 year old because at least it's slightly original. Ryback is just a bad copy of Goldberg. I can get over the fact that we're watching a rehashed story line but he doesn't even do it as well as Goldberg did. I don't find Ryback remotely intimidating or machine like, ifI was in a fight with him all I'd have to do with run down the road and he'd tire himself out.
They're still trying to though. He gets referenced as the Devil's Favourite Demon, and Big Red Machine now and again (including Cena last night). But the current character is far and away from that.

Kane's always been a funny guy and it doesn't have to be undermine his monster gimmick. I think the difference you guys are noticing is in how strongly he's booked. Besides, he's been with the WWE for more than a decade now, he's a lot of low moments, his work with Bryan was for a while great even though it's getting old/stale and needs to evolve again. Hopefully they get a real feud once the tournament is over and that can provide the evolution their characters need.
Kane hasn't always been billed as a monster..

And he really is awful. I'd rather watch Bryan behave like a 5 year old because at least it's slightly original. Ryback is just a bad copy of Goldberg. I can get over the fact that we're watching a rehashed story line but he doesn't even do it as well as Goldberg did. I don't find Ryback remotely intimidating or machine like, ifI was in a fight with him all I'd have to do with run down the road and he'd tire himself out.

And if you had to get in a fight with Kane or Daniel Bryan all you'd have to do is tell them they were the tag team champions and they'd probably invite you round for tea.

WWE needs to get back to people destroying each other. It's more Saved By The Bell these days.
I hate Ryback with a passion... much like I hated Goldberg with a passion. I have zero interest in squash matches, and thats all we've really been treated to from him so far, during which he hasn't even presented himself as a very good worker (though he has showed himself to be incredibly stiff at times). On top of that, I seriously doubt his ability to go for any decent length of time, and I can't imagine he'll be up to much on the microphone either...

This week of course he had to go over Primo and Epico (for what reason I have no idea)... which was pointless, as it doesn't get Ryback anymore over, and just makes a very good tag team look like a bit of a joke.

Other then that, RAW was okay, didn't feel quite as long as the last few have, which is probably a good thing. CM Punk twatting that fan is a bit mental though! It doesn't even look like he did anything to warrant it from that first video!
And if you had to get in a fight with Kane or Daniel Bryan all you'd have to do is tell them they were the tag team champions and they'd probably invite you round for tea.

WWE needs to get back to people destroying each other. It's more Saved By The Bell these days.
I've not watched the last 3 or 4 raws in full but haven't Kane and Bryan had physical altercations almost every week?

And not everything can be full on brawling, that would get dull.

The lower card should be all about athleticism and technical flair (your Tyson Kidd's etc.) (fighting over the cruiser-weight championship or whatever they want in this place, probably the US title)

The Midcard should be about both flair and storytelling, mainly flair though. People like Daniel Bryan and Kane are doing a decent job as tag team champions, and the Miz is okay as the IC champ. They don't have feuds though, and Miz isn't really amazing in the ring. People like Damien Sandow tend to do quite well here, the better the gimmick the better the midcarder.

The upper mid card should be about aggression (and the WHC titles). Wade Barret and Sheamus in a no DQ match with Ziggler cashing in at the end to become champion would spark up some interest there. Have everyone in contention for that title just beat the shit out of each other.

The main even should be larger than life. Your Mr McMahons, your Stone Colds, your Rocks. No one on the roster is really larger than life though. CM Punk and Cena come close but I don't think they've ever captured the worlds imagination for any extended periods of time, they should all start doing outlandish things to each other and grow with each other. What do they do instead? The have a 65 year old beat up a champion who was already struggling to be taken particularly seriously, a guy who has never gone over the Cena's or HHH's clean. Yeah Vince, that's going to fecking help RAW isn't it.

Ryback and his ilk have no place in professional wrestling as far as I'm concerned. Monster gimmicks can be fun once in a while but he doesn't have a monster gimmick, he's just some guy on loads of roids telling everyone how hungry he is.
I've not watched the last 3 or 4 raws in full but haven't Kane and Bryan had physical altercations almost every week?

Not really. They just hold their belts up and shout into each others faces 'I'm the tag team champions. No I'm the tag team champions. I'M THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS. No. I. Am the tag team champions' typically 10 times until the segment fades.

The upper mid card should be about aggression (and the WHC titles). Wade Barret and Sheamus in a no DQ match with Ziggler cashing in at the end to become champion would spark up some interest there. Have everyone in contention for that title just beat the shit out of each other.

I said this a few weeks ago, they need to put everyone in contention for the titles fighting for it. It's boring as feck when it's the same people all the time.

Ryback and his ilk have no place in professional wrestling as far as I'm concerned. Monster gimmicks can be fun once in a while but he doesn't have a monster gimmick, he's just some guy on loads of roids tell everyone how hungry he is.

Yet he's massively over. The fans love him.
I hate Ryback with a passion... much like I hated Goldberg with a passion. I have zero interest in squash matches, and thats all we've really been treated to from him so far, during which he hasn't even presented himself as a very good worker (though he has showed himself to be incredibly stiff at times). On top of that, I seriously doubt his ability to go for any decent length of time, and I can't imagine he'll be up to much on the microphone either...

This week of course he had to go over Primo and Epico (for what reason I have no idea)... which was pointless, as it doesn't get Ryback anymore over, and just makes a very good tag team look like a bit of a joke.

Other then that, RAW was okay, didn't feel quite as long as the last few have, which is probably a good thing. CM Punk twatting that fan is a bit mental though! It doesn't even look like he did anything to warrant it from that first video!
I completely agree about the squash matches, once you've seen one you've seen them all really. Not to mention, if the WWE limited them to say 2 or 3 a year then when one happens it has a much much bigger effect. I much prefer it when debuting wrestling show us how they deal with adversity, not them showing us the same power move three times a week.

As far as Punk twatting the fella goes, technically he didn't deserve it because the guy behind him provoked punk, but then again he was trying to put on sunglasses indoors and therefore deserved to be decked.
Yet he's massively over. The fans love him.
He got over on TV for the same reason he got over on this thread, that Daniel Bryan interview. Smarks started chanting 'Feed me more' and the WWE took full advantage of it. Which, credit to them, was the smartest thing they could have done because they've turned the lad into money. But he can't really go to far with it. What happens when he loses? I don't think Ryback has enough charisma to be over without squash matches every single week and lets face it, after a while it gets old.

Just look at the Funkasaurus, who was jobbed to Cesaro last week.
I completely agree about the squash matches, once you've seen one you've seen them all really. Not to mention, if the WWE limited them to say 2 or 3 a year then when one happens it has a much much bigger effect. I much prefer it when debuting wrestling show us how they deal with adversity, not them showing us the same power move three times a week.

I agree with this. I hated seeing Ryback smash 10 stone locals every week. You have the problem of having them smash everyone makes them seem invincible and then a few months down the line they start losing to these guys because they aren't ready for titles yet, despite destroying them in the past. They should develop wrestlers not send them in as unbeatable superstars that then start getting beaten regularly a short way down the line.
He got over on TV for the same reason he got over on this thread, that Daniel Bryan interview. Smarks started chanting 'Feed me more' and the WWE took full advantage of it. Which, credit to them, was the smartest thing they could have done because they've turned the lad into money. But he can't really go to far with it. What happens when he loses? I don't think Ryback has enough charisma to be over without squash matches every single week and lets face it, after a while it gets old.

Just look at the Funkasaurus, who was jobbed to Cesaro last week.

I don't think it's that simple. I think the fans that go to the venue just want to see a fight, and seeing Ryback come out to shut Punk up and see Punk run away is what they want. Like a blood lust. I'd wager half the people there have no idea Bryan even did an interview on the radio about Ryback.
I don't think it's that simple. I think the fans that go to the venue just want to see a fight, and seeing Ryback come out to shut Punk up and see Punk run away is what they want. Like a blood lust.
If you were going to wrestlemania, who would you rather watch in the main event, Ryback or someone who can put on a main event match?

That's my biggest quarry with Ryback, he's been pushed too fast too soon despite being too shit.

Anyone who goes around beating everyone and then stares down the biggest heel in the company will be cheered, it's not exactly rocket science and it's certainly not blood lust. Blood lust would be wanting to see Punk get his arse handed to him in an i quit match.

And I don't know, if I went to a live event I'd rather watch the biggest heel have his arse whopped by someone who can actually wrestle.

And don't even get me started on the choice Vince gave Punk. It was basically "well, face this injured guy here who you've beaten several times when he wasn't injured OR face this undefeated guy who could end your career with one sloppy move." It's an absurdly easy choice. Because, Kayfabe and non-kayfabe wise Punk has no reason to fight Ryback for the title.
If you were going to wrestlemania, who would you rather watch in the main event, Ryback or someone who can put on a main event match?

That's my biggest quarry with Ryback, he's been pushed too fast too soon despite being too shit.

A main eventer obviously, Ryback isn't there yet. Nowhere near.

Anyone who goes around beating everyone and then stares down the biggest heel in the company will be cheered, it's not exactly rocket science and it's certainly not blood lust. Blood lust would be wanting to see Punk get his arse handed to him in an i quit match.

Yes but not everyone could go around staring down Punk, because they wouldn't be taken seriously. Ryback can because of his size and his 'aggression' gimmick. If Sandow did it, he'd be laughed away.

And I don't know, if I went to a live event I'd rather watch the biggest heel have his arse whopped by someone who can actually wrestle.

I agree with this. Like I said Ryback is nowhere near ready for it. I saw a suggestion online that said the WWE could move towards a 'team Vince' of Ryback and Cena vs a 'team Heyman' of Lesnar and Punk at a PPV. He doesn't need to be near a title.

And don't even get me started on the choice Vince gave Punk. It was basically "well, face this injured guy here who you've beaten several times when he wasn't injured OR face this undefeated guy who could end your career with one sloppy move." It's an absurdly easy choice. But Kayfabe and non-kayfabe wise Punk has no reason to fight Ryback for the title.

Yeah, it's an easy choice but it's also why they did it. From a Kayfabe point of view Vince doesn't want Punk facing Ryback, he wants for some reason what everybody seems to want Cena vs Punk which I'm sick and tired of, but they want it again and again for some reason, so they want to force Punk to pick Cena. That's why he said Ryback or Cena. He knows full well that Punk won't pick Ryback, and it's his way of forcing him to pick Cena since nobody else can convince him to.
It's absurd though, Vince's stipulation for Punk making this choice was 'or I'll fire you' when earlier in the show Punk said he'd be quite happy to walk off with the title again. And that's quite important, while he can for example easily kayfabe fire Sandow and there be nothing to it he can't fire the guy that has the title, the guy who happens to be the company workhorse right now. The stipulation make no sense whatsoever. The entire story line is just stupid and nonsensical. And you're right, we've seen it too many times. HITC would be their third consecutive PPV. (fourth title match including RAW 100).

And frankly I wasn't even a fan of Ryback before he become involved in all of this, he was having the same match over and over, if you're going to have short matches it should at least have an intense finish, no him marching about with people on his shoulders.
IMO Ryback provides a nice balance to some of the more technical wrestling. The Tyson Kidd vs. Antonio Cesaro match was great, but I don't think I could watch 3 hours of it in a row. It needs to be broken up and that's what Ryback does. He just kicks the shit out of people.

Also regarding the Cena vs. Punk match, I thought it was cunning how they've engineered this rematch. Everyone knew it was going to happen because WWE are trying so desperately to recreate MITB 2011 but with Punk constantly refusing the challenge, how else were they going to make the match? We're getting sick and tired of it, but Cena vs. Punk was going to happen again regardless.

I may have mentioned this before, but I think they're building Punk up to number 1 reign and then he'll unveil the new belt.

Apparently Punk hit the wrong guy? Also his best in the world dvd is brilliant
They should stick Ryback against Sheamus, instead of Punk. I say this because Sheamus seems to work really well against guys that are around his size. He had a couple of really good matches against Tensai, and I've heard good things about him vs. Barrett recently.

I love technical wrestling, but I agree that there needs to be a mix. Not just between technical and KILLYOURFACEWITHPOWER style wrestlers, but also with tag teams, women, and high-flyers. Like in one match you could have Ryback or Tensai or Big Show clobbering someone to death, then have William Regal tie somebody else in knots (more William Regal is always a bonus), then have Sin Cara attempt to flip onto somebody and kill either himself or them.

They seem to be trying to rebuild the tag team division, under instructions from Triple H (although I don't see how Kofi and Truth splitting up helps that), and they've just signed Sara Del Rey as a diva's trainer, so there's at least some effort going in there.

That Team Vince vs. Team Heyman idea, isn't Survivor Series next month?
Who would be in Team Heyman though? (barring punk and Bork Laser)

Ryback heel turn perhaps? And if Punk is the one holding the championship it means he's not in contention, making him less annoying immediately.

Big Show? Tensai? A collection of shit cowardly generic heels?

I'm not sure who on the roster really has a Heyman connection?

Ziggler would probably be in there, but if he I hope they use it as a chance to finally split him and Vickie up.

The dreams teams for me would be:

Team Vince:
Cena, Ryback, Bryan (he'll turn face once the Road Scholars wins the tournament), Kane and a debuting guy (not sure who's a good face in developmental though)

Team Heyman:
Punk, Bork, Rhodes, Sandow, Dean Ambrose

Edit: Actually, that would be shit, the tag team division would be non existent for the PPV if those were the teams. Unless they have some sort of No.1 contenders match.
Also,this story:

Source: PWInsider
As we have noted, Vince McMahon was upset at last night's RAW and told the writers that he needs results now or he needs resignations. The scene was described as frightening in terms of Vince's tone and demeanor. Besides pressure from NBC Universal to fix the ratings, it's said that last week's 2.5 rating was a big slap in the face to Vince after a number of top talents voiced their concern to him.

A number of top talents have reportedly gone to Vince in recent weeks to complain about how the writing is bad and change is needed. At last week's RAW, Vince was in a bad mood after having a back-and-forth with one of the top talents in front of other people.

We have not been able to confirm who the top talent was but they basically told Vince in front of other people that the WWE writing sucks, that Vince is doing whatever he wants and that WWE is going off a cliff without anything being done about it. The talent then told Vince that he needs to listen to everyone else because he doesn't have his finger on WWE's pulse anymore, basically telling Vince that he's out of touch. The talent told Vince that when WWE goes to "hell in a handbasket" then it will be all Vince's fault.

Apparently several other people got through to Vince during the week and these factors played a big part in the changes made at RAW last night. As noted, expect to hear about more changes in the next few weeks.
Look at the Youtube video. The kid in the Black Brock Lesnar t shirt gets pushed by Punk and then pushing him back and a right go at him. Awesome.:lol: