Television The Propgropthrop

Can you explain what this is? Looking it up on Wiki but it's just big walls of text. Fixed match gone wrong?

If you mean a shoot in general, then gambit's right. The montreal screwjob was when Bret Hart (a Canadian) was the defending champion, and was to wrestle Shawn Michaels in Montreal, Canada. Unknown to Bret (he thought he was scripted to win in front of his home crowd) the WWE owner had planned for Bret to lose, and when his opponent to put him into a submission move, the referee rang for the bell even though Hart hadn't tapped. Hart then left WWE and went to WCW.

That's the tl;dr version of this
That is a great video, it will be interesting what they have planned for Bryan once the CM Punk story line is over.
If you mean a shoot in general, then gambit's right. The montreal screwjob was when Bret Hart (a Canadian) was the defending champion, and was to wrestle Shawn Michaels in Montreal, Canada. Unknown to Bret (he thought he was scripted to win in front of his home crowd) the WWE owner had planned for Bret to lose, and when his opponent to put him into a submission move, the referee rang for the bell even though Hart hadn't tapped. Hart then left WWE and went to WCW.

That's the tl;dr version of this
You missed the part out where Bret Hart was already planning on going to WCW, which is why McMahon couldnt let him go over on his last match and then vacate the title. He didnt get screwed over and then walk. How bad would it look on the WWF for their world champion to just vacate the title and then turn up on the rival show as a midcarder. From all of the wrestler's biographies and autobiographies I've read the common courtesy is that you lose your last match, and put over someone else so the company can keep going without you.

I like Bret Hart, but he should never have imagined he'd be allowed to win his last match, walk out on the WWF as a world champion and then just turn up on WCW. If he really thought that was what was going on then he's very naive..... or the whole thing was a work, creating the 'Mr McMahon' character ;)
You missed the part out where Bret Hart was already planning on going to WCW, which is why McMahon couldnt let him go over on his last match and then vacate the title. He didnt get screwed over and then walk. How bad would it look on the WWF for their world champion to just vacate the title and then turn up on the rival show as a midcarder. From all of the wrestler's biographies and autobiographies I've read the common courtesy is that you lose your last match, and put over someone else so the company can keep going without you.

I like Bret Hart, but he should never have imagined he'd be allowed to win his last match, walk out on the WWF as a world champion and then just turn up on WCW. If he really thought that was what was going on then he's very naive..... or the whole thing was a work, creating the 'Mr McMahon' character ;)

It was either brilliant recovery, or a magnificent work.
The story goes that McMahon was afraid that Bret Hart would take the belt and trash it in WCW. So instead of giving him the opportunity to do so, he arranged for Earl Hebner to rig the match.

Bret didn't want to drop the belt in front of his home crowd and also to Shawn Michaels because he was a dick (lol).
Whole vid is decent, 3.20 is where the controversy starts. Waging war with the smarks...

Wasn't he supposed to win that match, and then drop the belt the next night on Raw?
There was an agreement that WCW could announce his arrival on the 10th, the day after the Survivor Series. Vince wanted the belt off of him before then, so that WCW couldnt announce it as the best the WWF had to offer was leaving in order to come to them.

This is really well put together and is basically excellent.


I really hope he wins tonight, even though we all know Punks going to be champ on RAW 1000 so he can unveil the new championship design.

Really, best case scenario is that AJ decides neither deserves to be champion and walks out with the championship causing Punk to say "well, feck you, I'll just bring in my own design, ON THE ONE THOUSANDTH EPISODE OF RAW" and bam, that's a whole segment that will have been build up better than almost anything else they've got planned for the show. Which will probably get a decent rating too.
There was an agreement that WCW could announce his arrival on the 10th, the day after the Survivor Series. Vince wanted the belt off of him before then, so that WCW couldnt announce it as the best the WWF had to offer was leaving in order to come to them.

I think you'll find that it was more to do with McMahon not wanting a repeat of the ulundra blaze scenario, where she left WWF as champ and was then seen on WCW dropping the WWF woman's title belt into a bin on live tv.

Brett was contracted to the WWF for a further month after survivor series so their was plenty of time for him to drop the belt before leaving.

Brett didn't even wanna leave the WWF, Vince couldn't afford to keep him and pushed for him to go to WCW.

Any way you look at it McMahon acted like a classless cnut, but then again he always has and will.
Sky Sports 2 tonight isn't it?? Kind of makes me want to stay up to watch it all... even though I have work in the morning.
Sky plus it..? Thats what I'm doing, then skip the shit I dont want to watch as well *cough*any divas match*cough*

I use my brothers account to get Sky through my xbox, so I don't get to use Skyplus or other similar features.

But hey, I'm getting Sky for free, so I'm not complaining.
The opening match was fecking sensational! The wrestling, the spots, Ziggler winning even the botches added to the feel of the match and made it look much more dangerous. I do wish it would have gone on a while longer though, I didn't want it to end.
Yes, Sheamus! Part two of my first accumulator done, I've already won £50 haha. If Cena and Punk go on to win, make it £100.
PaddyPower either know something, or are in for a MONSTER loss tonight. I should of put more than £5 on it, Ziggler was the only one who didn't really obvious, but somethings iffy with them even taking bets so I didn't want to put much on.
tbh I never used PaddyPower before, just seemed to he a huge fuss over it on twitter and other places as if it was a first time -_-
I really like those two tag teams... thought it was a decent little match.

More importantly, delighted they're giving some time to Tag Teams!

... Punk and Bryan can not be going on next? What the feck?!
fecking ridiculous. Lets have the match with a shit load of build-up/hype come before some throw-away MITB with John Cena?

If you ever wanted confirmation that we're watching the CenaShow... well.