Television The Propgropthrop

Really struggling to download this week's raw. Both KAT and TPB torrents have stopped around 15%.
I'd rather just have 5 minutes devoted to AJ's faces, with occasional skipping.

A few thoughts of mine last few days though, first of all; Punk. It's only just clicked with me, but I think they've been quite clever with their editing of Cult of Personality, that interference sound they have before it actually hits, it appears to be an attempt at replicating the Austin glass smash, although not as good.

Dolphy: How amazing would it be to have him drop Vickie and end up with AJ? The ratings would soar, they both would work well off of each other and my god, the internet would explode.

Heyman/Brock: Heyman, still a god. There appears to be a hint at what's going on here, persistent talk of what Heyman would do with the company, it suggests to me that they're going with a Brock vs HHH at Summerslam, winner gains control (obviously, Heyman on behalf of Brock), which would also allow them to push a big Survivor Series match, which has been lacking for a while, since it's become a bit crap.

Also, where is the Miz? He's just completely disappeared as far as I can tell, and they're still pushing Sin Botcha, who is in desperate need of more time in the training ring or in dark matches, as he's a bit of a joke.

Alberto needs to develop badly right now. Rhyback facing an actual roster jobber was good to see, a development of a kind I guess.
Miz was off filming a Marine movie as far as I know. I reckon he should be back soon.

I'm very glad to see Tyson Kidd getting a push.

My guess for next Monday Raw's GM is Stone Cold (or maybe he'll be at the 1000th).

Oh and the Ryback is hilarious :lol:
I'm not that keen on the AJ thing, she looks good on TV yeah, but I'm not into the whole teen drama thing. I didn't tune in to watch Saved by the bell or Sabrina the teenage witch.

This is the first unpredictable thing that's happened since last MitB with Punk winning the title. That deserves some kudos.

Admittedly in this case it does seem like creative don't know what to do with it from week to week, but it's working.
It's just not very manly. It just looks like something for kids, awww, romance, awww, will they won't they, do they love each other (with Bryan) aww he doesn't love her, but she loves him, or does she love Kane, I don't give a shit. It's like Twilight.

But that's just me.
Started to watch a bit of Raw again recently and the AJ storyline is interesting, but only because it's better than most diva storylines they've come up with since the likes of Trish and Lita left.

Still, I find the WWE is lacking in talent and quality compared to the attitude era. Some of the past moments from the attitude era like DX invading WCW or the McMahon-Austin feud was when (imo) wrestling was at it's peak.

Also, isn't that Tensai bloke Albert?
Started to watch a bit of Raw again recently and the AJ storyline is interesting, but only because it's better than most diva storylines they've come up with since the likes of Trish and Lita left.

Still, I find the WWE is lacking in talent and quality compared to the attitude era. Some of the past moments from the attitude era like DX invading WCW or the McMahon-Austin feud was when (imo) wrestling was at it's peak.

Also, isn't that Tensai bloke Albert?

The roster isn't at it's strongest, some very interesting talent coming through though. Dean Ambrose, Damien Sandow, Dolph Ziggler and even Tyson Kidd is getting a push, all while Bryan is main eventing and genuinely being the best in ring since Kurt. the writing isn't at its best though.

Yes, Tensai is Albert with biro on his head and moob tattoos.
It's just not very manly. It just looks like something for kids, awww, romance, awww, will they won't they, do they love each other (with Bryan) aww he doesn't love her, but she loves him, or does she love Kane, I don't give a shit. It's like Twilight.

But that's just me.

If Daniel Bryan turns into a Werewolf, then that would be one hell of a swerve.

Personally, I like the storyline... AJ is obviously fantastic in her role, it's allowing Bryan to show off both his mic skills and facial expressions even more, and it's given the WWE Title picture a form of unpredictability that it's lacked during Punks reign.

You are right though, it is a bit soap-opera esq... but I don't know, it just dosen't really bother me.
I'm watching Ladder matches 2 on US netflix. Rock vs Mankind. Rock just rock bottomed Mankind through the announce table, cue Michael Cole with


Fantastic stuff.
I'm watching Ladder matches 2 on US netflix. Rock vs Mankind. Rock just rock bottomed Mankind through the announce table, cue Michael Cole with


Fantastic stuff.

Watching it from the UK?? If so how as I tried to set my ps3 up using the YouTube videos but it wouldn't log in
It's just not very manly. It just looks like something for kids, awww, romance, awww, will they won't they, do they love each other (with Bryan) aww he doesn't love her, but she loves him, or does she love Kane, I don't give a shit. It's like Twilight.

But that's just me.
I don't think it's as soppy as a 'will they, won't they.' That's more like Ross and Rachel from Friends, or Leonard and Penny from The Big Bang Theory.

This is more like wtf is AJ going to do next?
I don't think it's as soppy as a 'will they, won't they.' That's more like Ross and Rachel from Friends, or Leonard and Penny from The Big Bang Theory.

This is more like wtf is AJ going to do next?

Meh. For me it's very much like Ross and Rachel or Leonard and Penny. High school teen drama love stories aren't for me.

It's not so bad now, as it was when she was with Bryan. Then it was 'aaw she loves him, does he love her? Why won't he tell her he loves her, she loves him!!!' Even the commentators going on about it 'this girl loves this guy, she told him she loves him!'




Just watching it back now... this is the most absurd opening segment for a while. I expect better from the three involved... though it was pretty funny (but probably not intentionally...)
Agree with the consensus here, that was a pretty bad RAW. AJ needs to step up her promos, and the whole love triangle thing was cringeworthy. They could have given more time to the opening tag match as well but instead went for a completely pointless and unsatisfactory RAW GM reveal.

I'm expecting a Stone Cold return at one of upcoming RAWs. Maybe I'm asking for too much!
I quite enjoyed the opening seg, it adds a level of intrigue (and AJ was on screen), the backstage bit with Eve and Punk (it seemed like what would be said in reality with regards to the title repeatedly being overshadowed, and Eve was on screen) the finale also left a few question, which I'm cool with. The rest was terrible in every sense.

fecking Hornswoggle.