Television The Propgropthrop

Could have sworn there are 4 other people in that ladder match. My mistake, so is John Cena just going to be fighting himself then?
Come on Leroy, if Cena wasn't in the match, it wouldn't be going on last.

No MITB match has ever headlined a PPV before.
Cena always main events, we knew this coming in, what's the problem all of a sudden? He's main evented in worse gimmicky matches that mean even less.
Well, usually, whatever the Cena storyline has always been the main focus/storyline going in (see vs.Lesnar, vs. Ace, vs. Big Show)... so from that point of view it can be justified in some sort of way that he go on last, even if I didn't neccesarily agree (though, you won't get any huge argument from me that Cena vs. Lesnar should have gone on last).

But this match hasn't had an overly strong build, and really is just a throw-away gimmick match, where as Punk/Bryan/AJ has had a ton of build and has been the main focus of RAW... so it really doesn't make any sense.
Miz probbably gonna win this, troll everyone who betted with Paddy........though 3 down, nearly there now bros, Cena never loses right?
Phenomenal match, I'd hate to have to follow that match, especially if Big Show is about to hit me with ladders. The only hope the main even has is if it's a stiff spot fest. But lets face, the spots will be limited as feck unless Jericho plans on breaking his no injury record.
Oh you...

And, was that meant to happen?
Now I know PaddyPower takes bets on every PPV, I'm so on it.
That was... Hmmm.

I'm not going to call it a botch, but something clearly went wrong. Whether it was supposed to come off a few hits later, or not at all I'm not sure. It wasn't supposed to end like that though.
The way he kept hitting Show after makes me think it just popped of early, when do PPVs usually end? They're never perfect 3 hour jobs are they? But do they usually run short...
Most PPV normally end post 4am, so this one definitely ended quite a bit early. I reckon Kane was due to come back and push Cena and Show off the ladder (assuming that wasn't supposed to be the end).
I thought the Punk - Bryan match was great, the rest was average. I think Cena headlining all these PPV's is going to play into his storyline with Punk.
I could watch Punk vs Bryan all day. Any match, classics.
Yeah, it was a decent PPV, nothing special bar a few things and most of the Punk / Bryan match. My only gripe with that match was the middle of it, where it was basically them just trading weapons and doing the same thing to each other, rinse and repeat.

I get the feeling that John Cena will cash in his MitB on the 1000th Episode of Raw and defeat CM Punk.
Yeah, it was a decent PPV, nothing special bar a few things and most of the Punk / Bryan match. My only gripe with that match was the middle of it, where it was basically them just trading weapons and doing the same thing to each other, rinse and repeat.

I get the feeling that John Cena will cash in his MitB on the 1000th Episode of Raw and defeat CM Punk.

Another possibility, Rock challenges Punk for Summerslam at 1000, Rock wins and Cena cashes in.

I enjoyed the PPV last night really, it didn't hit the highs of the last MitB or Extreme Rules, but it wiped the floor with No Way Out etc...
Sheamus is starting to really bore me. I really really hope Ziggler wins the title soon.
I thought both MITB matches were fun, but could have been a lot better (particularly the Smackdown one, with the talent in there). Punk vs. Bryan was good, but I didn't like the AJ aspect. I'm not a fan of Sheamus or Alberto Del Rio, so I didn't like their match, and the other three filler matches didn't impress me either.

Overall a below average show, I'd say.
The only reason that this PPV would get an above average rating from me is the CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan match. It was epic! Proper punishment dished out in that match.

The WHC MITB had some spectacular botches, I thought Sin Cara was going to crack open Ziggler's head for a minute.

Even though I predicted Rhodes, I'm glad Ziggles won. I'm also glad I didn't put down a bet :)

EDIT: Two more things as I remember them:

1) Right at the beginning of the Punk vs Bryan match, I'm sure Cole botched the commentary when he said '...WHEN CM Punk wins...' then tried spectacularly to cover it up with '...IF he wins...'

2) Eve's walk. I don't know what it is. But her swagger... :drool:
Wonder how Cena will cash in his MITB? Can't really see him doing the taking-advantage-of-wounded-champion thing, because it's not his style, and I don't see him turning heel to do so. I could see him doing the RVD thing of saying "I'm cashing my MITB contract in for a match at -insertPPVhere-, be ready."

Although if they're going to have an MITB winner lose his title shot, then I'd like to see them do it with Cena. Not because I don't like him, but because he's a guy that it wouldn't hurt. He's an established main eventer, and would be even if he lost a match against Josh Matthews. Actually, if they were still doing the "embrace the hate"/heel-turn tease angle, it would have fit in really nicely. Have him do the honourable cash-in thing, and lose, and then you can have the heels going "yep, should have cashed in when Punk was injured on RAW that one time."

Sadly, WWE will have him cash in the normal way, win, and poor old Ziggler will have his face Brogue Kicked off :(.
The Brogue kick is about equal with the Clothesline from Hell in terms of bad finishers.

The worst are, without doubt, the WMD and the Cobra, easily.

I mean, these are really, really bad. They're moves you see in every match, useless.
Ziggler makes the cobra looks vicious.
Ziggler being fecked into the announcer chair, truly outstanding.