Television The Propgropthrop

Worst finisher ever is Hogan's leg drop.

The last ride and Goldberg's spear are two of my favourites although nothing can beat a stone cold stunner with JR on commentary.
The problem with a WWE wedding is that you know something is gonna happen, meaning you enter into this storyline with apprehension.
He's not losing. The 1000th episode is ending with John Cena lifting the championship... and you can see where they're coming from. There most popular superstar closing their biggest and, most likely, most watched show in years winning the championship?! It's an easy decision for them to make... and somewhat makes sense.

The only other thing I can see happening is Rock stopping him from winning, but I don't see what his motivation for doing so would be.

Anyway, not a bad RAW really... and miles better then last weeks at any rate, though that wasn't difficult.
Well yeah, who the feck wants to watch a normal wedding? I wish every wedding a went to ended up with HHH shagging the bride..

No one, but the weddings are so hit and miss. Teddy long heart attack...
He's not losing. The 1000th episode is ending with John Cena lifting the championship... and you can see where they're coming from. There most popular superstar closing their biggest and, most likely, most watched show in years winning the championship?! It's an easy decision for them to make... and somewhat makes sense.

The only other thing I can see happening is Rock stopping him from winning, but I don't see what his motivation for doing so would be.

Anyway, not a bad RAW really... and miles better then last weeks at any rate, though that wasn't difficult.

Make more sense for the Rock to challenge Cena, if he wins, to a championship shot at Summerslam for the title, means the 1000 episode ends on a huge match announced for Summerslam.
It does however, remove all the good work in legitimising the title, it's become more like its worth something that when there were loads of silly needless title changes previously.
I actually would like to see some sort of duo involving AJ, where they're both mentally unstable, maybe slightly heelish. Not sure if Bryan is the right guy for that though.
I actually would like to see some sort of duo involving AJ, where they're both mentally unstable, maybe slightly heelish. Not sure if Bryan is the right guy for that though.

Bryan is brilliant in his current role, as more of a Riddler style heel (always in complete control of what he's doing, manipulating.), maybe AJ and R Truth as an unstable heel duo?

Scrap that. AJ and Ziggles, make it happen.
I enjoyed that RAW. Notes:

1) Whose idea was it to give AW a mic? Scrap that shit, he drowns out the crowd.
2) AJ and Eve :drool: I guessed the Miz to be Eve's partner as soon as she said she got to pick.
3) MYSTERRRRIOOOO!! Looks like he's shed some weight. Good to see him back, got a big pop.
4) Have to admit I got goosebumps watching Rikishi dancing with his sons. Didn't cringe me out at all, reminded of the good ol' days of Too Cool.
5) Eve :drool:
6) Ryback starting to mingle with the main roster now. He can take a bump or two, but needs to be in a few more proper matches.
7) I admire Jericho. He's come back to put over the younger talent. This rivalry will do even more wonders for Ziggler, these guys will put on some fantastic matches.
8) Cena to win the championship at Raw 1000. You couldn't have scripted it!
9) Eve :drool::drool:
Am I the only one who really enjoys AW with a mic? His comments are brilliant, he draws decent heat from the crowd too, more do than the Money Making Scholars would get otherwise.
Probably. The crowd can't chant over him because you never know when his next comment is coming and he cuts them off. Although I have to admit, I laughed when he taunted Rosa at MITB.
Big Show was class on Raw actually, one lad in the crowd being "that" guy, "Let's go Big Show", "CM Punk Sucks". Big Show just screams "Shut up fat boy".
Overall, I'd say that they've done a really good job building up to next week, there are so many potential ways they can go it must be commended.

Possibility of Show blindsiding Punk on his way to the ring, and carrying on his goading of Cena to just cash in?

I'd love something as a throwback to Raw 1, maybe a match between some who were feuding then? Who was HBK feuding back then?

Hell, something involving Sable would be great, was involved in HHH's debut, now married to Brock. So many options.
It is a stacked show... could turn into a Russo-esque affair if they're not too careful.

Also, it is a shame we won't be seeing Daniel Bryan's vegan/no alchol allowed stag-do... that could make for some excellent television!

Actually, there is Smackdown this evening... I live in hope!
I think DX, Brock, Rock & Foley have been confirmed for next week. Hopefully Austin's there as well, JR should be on commentary and Undertaker must somehow be involved.
Am I the only one who really enjoys AW with a mic? His comments are brilliant, he draws decent heat from the crowd too, more do than the Money Making Scholars would get otherwise.

I think so. He doesn't say anything brilliant. He just says 'yeah baby, yeah baby, yeah baby, come on, yeah baby, yeah baby, get up, come on, get up, yeah baby.' Over and over and over and over and over again.

His only one that cracked me up was his Rosa one.
Talking of Rosa, i cannot decide wether i find her very sexy, or she looks like shes had a plastic surgery accident. love her dancing though.. as booker would say;

Layla tweeted a link to this backstage video of the superstars making a SummerSlam music video:

Daniel Bryan as ever steals the show :lol:
Am I the only one who really enjoys AW with a mic? His comments are brilliant, he draws decent heat from the crowd too, more do than the Money Making Scholars would get otherwise.

He was hilarious at MITB. The taco and border jokes were funny. Despite making no sense because Primo and Epico are Puerto Rican and Rosa is Costa Rican.

I'd genuinely love it if these two had a match at Summerslam, or any major PPV.

In fact, Regal mentoring Ambrose would be a brilliant angle to bring Ambrose in, preferably as a tag team.
Just watched Sara Del Rey vs El Generico (as the E recently signed Sara) and by god, she's phenomenal, which, of course, means she'll be a disaster with a shitty gimmick.
Watching Smackdown. Looks like Kane is gonna interrupt the AJ/Bryan wedding. Shame it seems they've moved on from the Punk/Bryan feud. They were some of the best matches I've ever seen.
It was bound to happen eventually, they were never going to put the title on Bryan and it would've gotten stale with Punk winning over and over. Hopefully Kane puts over Bryan though, he certainly has a good record on putting over young talent so it could happen.

What I really want to see though is Dean Ambrosse debuting on Raw 100! Hopefully something epic. A jerichoesque interruption of a legend would be good.
When Jericho debuted everyone basically knew it was going to happen, and knew who he was. A big debut for Ambrose might backfire since the live audience won't know who it is.
When Jericho debuted everyone basically knew it was going to happen, and knew who he was. A big debut for Ambrose might backfire since the live audience won't know who it is.

In fairness, we cry out for something unpredictable, but answer our questions as to why we don't get surprises...

I agree with you btw.
From what I hear he's been working house shows and dark matches for months and is able to get the live crowd on his back very quickly.
It's a shame that they did Nexus so recently, show 1000 would be a perfect opportunity to start something like that IMO.

Regal has to be the new GM. Just for general brilliantness.
WWE officials have reached out to numerous former talents in recent months for tonight's Raw celebrating 1000th episodes. The following former WWE Superstars have been confirmed as being in St. Louis, Missouri, site of tonight's epic show:

* Billy Gunn

* Bob Backlund

* Bret Hart

* Diamond Dallas Page

* "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

* Jim Ross,

* John "Bradshaw" Layfield

* Lita

* Mae Young

* "Mean" Gene Okerlund

* Mick Foley

* Psycho Sid

* Road Warrior Animal

* Ron Simmons

* "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

* Ryan Shamrock

* X-Pac