Television The Propgropthrop

just watched the lesnar cena match. My respect for Cena has grown immense, he's allowed his character to be battered and agreed to take some early headshots from elbows and juice all for the good of the company. Bravo, bravo. Also whats the point of Jericho now?
I'm trying to think of somebody that Jericho could start a feud with, and I'm struggling. Everyone else at a decent level seems to have something to do, so unless they shove him in a feud with someone like Ryback or Zack Ryder, then he's just taking up space.

Unless he gets involved with the Punk/Bryan feud after Over the Limit and makes it a triple threat thing for the next show, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he was taking time off to do stuff with Fozzy.
From that thread:

all OP is saying is that HHH is doing a good job selling.

But more importantly that stephs tits have not aged one day.

Major side boobage, i just wanna grab each side and stuff my face in her rack and just go to town.

Motorboat that shit. All day. Every day.


That thread has some funny pics.

Triple H, Fiddy and.....................................................Justin Bieber, the feck Mayweather?
Saw in that thread one of the lads saying no way is it a legit break because of his reaction, but then someone brought up how he reacted to his quad it's fair to say HHH is selling this well.
Either he is 1 crazy masochist, or he just plain acted it well.

But the thing that got my attention was the angle his arm bends.

Surely the arm does not bend that way? especially with the force it sort of snaps back; does not look natural.

Im sure its just clever angle work and stuff but HHH sure did sell it very well.
Either he is 1 crazy masochist, or he just plain acted it well.

But the thing that got my attention was the angle his arm bends.

Surely the arm does not bend that way? especially with the force it sort of snaps back; does not look natural.

Im sure its just clever angle work and stuff but HHH sure did sell it very well.

The main difference between pro wrestling locks and real wrestling locks is in how they change the angle, a straight arm bar is moved up instead of down therefore removing the chance of it breaking, an ankle lock is turned to the left instead of the right and so on. He's selling it. Compare the footage to that of Mir v Silva.
Lesnar would destroy him in a real fight.

Why? Because he did MMA. Just because HHH does pro wrestling doesn't mean he can't fight. MMA isn't the be all and end all of fighting.
Why? Because he did MMA. Just because HHH does pro wrestling doesn't mean he can't fight. MMA isn't the be all and end all of fighting.

Lesnar would kill HHH in a real life fight because he is stronger, quicker, a former national wrestling champion and has experience at fighting at the highest level and a former UFC world champion. He has beat some of the top fighters in the world.

HHH on the other hand is an ageing wrestler who is not particularly strong (in wrestler terms as he trains for bodybuilding rather than powerlifting) and has admitted not being a fan of fighting.

I know where I'd be putting my money
Lesnar would kill HHH in a real life fight because he is stronger, quicker, a former national wrestling champion and has experience at fighting at the highest level and a former UFC world champion. He has beat some of the top fighters in the world.

HHH on the other hand is an ageing wrestler who is not particularly strong (in wrestler terms as he trains for bodybuilding rather than powerlifting) and has admitted not being a fan of fighting.

I know where I'd be putting my money

Disagree with the quicker and the stronger bit. Overeem outpowered him recently, the op really took it's toll. Training for powerlifting over bodybuilding means you can lift more, it doesn't effect being hit on the chin.

Ok how about Lesnar say Rick Rude (yes the dead wrestler) in his pomp.
Anyone that thinks that HHH would beat Lesnar in a real fight is delusional. Lesnar was a world class wrestler and has trained for years in numerous martial arts. Triple H is a bodybuilder who does choreography.
Disagree with the quicker and the stronger bit. Overeem outpowered him recently, the op really took it's toll. Training for powerlifting over bodybuilding means you can lift more, it doesn't effect being hit on the chin.

Ok how about Lesnar say Rick Rude (yes the dead wrestler) in his pomp.

Lesnar is definately quicker and stronger than HHH in his prime and I would assume now. Lesnar is freakishly strong. I read on a site before where they listed wrestlers best lifts in Bench/Squat/Deadlift and pound for pound lesnar was up there with Henry. Also lesnar took a battering from Shane carwin and still went on to win. I wouldn't say he has a glass jaw. Obviously HHHs has never been tested.

Difficult to say with Rick Rude as sometimes kayfabe blurs the lines between reality and fiction. By all accounts he was a tough guy but lesnar was a UFC champ. In both their primes I would say lesnar.
Lesnar is definately quicker and stronger than HHH in his prime and I would assume now. Lesnar is freakishly strong. I read on a site before where they listed wrestlers best lifts in Bench/Squat/Deadlift and pound for pound lesnar was up there with Henry. Also lesnar took a battering from Shane carwin and still went on to win. I wouldn't say he has a glass jaw. Obviously HHHs has never been tested.

Difficult to say with Rick Rude as sometimes kayfabe blurs the lines between reality and fiction. By all accounts he was a tough guy but lesnar was a UFC champ. In both their primes I would say lesnar.

I wouldn't assume now anymore, that operation that Lesnar had took a lot out of him. All I'm saying is people think a lot of wrestlers can't fight because what they do is fake when in fact a lot of them can fight and very well.
I wouldn't assume now anymore, that operation that Lesnar had took a lot out of him. All I'm saying is people think a lot of wrestlers can't fight because what they do is fake when in fact a lot of them can fight and very well.

They probably can fight really well compared to the average guy in the street but we are talking about an MMA world champion with real life fighting credentials from college level up to UFC champion. He has been trained to fight and has proven that he can. HHH would beat most people on this forum (although I reckon a few on here probably have real life fighting experience and would beat him) but not a former UFC champion. Yes HHH looks great (no homo) but that doesn't mean he can fight. Lesnar would win without question
I want to see Ryback fued with Mason Ryan, and Ryder fued with Dolph again. Dolph has nothing to do at the moment.

They are seriously wasting that guy by having him job to Clay every week.

Has anyone seen some of the talent they have in developmental? Guys like Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Richie Steamboat etc mean the future looks pretty bright for the WWE, provided they don't get stuck in their nostalgia addiction.
This talk about strong wrestlers, I remember reading that when Lesnar was around the first time, the wrestlers used to arm wrestle backstage. Lesnar beat nearly everybody, but he could never beat Kane.

Although the guy that would clearly win every time in a fight is Haku.
Five minutes into RAW, and John Laurinaitis has already invented Brock Cena.

I like how Punk was ripping into him for months, and got no response. Cena insults him once, and he goes mental.
No mention of Brock/Triple H. Hmm, okay.
For a guy that used to have an impressionist gimmick, Big Show's "Johnny Ace" voice is the worst I've heard yet.
He came out, cut a promo, and then walked off.

He read a statement saying that Brock Lesnar quits.
The responce Heyman got when he came out was terrible i don't think half the crowd even knew who he was. Theres even a piece on with "who is Paul Heyman".