Television The Propgropthrop

Ugh. I'm a Cena fan, but I didn't like that ending at all. Why bring Brock back to lose his first match? Also, I was hoping for Cena to lose dominantly so he could take some time off, establish Brock as a monster, then return later on after a well-deserved rest.
PPV had enough time for him to get on the mic though...still took a hell of a beating
So what if Brock lost, he was made to look dominant, its not always about the result. I'm guessing he'll go after Punk.
If Cena is taking a well deserved break why should he job to the sell out brigade? feck that. Good he won. Maybe that's an end of an era win. The SuperCena ends with a SuperCena win.
So what if Brock lost, he was made to look dominant, its not always about the result. I'm guessing he'll go after Punk.
If Cena is taking a well deserved break why should he job to the sell out brigade? feck that. Good he won. Maybe that's an end of an era win. The SuperCena ends with a SuperCena win.

oh its true, its damn true.
I'm actually rethinking my opinion on the finish. With Cena leaving, Brock can brag about making him leave. The finish also fits in with Lesnar's brash personality. He got cocky and lost. This may lead to a more focused, more dominant Lesnar.
As my flatmate put it, Brock was punched with a chain and FU'd onto steel steps, it would have been stupid to have him kick out of that.

It would have been (Unless your Undertaker at Mania), which is why Lesnar should never have took it.

Why on earth I should give a shit about Brock Lesnar now I have no idea... this big bad legitimiser just lost in a "fight" ... which basically means he's just another guy. Which is fine, but 24 hours ago he was so much more then that.

Horrible booking, utterly horrible... there was so many more interesting things you could do with Lesnar winning and Cena losing, a Cena who lost 3 times in a row? Including two of the biggest match's in his career? That's interesting... A Brock Lesnar who demolished John Cena? That's interesting... a John Cena who, once again, over came the odds? Yawn.

It annoys me, because I would love for them to do something interesting with John Cena (that doesn't involve him turning heel), this was a great chance to do so, and now instead we get the Cena we always have. Meanwhile, Brock is just another beatable guy. Great.

Was a great show up till then too (well, it was a great show full stop really... the result of one match doesn't change that too much)... loved both the title matches, especially the WHC match. Bryan and Sheamus were really on form tonight.
Also, if Cena had been planning to take time off before this match (as in he was already banged up so was taking time, not he got injured in this match), the result makes even less sense. Lesnar beating Cena and putting him on the shelf? Great, thats your rematch set up for you right there... now of course a rematch won't make any sense, 'cos it'll either have your heel win the war, or Lesnar will look weaker still... neither of which are great outcomes.

The Lesnar is an undefeated monster storyline wrote itself until Mania, where you could have a match agaisnt Taker or Rock... it was easy money... now they're going to have to work to build him back up/make a storyline.

This screams to me of a "Ha! Take that predictable outcome!" booking from the WWE... which never ever actually works very well in hindsight. Being predictable is not a bad thing if you do it right... and tonight they had done it spot on.
Great PPV, bar the very end. Cena's match with Lesnar was brutal. Cena's taking a well deserved break and fair enough to the guy. IMO Lesnar winning would have been better to do so. But it seemed like 'OK I lost to one sell-out, but I beat the other one. Time for a break!' It doesn't make sense to me.
It would have been (Unless your Undertaker at Mania), which is why Lesnar should never have took it.

Why on earth I should give a shit about Brock Lesnar now I have no idea... this big bad legitimiser just lost in a "fight" ... which basically means he's just another guy. Which is fine, but 24 hours ago he was so much more then that.

Horrible booking, utterly horrible... there was so many more interesting things you could do with Lesnar winning and Cena losing, a Cena who lost 3 times in a row? Including two of the biggest match's in his career? That's interesting... A Brock Lesnar who demolished John Cena? That's interesting... a John Cena who, once again, over came the odds? Yawn.

It annoys me, because I would love for them to do something interesting with John Cena (that doesn't involve him turning heel), this was a great chance to do so, and now instead we get the Cena we always have. Meanwhile, Brock is just another beatable guy. Great.

Was a great show up till then too (well, it was a great show full stop really... the result of one match doesn't change that too much)... loved both the title matches, especially the WHC match. Bryan and Sheamus were really on form tonight.

Also, if Cena had been planning to take time off before this match (as in he was already banged up so was taking time, not he got injured in this match), the result makes even less sense. Lesnar beating Cena and putting him on the shelf? Great, thats your rematch set up for you right there... now of course a rematch won't make any sense, 'cos it'll either have your heel win the war, or Lesnar will look weaker still... neither of which are great outcomes.

The Lesnar is an undefeated monster storyline wrote itself until Mania, where you could have a match agaisnt Taker or Rock... it was easy money... now they're going to have to work to build him back up/make a storyline.

This screams to me of a "Ha! Take that predictable outcome!" booking from the WWE... which never ever actually works very well in hindsight. Being predictable is not a bad thing if you do it right... and tonight they had done it spot on.


Seriously though calm down.
Being annoyed at this is keeping my mind off the match tonight... thus I shall remain annoyed by it.
He's right though Leroy. You have Cena tinted glasses on when you come in here, but it's stupid booking.

How does Cena winning do anything? It means Brocks return was pointless, or Cena is going to get buried in the rematch. If Brock loses again, what was the point? If he wins, then where does that leave Cena?

It makes much more sense to have Cena lose, take his time out and then win on his return than it does for him to win, take some time out even though he's winning, and then lose on his return.

Cena wins on his return, great, his time out helped him, new Cena, rejuvenated, etc etc.

Cena loses on his return, well what a waste of time that was.

And if Brock loses twice in a row, then it was pointless bringing him back.
It's not just about winning or losing, why are people so fixated on that? Lesnar absolutely destroyed Cena, he had him beat but the ref was down.
He got a bit cocky, let his guard down and Cena stole a victory, Brock Lesnar was the morale winner.
How does it make Lesnars return pointless? I dont get it. Is Lesnars entire WWE career defined on just last night? As usual people are over thinking and over reacting. And what is this obsession with a rematch? Who said there has to be a rematch? And even if there is one, why can't be viewed as Lesnar asking for a rematch? Cena is taking time off, Lesnar will focus elsewhere in the coming months. He'll have other opponents, and he may just lose some matches but judging by the reaction to his defeat, people were expecting him to BURY THE ENTIRE ROSTER for a year. NEWSFLASH, he did it 10 years ago, doesn't need to do it again.

I thought the match was brilliant, looked a legit fight and fair play to Lesnar who looked awesome.
Cena jobbed to Punk, The Rock, jobbed to Tensai, still not satisfied, people just want him be buried by everyone it seems.
Lesnar may come out tonight and finish Cena off and that can be done without the need to "win a match".
Leroy outing himself as a troll has ruined his gimmick. Damnit man, you were going well with it.
He got a bit cocky, let his guard down and Cena stole a victory, Brock Lesnar was the morale winner.
:lol: Had to laugh at that.
Leroy The Red said:
I thought the match was brilliant, looked a legit fight and fair play to Lesnar who looked awesome.
Cena jobbed to Punk, The Rock, jobbed to Tensai, still not satisfied, people just want him be buried by everyone it seems.
Lesnar may come out tonight and finish Cena off and that can be done without the need to "win a match".
You're over-simplifying it and leaving out the bit where we want Cena to come back rejuvenated and win (although in a different manner in my view, Super Cena has had its days). The point is that Cena losing made more sense now, then it does to take time off and lose later on.
It's not just about winning or losing, why are people so fixated on that? Lesnar absolutely destroyed Cena, he had him beat but the ref was down.
He got a bit cocky, let his guard down and Cena stole a victory, Brock Lesnar was the morale winner.

Exactly. If anything this makes Lesnar MORE dangerous, because he knows he took his eye of the ball.
:lol: Had to laugh at that.

You're over-simplifying it and leaving out the bit where we want Cena to come back rejuvenated and win (although in a different manner in my view, Super Cena has had its days). The point is that Cena losing made more sense now, then it does to take time off and lose later on.

Nah not buying it. When Rock beat Cena at Mania, which was actually a lot more stupid, the same people complaining now were not complaining then. The Brock/Cena thing was not about winning a match it was about physicality and Lesnar was made to look like the stronger man.

maybe I'm over simplifying but you're over thinking, this rematch again being mentioned. Why does there have to be a rematch? If John Cena the only person Lesnar can feud with? he lost a match at a nothing ppv, who really cares.

Leroy outing himself as a troll has ruined his gimmick. Damnit man, you were going well with it.

I rise above these sort of comments.
It's not just about winning or losing, why are people so fixated on that? Lesnar absolutely destroyed Cena, he had him beat but the ref was down.
He got a bit cocky, let his guard down and Cena stole a victory, Brock Lesnar was the morale winner.
How does it make Lesnars return pointless? I dont get it. Is Lesnars entire WWE career defined on just last night? As usual people are over thinking and over reacting. And what is this obsession with a rematch? Who said there has to be a rematch? And even if there is one, why can't be viewed as Lesnar asking for a rematch? Cena is taking time off, Lesnar will focus elsewhere in the coming months. He'll have other opponents, and he may just lose some matches but judging by the reaction to his defeat, people were expecting him to BURY THE ENTIRE ROSTER for a year. NEWSFLASH, he did it 10 years ago, doesn't need to do it again.

I thought the match was brilliant, looked a legit fight and fair play to Lesnar who looked awesome.
Cena jobbed to Punk, The Rock, jobbed to Tensai, still not satisfied, people just want him be buried by everyone it seems.
Lesnar may come out tonight and finish Cena off and that can be done without the need to "win a match".

You've missed the point... Lesnar's only here for a year. 50 dates and thats it... there is no suggestion he will stay any longer then that, so for that reason, you want to make him as bigger draw as possible... how do you do that? By making him an unbeatable monster... (ala Goldberg in WCW)... so that when someone beats him, it is a HUGE money-making moment. Now he's lost on his first match, that moment has been taken away... and the way you've talked about him their, suggests you'd rather he just became another wrestler on the roster, which is surely what the WWE should want to avoid?!

Is he finished now he's lost? of course not... but the shine has been taken off him. He claimed to be the best and a legitimiser, but Cena has shown us he's neither of those things by beating him... so he'll have to be built up again. You say it's not all about winning and losing, and it's not from a non-kayfabe perspective, but in the "wrestling" world, thats exactly what its all about. How many people ever cut promos saying, "Oh I lost... but it doesnt matter..."?? If winning and losing isn't made out to be a big deal, then why should people be invested in a match and its outcome? Or in title belts?

As for Cena... people want to see a different John Cena. This was a perfect opportunity for Cena to say "I've lost 2 of the biggest matches of my career... maybe I'm past it" or something to that effect, go away, and then come back as a changed man... or something to that effect. It might not be much, but it's something... instead we've gone straight back to the "overcome the odds" Cena... which isn't new or interesting.
Nah not buying it. When Rock beat Cena at Mania, which was actually a lot more stupid, the same people complaining now were not complaining then. The Brock/Cena thing was not about winning a match it was about physicality and Lesnar was made to look like the stronger man.

maybe I'm over simplifying but you're over thinking, this rematch again being mentioned. Why does there have to be a rematch? If John Cena the only person Lesnar can feud with? he lost a match at a nothing ppv, who really cares.
I didn't mention a rematch, I wasn't meaning against anyone specific when I said come back and win.

I agree that Rock winning at WM was stupid. It made no sense. Even though I didn't/don't like Cena's character right now, I felt it would have been much better for him to win at WM.

But he didn't, so it begged the question of what WWE were doing with Cena's character. Fine, don't mind that. They bring back the 'ass-kicker' Brock Lesnar. Fine, don't mind that either, same kind of deal with the Rock since he left for 8 years, but he went on to something much more dangerous and violent.

Cena was beaten by an actor, but was able to overcome an out-and-out fighter. Huge inconsistency and a bit thick on WWE's part. Sure Lesnar winning was the predictable outcome, but I would have preferred that.
You've missed the point... Lesnar's only here for a year. 50 dates and thats it... there is no suggestion he will stay any longer then that, so for that reason, you want to make him as bigger draw as possible... how do you do that? By making him an unbeatable monster... (ala Goldberg in WCW)... so that when someone beats him, it is a HUGE money-making moment. Now he's lost on his first match, that moment has been taken away... and the way you've talked about him their, suggests you'd rather he just became another wrestler on the roster, which is surely what the WWE should want to avoid?!

Is he finished now he's lost? of course not... but the shine has been taken off him. He claimed to be the best and a legitimiser, but Cena has shown us he's neither of those things by beating him... so he'll have to be built up again. You say it's not all about winning and losing, and it's not from a non-kayfabe perspective, but in the "wrestling" world, thats exactly what its all about. How many people ever cut promos saying, "Oh I lost... but it doesnt matter..."?? If winning and losing isn't made out to be a big deal, then why should people be invested in a match and its outcome? Or in title belts?

As for Cena... people want to see a different John Cena. This was a perfect opportunity for Cena to say "I've lost 2 of the biggest matches of my career... maybe I'm past it" or something to that effect, go away, and then come back as a changed man... or something to that effect. It might not be much, but it's something... instead we've gone straight back to the "overcome the odds" Cena... which isn't new or interesting.

Ah I see the problem. Youve booked your own long term storyline and now you're unhappy cos they aren't going down that route.
Why does lesnar need to go undefeated. How is him winning every week the way to draw. I thought everyone hated that. But if lesnar does it, its great booking.
Match results matter but looking at the big picture lesnar destroyed cena.

Cena may still come back different who knows.

You're picking and choosing with this big match thing. Cena lost to the Miz last Mania, he lost to CM Punk in their two huge summer matches and he lost to the Rock, he's had enough major defeats. I don't see how that Extreme Rules match is that big, if they really wanted to make Lesnar/Cena huge, they wouldnt have had the match at Extreme Rules.

Stop making your own long term storylines and you'll be amazed how you wont be as cynical.
Ah I see the problem. Youve booked your own long term storyline and now you're unhappy cos they aren't going down that route.
Why does lesnar need to go undefeated. How is him winning every week the way to draw. I thought everyone hated that. But if lesnar does it, its great booking.
Match results matter but looking at the big picture lesnar destroyed cena.

Cena may still come back different who knows.

You're picking and choosing with this big match thing. Cena lost to the Miz last Mania, he lost to CM Punk in their two huge summer matches and he lost to the Rock, he's had enough major defeats. I don't see how that Extreme Rules match is that big, if they really wanted to make Lesnar/Cena huge, they wouldnt have had the match at Extreme Rules.

Stop making your own long term storylines and you'll be amazed how you wont be as cynical.

No... I'm picking a logical storyline... so logical, it's what a lot of people thought would happen. I'm not the only person who thought thats what was going to go down... Its booking 101 and it makes a shed load of sense.

If Lesnar is meant to be a monster heel, he needs to look like a monster heel... so far he's talked about legitimising, and being the best, and all that jazz... well then he needs to show that in the ring too by winning matchs and being dominant... otherwise he's just another guy, which is fine, because he's a good wrestler, but if the WWE want him to be a big draw, then he needs to be more then that.

With an undefeated Lesnar, you have the draw of seeing a hero overcome the odds and beating him. The more Lesnar dominates, the bigger challenge and the better the hero becomes. It's simple, but very effect storytelling.

Cena is a strong character... if he loses, it's not that bigger deal, because he will always be a draw. Lesnar has been away for 8 years... this was his first match back... if he won this, he'd look like a huge deal and a huge threat, now he's in danger of being another monster that Cena beat, depending on where they go from here.
Basically, everybody said how Lesnar couldn't cut it because he lost his last match in the UFC, so he comes back and loses his first match in the WWE.

Cena losing to The Rock, then losing to Brock then coming back rejuvenated and winning makes more sense. It gives his time away some actual purpose, he was soul searching, reinventing himself, training hard for his return, blah blah, than winning against Brock only to disappear for a bit. Then coming back as what? How do you justify his time out in a story line? Why did he need to take a break?

If they were going to use his injury, he should have played on it last night but he didn't, he just left all smiles and happy and is now in kafaybe just going to disappear for a bit to chill for seemingly no reason. At least if he was beat he had a reason.
They really need to stop being so extreme in their portrayals. Triple H needs assistance from 5 dudes to walk back to the locker room because he broke his arm?

PS: :lol: at people believeing Brock has any jiu jitsu
Sheamus and Show, OK, but Kofi and R-Truth would never have any chance against Brock.