Television The Propgropthrop

Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk at Over the Limit. This has every chance of being fantastic.
I really hate this Laurinitis wanker. And not in a "love to hate" manner. I genuinely don't want to see him ever
There was a huge backstage blow-up involving Brock Lesnar following Sunday's WWE Extreme Rules PPV, according to Mike Johnson of PWInsider.

Several sources stated that Lesnar lost it on a number of WWE officials and started to rip apart the dressing room. He was apparently upset over the John Cena promo that ended the pay-per-view.

Reports claim that the original plan was for Cena to be so beaten that he would have to be carried out of the building, despite winning the match. This would of left it open for Lesnar to brag that while he had lost the match by fluke, he won the war.

Lesnar perceived Cena as double crossing him when Cena decided to address the audience, causing Lesnar to then flip out on WWE officials. No word on how Lesnar calmed down, but the angle on Raw featuring Triple H's return was planned in advance as a way to remove Lesnar from WWE television.

Brock Lesnar's current deal with WWE only requires him to work two dates minimum, according to sources within the company.

Very interesting...

I can see why he'd be annoyed, after the promo, and his showing tonight where he said he had no sustained damage on his arm, the beating certainly doesn't look as brutal anymore.

I hope I'm wrong, but I seriously thing WWE will totally dropped it with Lesnar... I'm not confident in them at all.

Also, Tensai (well it's Ace vs. Cena, but Tensai will do most of it you'd imagine) vs. Cena... jesus christ that will be shit. I hope Cena destroys him and removes him of my television completly. Least we have Punk vs. Bryan to counter-act it. They should give them 30-40 minutes to tear the house down.
Or, that could all be one big work, Lesnar gets his couple of weeks off as per his contract, then he comes back at OTL and destroys Cena.
Any way you look at it, I don't see how Cena won't get destroyed at Over the Limit.

On a side note, Randy Orton's promo work is improving. He was a real bore before, but now it's not too bad!
So Cena isn't taking a break then? Which means no character change and us having to put up with Super Cena for the foreseeable future?
Just watched the Lesnar/ Cena match and wow it looked intense and real (for WWE). Legitimately looked like Lesnar wanted to beat the living crap out of Cena. Shame Lesnar didn't come on Raw and complain that he was pinned on the steps or something similar to make it a no contest.

In my mind it didn't really make lesnar look weak but was a pretty bad finish. At least should have had some contention over the result
I think we're seeing a well-balanced split in the WWE, actually. There's the childish storyline side that involves Cena and Orton feuding with who the feck ever for whatever reason and the serious side for older wrestling fans that want to see some quality ring work (and some good mic work as well). CM Punk has held the WWE title since Survivor Series and he's delivered a great title match in every PPV since then, and even a few on Raw. He'll never be the biggest draw as long as Cena's around, but that's okay because Cena's not going to be farting around with the title for the foreseeable future. I can live with Cena and Orton taking up 30 minutes to an hour of every show. I can live with those storylines devolving into silly farces, because I can actually enjoy the other half of the show now. If Cena keeps being Super Cena, I honestly don't care anymore.
I think the fact that Cena and Orton are actually quite good in the ring helps too.

I can see the Cena vs. Ace match being made a No-DQ, so that Tensai can get involved and do most of the work, with Ace just hitting a couple of moves and pinning Cena (if they want to have Cena lose it, of course).
I'm pretty sure the only reason I can't get behind cena is because of the bright ass colours. Get the black rise above hate one back on him.
So why did the bella twins get cut? there camel toes too x-rated for pg?
Their contracts expired and they didn't want to renew (or WWE didn't want to retain... I'm not sure... think it was the Bella's who didn't want to stay on).

I wonder if the departure will put a strain on Daniel Bryan's real-life relationship with... erm, one of them... can't remember which!
How did they fake lesnar breaking HHH arm? Surely he didn't actually for the show
HHH just pretended to be, ya know, an actor.
:lol: To be fair they did make it look and sound sickeningly realistic on Smackdown last night

Around 2:32

Didn't notice that crack on the original broadcast, edited in post production?
Definitely edied in post production. Cole kept saying "and listen to this"... *listens to silence*
For those of you laughing i only saw a quick highlight segment - they made it seem pretty realistic with the jolt of the arm and the crack. Just wondered that's all as I had not seen it live
For those of you laughing i only saw a quick highlight segment - they made it seem pretty realistic with the jolt of the arm and the crack. Just wondered that's all as I had not seen it live

Judge for yourself

Could have been real, maybe Lesnar went too far, but I seriously doubt it.
it's not broke :lol:
here he is with his wife and criss angel

cue 'Hes married to vinces daughter?! omg' comments.
it's not broke :lol:
here he is with his wife and criss angel

cue 'Hes married to vinces daughter?! omg' comments. are saying his left arm had a brace in that photo, also he walked to te ring holding one of may weathers belts last night wearing a sling. Do they really think people are stupid enough to think he'd really been hurt?