Television The Propgropthrop

Why? Because he did MMA. Just because HHH does pro wrestling doesn't mean he can't fight. MMA isn't the be all and end all of fighting.

Haha - you are a sausage.lesnar would completely kill him. I've trained in jiu jitsu for nearly 4 years now, and let me tell you for an absolute fact, when it comes to a street fight, if someone has trained jiu jitsu for even a few months against someone who's never trained, then it's an absolute mis match. Lesnar is a fecking animal, the way he destroyed Heath herring and frank Mir after only a couple of mma fights was fecking incredible. People don't give him the respect he deserves because of hs affiliation with wwe. He got thrown in the deep end against the likes of Velasquez and overeem when he still had less than 10 fights on his record, which is crazy
Why? Because he did MMA. Just because HHH does pro wrestling doesn't mean he can't fight. MMA isn't the be all and end all of fighting.

Sorry buddy, but I'm still chuckling at the stupidity of this. A properly trained fighter, who dedicated himself for years, would supposedly have trouble against someone who's never participated in an actual fight in his life..laughable
Haha - you are a sausage.lesnar would completely kill him. I've trained in jiu jitsu for nearly 4 years now, and let me tell you for an absolute fact, when it comes to a street fight, if someone has trained jiu jitsu for even a few months against someone who's never trained, then it's an absolute mis match. Lesnar is a fecking animal, the way he destroyed Heath herring and frank Mir after only a couple of mma fights was fecking incredible. People don't give him the respect he deserves because of hs affiliation with wwe. He got thrown in the deep end against the likes of Velasquez and overeem when he still had less than 10 fights on his record, which is crazy

I did Kick Boxing, Thai Shoot and freestyle wrestling for over 7 years. I win top trumps.

I've even done pro wrestling training, guess what, it was much harder to do and hurt more than any of the real martial arts.

I hear this all the time from Martial artists and I know a fair few bouncers who have had no martial training whatsoever knock the living shit out of well trained jiu fu what ever the flavour of the month is. They currently love all the MMA trained kids that are coming through their doors, because it doesn't matter what you've learned it's wether you can actually do it in a real situation and most are useless when it comes to actually fighting.

I have a lot of respect for what Brock did and still do, I don't think he was thrown in deep aganst Overeem or Velesquez, his operations were having a telling affect on him.

If I had to bet between HHH and Brock Lesnar in a fight my money would also be on Brock but it wouldn't surprise me at all if the 18st 6,4 trip h knocked him out either.
I did Kick Boxing, Thai Shoot and freestyle wrestling for over 7 years. I win top trumps.

I've even done pro wrestling training, guess what, it was much harder to do and hurt more than any of the real martial arts.

I hear this all the time from Martial artists and I know a fair few bouncers who have had no martial training whatsoever knock the living shit out of well trained jiu fu what ever the flavour of the month is. They currently love all the MMA trained kids that are coming through their doors, because it doesn't matter what you've learned it's wether you can actually do it in a real situation and most are useless when it comes to actually fighting.

I have a lot of respect for what Brock did and still do, I don't think he was thrown in deep aganst Overeem or Velesquez, his operations were having a telling affect on him.

If I had to bet between HHH and Brock Lesnar in a fight my money would also be on Brock but it wouldn't surprise me at all if the 18st 6,4 trip h knocked him out either.

Fair enough, then you should surely agree that any sort of training in combat sports trumps no training? You said you trained wrestling, and as much respect as I have for it, it's not actually fighting, your learning how to take bumps and such. You think that just because hhh is 6'4 and big, that he could knock out Brock lesnar? Even though the k-1 grand prix champion,arguably the best kick boxer in the world (even though I reckon badr hari would have won it last year had he entered, another debate for a different day), couldn't knock him out?

Plus, you don't think he was thrown in the deep end? His second professional fight was against frank Mir, a fight he was dominating till a shocking call from the ref, his third pro fight was against heath herring who had just previously came inches from beating the seemingly unbeatable nogueira, then randy couture..he was seriously thrown to the wolves mate.
It depends on the person, I've had shit loads of trainign but I'm a crap fighter, they all become repeats of other fights as I either hold out and tire my opponent out, that after 10 minutes they lose all interest or I choke them out. I did get my arse handed to me in my last real fight, againt a drunken friend with a violent streak, and he had no training whatsoever. He was taller than me but not stronger, so I kept trying to get him in the guard position but couldn't clamp his arms down and every punch he threw connected perfectly with my face I was black and blue the next morning and all he had was shame and a cricked neck. So in general if you've had trainging in combat sports yes it does stand you in good stead but you can't ever take any shit for granted. I pretty much gave up on it all when my friend (different guy) battered a bus full of city supporters on his own (he hates football and they were being intimadting wankers to everyone on the bus then the loudest one tried to do it to him. 30 seconds later after he knocked out 5 of them they suddenly became very quiet and well behaved as he hunted them out), I knew at that point that I could have all the training in the world and never do that, there are some guys that are just hard tough natural fighters that could hospitalise me within 20 seconds. Well that all went a bit personal.

Thought you meant against the wolves with Overeem and Velesquez. Against Mir Herring and Couture he was just way to big for them to deal with really. Yes Triple H could possibly knock him out ( as I said it's highly unlikely but he's a big bugger and those nerve clusters under the chin are the same for every one) and we don't know what training he's done or experiences in real life fighting situations. Also why doesn't Badr Hari enter UFC, I reckons he's the best fighter in the world.

The wrestling your talking about I take it is the pro wrestling and not the olympic freestyle. My trainer had a saying to know how to do the hold wrong and safely you had to know how to do it right first. So whilst it is about taking bumps and trust, my knowledge of locks and holds went through the roof, as did my escapes. I would come away from the pro wrestling training in more pain and you have to think constantly which whilst performing your conditioning had to be a fair few levels above what is required for regular martial arts.
It depends on the person, I've had shit loads of trainign but I'm a crap fighter, they all become repeats of other fights as I either hold out and tire my opponent out, that after 10 minutes they lose all interest or I choke them out. I did get my arse handed to me in my last real fight, againt a drunken friend with a violent streak, and he had no training whatsoever. He was taller than me but not stronger, so I kept trying to get him in the guard position but couldn't clamp his arms down and every punch he threw connected perfectly with my face I was black and blue the next morning and all he had was shame and a cricked neck. So in general if you've had trainging in combat sports yes it does stand you in good stead but you can't ever take any shit for granted. I pretty much gave up on it all when my friend battered a bus full of city supporters on his own (he hates football and they were being intimadting wankers to everyone on the bus then the loudest one tried to do it to him. 30 seconds later after he knocked out 5 of them they suddenly became very quiet and well behaved as he hunted them out), I knew at that point that I could have all the training in the world and never do that, there are some guys that are just hard tough natural fighters that could hospitalise me within 20 seconds. Well that all went a bit personal.

Thought you meant against the wolves with Overeem and Velesquez. Against Mir Herring and Couture he was just way to big for them to deal with really. Yes Triple H could possibly knock him out ( as I said it's highly unlikely but he's a big bugger and those nerve clusters under the chin are the same for every one) and we don't know what training he's done or experiences in real life fighting situations. Also why doesn't Badr Hari enter UFC, I reckons he's the best fighter in the world.

The wrestling your talking about I take it is the pro wrestling and not the olympic freestyle. My trainer had a saying to know how to do the hold wrong and safely you had to know how to do it right first. So whilst it is about taking bumps and trust, my knowledge of locks and holds went hrough the roof, as did my escapes. I would come away from the pro wrestling training in more pain and you have to think constantly which whilst performing your conditioning had to be a fair few levels above what is required for regular martial arts.
That's a good intelligent post and I'll reply to it in detail tommorow, cause I really should go to fecking bed, I've got work in the morning, but the reason badr hari wouldn't go into the UFC is because hes a kick boxer, and he would get taken down at will and submitted. But purely as a kick boxer, the guy is a fecking machine. He was meant to be going into straight boxing but I think he recently agreed to one more kick boxing match
That's a good intelligent post and I'll reply to it in detail tommorow, cause I really should go to fecking bed, I've got work in the morning, but the reason badr hari wouldn't go into the UFC is because hes a kick boxer, and he would get taken down at will and submitted. But purely as a kick boxer, the guy is a fecking machine. He was meant to be going into straight boxing but I think he recently agreed to one more kick boxing match

I've edited it since. Badr Hari, I reckon a few months of ground and guard training and he'd destroy them all.
That's what they said about James Toney......

"They" were delusional boxing fans of course -_-
That's what they said about James Toney......

"They" were delusional boxing fans of course -_-

I don't think I've seen an all out striker who is precise, fast with as much natural strength as I have in Badr Hari. Still Mir would probably snap his ankles.
I've edited it since. Badr Hari, I reckon a few months of ground and guard training and he'd destroy them all.

Nah man, few years. I think your underestimating how good most of the UFC fighters are on the ground. He wouldn't stand a chance against the likes of Roy nelson or gonzaga..I've trained bjj for nearly 4 years, and there's only one black belt in our gym, and when he gets top position on me I never even come close to sweeping him, and to be honest I'm one of the better purple belts round our way. A fairly low standard purple belt, by anyone else's standard, it has to be said :D
I wanna see Badr Hari in UFC so stop using logic to argue against it.
What do we actually have planned for this PPV? Cena vs. Laurinatis, Fatal Four Way, Tag match, and a divas match?

Going to be a load of filler in this one.
Unfortunately, my interest has died down since Wrestlemania.

I did love seeing Brock back, but it's not enough since he isn't going to appearing every week or doing overseas tours.

WWE just ain't what it used to be.
Big Show interfering in the Cena Ace match is a shoe in, he then gets rehired. I don't mind some predictablility but this has all been done very badly, unless it's a swerve for Brock to interfere, which would be a waste of a contract date.

Jericho can't possibly win, he goes on tour before Summerslam, Orton maybe, Del Rio could do with another push so maybe, hard to see past Sheamus retaining.

Punk vs Bryan should be all out entertainment, the matches between them pre-Wrestlemania were the highlight of a dull build up.

Divas. :boring:

Also. John ACena Ventura was pathetic.
To be honest, I'm only watching RAW these days because that's live and I have the added bonus of seeing people complain about it in various amusing ways on the internet (also I have nothing to do on a Tuesday, so the late night is fine). Smackdown I just look up the bits that interest me on Youtube (mainly the bits called Daniel Bryan).

TNA I've only watched the Pay-Per-Views for the last year or so, apart from a two month spell where I tried watching Impact (one good month, one terrible - or back to normal -). The last one they had was pretty good, had a good match between Kurt Angle and AJ Styles, and an excellent match between Bully Ray (Bubba Ray Dudley, no stop laughing he's actually a great character now) and Austin Aries. Might have to start doing the same for WWE.

I'm far from being one of those MAINSTREAMWRESTLINGSUCKS people, but at the moment I am genuinely enjoying watching indy federations and the odd match from Japan more. For example, I've been watching CHIKARA shows lately (they're up on for about $6, whatever that is in £ is worth it for me), and they've been great. Great wrestling matches, the crowds are always into it, and the odd comedy match they have is actually funny. One of them I actually had to pause through laughing too much to watch it.

I will watch Over the Limit though. If I don't enjoy it, I'll probably take a break from watching full WWE shows and just do what I've been doing with Smackdown. I hear that JR and William Regal will be commentating NXT in the future so I might watch that just for them.
I'm far from being one of those MAINSTREAMWRESTLINGSUCKS people, but at the moment I am genuinely enjoying watching indy federations and the odd match from Japan more. For example, I've been watching CHIKARA shows lately (they're up on for about $6, whatever that is in £ is worth it for me), and they've been great. Great wrestling matches, the crowds are always into it, and the odd comedy match they have is actually funny. One of them I actually had to pause through laughing too much to watch it.
Good on you, take it you watch ROH when you can. Also what Japanese feds you following
I have to commend on some shrewdness/luck on WWE's part. Cena's adversaries have been so unlikeable/ so bad at cutting promos/ so bland and boring/ Price Albert, that they've got the crowd cheering for Cena again (myself included even though that last Cena/Ace segment was horrific).

I found that Big Show firing difficult to watch though.
Good on you, take it you watch ROH when you can. Also what Japanese feds you following

ROH I need to catch up on. As for Japan, it's not really following. There's somebody on another forum that watches a load of stuff, so I basically just look up whatever he's raving about the current week.

Didn't mean to make it sound like I'm an avid watcher of the indies, more of a "oh, that sounds cool, I'll watch that," type thing.
That whole PPV was entirely predictable.

Yup, very average.

The main event was a joke. If they're trying to replicate Austin V McMahon, they're using the wrong people. And if instead they're going for a Cena/Show feud, that will be boring as hell.

Punk and Bryan was decent, and the tag match was ok. Rest of it was poor though.
I genuinely did laugh a few times in the main event, primarily at Johnny Ace imitating Booker T.

Punk vs Bryan was magnificent and set up well for a rematch, although I think Punk was supposed to tap just before the 3, I think he didn't hear the 1 count.

Yeah though, really poor PPV.
Punk v Bryan was fantastic, my type of wrestling really. Lots of submissions and clever little reversals. They didn't do the WWE thing in PPV matches where it just becomes a spot fest and a feck fest of finishers either, unless I'm mistaken the closest we got to a finisher winning here was Bryans sort of evolved yes-lock.
Yup, very average.

The main event was a joke. If they're trying to replicate Austin V McMahon, they're using the wrong people. And if instead they're going for a Cena/Show feud, that will be boring as hell.

Punk and Bryan was decent, and the tag match was ok. Rest of it was poor though.

Good PPV. Terrible main event. Cena tried his best, but when you're giving incredibly shit cards, there's ultimately not much you can do with it.

Punk vs. Bryan was brilliant. The crowd was really into it and it was just a fantastic match. I also throughly enjoyed the Fatal 4-Way, especially the ending, which was very hot.
Bryan and Punk was fantastic. Weird finish. It didn't even look like Bryan's shoulders were on the canvas. The fatal 4 way was pretty damn good for a fatal 4 way.

Having Brodus and that Goldberg wannabe squash people on PPVs is ridiculous.

The main event was awful. Cena needs a break. And when you have a match of the standard of Punk v Bryan, why the hell would you put a non title match of Johnny Ace and John Cena in the main event? Stupid.
Bryan and Punk was fantastic. Weird finish. It didn't even look like Bryan's shoulders were on the canvas. The fatal 4 way was pretty damn good for a fatal 4 way.
At first it looked odd but they showed it from the reverse angle and Punk had him down. Great match that was.

Name Changed said:
The main event was awful. Cena needs a break. And when you have a match of the standard of Punk v Bryan, why the hell would you put a non title match of Johnny Ace and John Cena in the main event? Stupid.
John Cena is THE GUY and has been for a while. Any story involving him, good or incredibly crap, will more often than not main event. In this case, the GM story was an 'important' one so it was always going to go last.

Translation: We couldn't think of an explanation.

Also, if Big Show was hired back on Saturday, that means he was a WWE Employee during Sunday when he interfered, and therefore should be fired now by the Board of Directors.