Television The Propgropthrop

He needs a proper opponent, haven't really seen him wrestle other than throw around a local like a rag doll. I wasn't watching when he was in WWE with his previous gimmick so am waiting to see something more of him.

Why don't they put someone like The Miz up against him. Waste of time watching him against these nohopers
Triple threat match

Funkasaurus vs Ryback vs Takeshi's Castle

Put the undefeated lads against each other, at least have one look properly dominant.
Why don't they put someone like The Miz up against him. Waste of time watching him against these nohopers
Miz was supposed to be on a big push post-Wrestlemania but they may have stalled that for a bit. Wouldn't be bad for Miz to be up against him, but Sheffield is still paying his dues. Saying that, Tyson Kidd's been paying his dues far too long now.
Triple threat match

Funkasaurus vs Ryback vs Takeshi's Castle

Put the undefeated lads against each other, at least have one look properly dominant.
Triple threat match

Funkasaurus vs Ryback vs Takeshi's Castle

Put the undefeated lads against each other, at least have one look properly dominant.

This is the point though, there trying to breed a few more "superstars" right now.

Too many nearly men in wwe right now
This is the point though, there trying to breed a few more "superstars" right now.

Too many nearly men in wwe right now

A-Train is not going to be that superstar.
My problem with Ryback is his finisher is crap. What is it even meant to be? It's like a Fisherman's Muscle Buster Angle Slam thing?

I also don't get this people watching backstage thing. They see the jobber, and they're all like "lol."

Then they see Ryback, and they're still like "lol."

They should be crying, and wailing things like "HE'S GONNA EAT ME."

Watching his latest match, Ryback actually reminds me of Jack from the Tekken games, the way he stomps around when he's doing the finisher. Perhaps they could do it the other way round, have him hit that and then the lariat?

I don't dislike him, but it's already turning into another of those "yeah, you can squash people. How about a real match?" deals that we've already got with Brodus Clay.
Ryback is such a godlberg ripoff it's actually embarrasing.
you know those 2 superstars teddy didn't sign? The bald one is fecking annoying and talks too much. forgot his name.
The youtube stream is ridiculous quality. I'd pay for the full PPV in that quality.
If anyone has a decent stream, please send me a pm. I've opened about 15 so far and each one of them require me to take a "survey".
Show's face when he realised he'd broken the table was great. So was the spear he hit after the match actually, looked nasty.