Television The Professional Grappling Thread

That's Braun Stowman. NXT guy, who I've not seen on NXT.

Probably because he's previously won a load of 'strongman' competition, and we know Vince loves his bodybuilders.

He looks like a monster though, hopefully they have him destroying people for a whilst, give him a bit of an aura... Although it probably means Reigns will go over clean at NoC.... Does look like someone who could eventually challenge Brock as a 'beast'

Here he is in the North American National Strongman.

That stowman certainly has a presence, especially as the majority of wrestlers are fairly normal in size these days (6ft-6ft3) he looks huge! Putting him with the Wyatts works as he's got that wild look about him, just hope he doesn't get stale too quickly.
Dudley Boyz coming back was awesome though I have to say the commentary nearly killed it for me. Sting vs Rollins is stupid, no point in ending Rollins' title reign against Sting and also dumb to have Sting lose yet another match in WWE its a lose lose situation from a story telling stand point just like Taker vs Lesnar.
Good RAW that, seeing The Dudley Boyz and Sting (not sure a match against Rollins is the right move though) return was decent. The new Wyatt member could be a good edition as well.
So they didn't go with plan A or plan B?!

They didn't go with anything!

I'd pieced what several people had told me together, I'd still expect them to go through with what I mentioned at some point pretty soon.

As for Braun, big dude with a good charisma, but he's been injured pretty much constantly since signing so a very weird call up. He clearly has the look for the Wyatt's which no one besides Dylan Miles down there has that I can think of, and he's even greener than Strowman. Maybe Bull Dempsey but he's just awful.
Just put it in a bloody spoiler ffs. Stop being a dope.
Dudley Boyz were awesome. Hope they build some rivalries in that division now, they have the talent. Or are they just going to chuck in the Dudley's and have a 5 tag team match.

The Reigns booing is annoying now. Just booing for the sake of booing.
The Reigns booing is annoying now. Just booing for the sake of booing.

That's wrestling fans for you. Not quite as bad as the fecking idiots still chanting 'What?' though. The crowd in general was quite shit last night. Mexican waves during the women's match and a 'We Are Awesome' chant, fecking hell.
"We want Sasha" during Miz TV :lol: None of the Divas have mic skills. They need to get some classes from Heyman. Domination followed by pinkie promises just grate and they can't be taken seriously.

So Cena is not challenging Rollins? Where does he go from here?

I like Sting, but I think it's wrong if he wins it in NoC. Rollins reign is just getting interesting and he should be made to look more scheming than snivelling.
"We want Sasha" during Miz TV :lol: None of the Divas have mic skills. They need to get some classes from Heyman. Domination followed by pinkie promises just grate and they can't be taken seriously.

So Cena is not challenging Rollins? Where does he go from here?

I like Sting, but I think it's wrong if he wins it in NoC. Rollins reign is just getting interesting and he should be made to look more scheming than snivelling.

Rollins reign is anything but interesting, but I can't fathom why Sting has been inserted. It makes no sense whatsoever. Which belt is he going after, both? I don't get it. Why does he deserve a title shot even in kayfabe. It's devoid of any logic.
My money is on Sting beating Rollins but then Sheamus immediately cashing in and winning it off him.

Sting gets his name on the WWE title history, helping it's and his legacy. But then loses it straight away so that WWE doesn't have another part-time Champion.
My money is on Sting beating Rollins but then Sheamus immediately cashing in and winning it off him.

Sting gets his name on the WWE title history, helping it's and his legacy. But then loses it straight away so that WWE doesn't have another part-time Champion.
It makes sense if they want a heel-to-heel transition for the title reign.

Now, it's still exceptionally dumb to want Sheamus to have a title reign at this point, but if that's the end-goal Sting isn't that bad a candidate for hot-potatoing it and presumably getting a WrestleMania feud out of it.
Rollins reign is anything but interesting

The original stuff with J&J security was good fun. Was still interesting when Brock get back into the mix. Now Sting. Not bad at all, eh?

My money is on Sting beating Rollins but then Sheamus immediately cashing in and winning it off him.

Sheamus will be a step down from Rollins. At least Rollins has a build up on 'being the future' and is excellent on the mic. Sheamus would be so meh! WWE painted themselves into a corner by putting MitB on Sheamus. If Reigns had would be so much better.
The Diva's Revolution is terrible. The worst part is how they keep calling it a revolution on screen and it feels so inorganic. They've just randomly thrown together trios, packaged them with awful names and gone with weeks and weeks of the same tag team matches that end pretty similarly. The fans shit all over it yesterday, Paige looked visibly angry during the match, and a few of them have voiced their frustrations on Twitter.

It wouldn't have been hard at all to have improved the Diva's division by slowly bringing up a few NXT Diva's and develop characters for them in that way, but instead WWE has to try and shove it down your throat about how much they suddenly value women's wrestling.
I'm assuming this Neville fella is considered one of the best performers in the WWE? Because he's really, really good. So far this has been quality. Not one bad match.
They didn't go with anything!

I'd pieced what several people had told me together, I'd still expect them to go through with what I mentioned at some point pretty soon.

As for Braun, big dude with a good charisma, but he's been injured pretty much constantly since signing so a very weird call up. He clearly has the look for the Wyatt's which no one besides Dylan Miles down there has that I can think of, and he's even greener than Strowman. Maybe Bull Dempsey but he's just awful.

You think Dylan might get the call up to Shield as an equaliser? It's unlikely, but since we're in the position of handing out physical specimens their debut......
Steph keeps saying in her promos how there's a women's revolution in sport yet the WWE female performers are called Divas and they're fighting for a belt in the shape of a fecking butterfly.

Change the belt, call 'em women and start have single matches/triple threats/fatal 4 ways with the likes of Sasha, Bayley, Becky, Charlotte, Nikki. It's an easy fix.
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They are forcing it too much and still doing multi-women matches. They arent really doing anything that was working in NXT, making it about the title, making it about all of them wanting it, giving them promos backstage or anything. Its no wonder the fans got bored yesterday because it was basically the same thing as the Summerslam match.

lol @ phelan. hes basically the ITK twitter account you see that says stuff without actually saying stuff.

Raw was fun, the three nights overall were fun, despite some stupidity here and there. Crowds chanting "we are awesome" is lame though.
Re: "the women's revolution "I'm sick of the name. I don't like the idea of just grouping them together but it could still work if they just stop telling us LOOK CHANGE LOOK IT'S A REVOLUTION LOOK. Just take a fecking chill pill I love the women's wrestling on nxt because it's straight forward and simple. Let the wrestling do the talking.
Just seen the tweets / instagram posts by the divas. " Oh and WWE Brooklyn shame on you for disrespecting women that put their bodies on the line for your entertainment." This has nothing to do with them being women, but more to do with the booking and another multi-woman match.
Look at the Brooklyn crowd reaction to Sasha vs Bayley. It might have had some different people, but you know there would have been a lot who were the same. There was no reason to care for this especially after that lame promo Miztv segment.
The original stuff with J&J security was good fun. Was still interesting when Brock get back into the mix. Now Sting. Not bad at all, eh?

Sheamus will be a step down from Rollins. At least Rollins has a build up on 'being the future' and is excellent on the mic. Sheamus would be so meh! WWE painted themselves into a corner by putting MitB on Sheamus. If Reigns had would be so much better.
The crowd reactions to Reigns are having an adverse effect on the product as a whole.
I didn't think it possible, but the last two days have made me love New Day even more...


Smart move putting New Day up against the Dudleys. New Day are so entertaining that they're getting cheered now and usually that ends up with a shitty face turn but now they can stay heels and remain entertaining but the fans will still root for the the Dudleys.
I hope that means PTP will also be involved too in the middle of that.
You think Dylan might get the call up to Shield as an equaliser? It's unlikely, but since we're in the position of handing out physical specimens their debut......

I know you're joking but I highly doubt it. Who the feck will actually be the third man I haven't a clue however, was originally meant to be Sting but that clearly ain't happening.

On the womens revolution, I pretty much agree with everything everyone has said, they're smashing us over the head with how everything has changed, when in fact nothing has changed. There was always going to be a backlash when this was all turned into a Stephanie McMahon vanity project, despite her being completely clueless on how reality works. She thinks attaching a buzzword or brand to something and repeating it endlessly will get it over, because she's a fecking idiot. Did it happen in NXT overnight? No, Paige and Emma started having really great matches, then Sasha and co upped the bar even more, to the point where we've now got the argument that the women should have headlined on Saturday. It was a process that took nearly 2 years, but Stephanie McMahon coming in and assigning teams like a fecking PE teacher is going to do it overnight. Alright then.

They've essentially told us that these women are incapable of independent thought, so Steph has to do it for them. Complete joke.
From the latest F4W:
There were rumors going around online that WWE had plans for Charlotte to win the WWE Divas Title from Nikki Bella when she came to the main roster but John Cena had those plans squashed. Dave Meltzer was asked about the rumors on the latest Wrestling Observer Radio and said he did not know if there was any truth to those rumors but did say Cena's relationship is part of the reason why Nikki is having such a lengthy title reign. He has heard no talk about the Charlotte rumor but added that doesn't mean it didn't happen. It was also stated that Cena has spoken up in the past when Nikki was set to lose the title but he doesn't know if Cena's done that in the last few weeks.
Raw was decent. They have an incredible roster at the moment, if they knew how to book them they might be dangerous.