Television The Professional Grappling Thread

A double countout, Jon Stewart deciding a Champion vs Champion match and Premier League standard of refereeing deciding the main event.

Weirdly enough, it was still an enjoyable show although not a patch on NXT last night.

Agreed. Very good show, ending might be hated but it's getting people talking. Vinny Mac knows how the internet works.
Moment of the night...

Its a shame, I went to bed this time last night feeling proud to be a Wrestling fan, Bayley and Banks produced a match that showed exactly why I love wrestling....then John Stewart screwed Cena out of a world title and a timekeeper screwed Brock Lesnar out of a win. So annoyed.

@phelans shorts sort me out with some Japanese stuff please, i'm fed up of this BS.
Taker is heel now right? Surely they will play into that now. Taker as heel is what intrigues me the most.

Big Show > Jeff Hardy.
With the Brie thing, isnt it just a case of Becky moving? Because she pretty much turned that into a win?

Or am I giving them too much credit?
Possible Raw Spoiler

Sting. yay.. more part-timers

And I go to bed pondering life's greatest question: Is a clean win really that hard to make?
Possible Raw Spoiler

Sting. yay.. more part-timers

And I go to bed pondering life's greatest question: Is a clean win really that hard to make?

Yeah saw this on Meltzer twitter page. Said HUGE Raw then mention said person.

I like them but is that really 'HUGE'?
Rollins vs Cena was excellent though it was obvious Stewart was going to hit Cena because the latter took forever to get the feck up. Still I really enjoyed the match and special praise goes to Rollins hes an incredible wrestler.

Undertaker vs Lesnar was better than I expected and better than the WM match but I was against the whole idea of having the match because it would be so hard to book without having a lame ass finish which is exactly what happened. I hope the third match takes place soon (or never) and that its not what WWE have in mind for WM 32, that would suck big time.

As for Take Over I only watched Baley vs Sasha and it was simply brilliant. Sasha Banks is without a doubt the best female wrestler of the year and one of the best wrestlers around now period.
Okada and Nakamura were backstage at Summerslam apparently. Something in the pipeline?
Possible Raw Spoiler

Sting. yay.. more part-timers

And I go to bed pondering life's greatest question: Is a clean win really that hard to make?
Have sting as the ref for Undertaker and Lesnar at Survivor Series, sting costs Undertaker and there you have the "dream match" at WM 32

What I would have done was after Brock hit his 3rd F5 was had Kane music hit, Masked Kane comes walking slowly to the ring, Brock standing by the ropes waiting, Undertaker gets up, when Brock turns around Undertaker hits the tombstone and gets the 3 count, and have Undertaker and Kane beating Lesnar down to finish the night off
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Looks like Taker collapsed after the match last night apparently. Needs to call it a day.
Looks like Taker collapsed after the match last night apparently. Needs to call it a day.

In fairness he's 50 or whatever. Most people in their prime would be fecked after wrestling Lesnar.

Good show I thought. Two nights in a row Owens has had to wrestle with the crowd a little burnt out from a previous match (Sasha/Bayley and now Cena/Rollins). Done a great job both nights, think he's been brilliant this weekend.

Can only hope they now actually put together a proper story for the women and move on from this clusterfeck. Throwing them all in at the same time is doing more harm than good and it's also taking away the focus from the title. With the time they're now being given all they need to do is book a main title story and then have something separate with a few of the other women.

I told you Rollins was awesome and feck the haters.

The comic sketch video package was brilliant. Cody Rhodes deserves massive props for making this character work, quite incredible how invested he's become in it and that he's even managing to make it work.

Lesnar comes out looking brilliant. Clusterfeck of a finish or not, he just tapped out The Undertaker and then stuck his middle finger up to him after being cheated out of a win, refusing to tap and passing out instead to the Hells Gate. Sting/Taker to finally happen now? We'll see tonight.

And finally...Lana :drool::drool::drool:
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So @phelans shorts what were you talking about?

Watch Zebby watch.

@phelans shorts sort me out with some Japanese stuff please, i'm fed up of this BS.

I'll have a look around after work, see if anything good is still available after the Samurai TV purge.

Okada and Nakamura were backstage at Summerslam apparently. Something in the pipeline?

Nope, they were just in town and know enough people to get comps. Same with Hirooki Goto and Kushida. I know someone from ROH was there and Takeover who they're actually looking at signing however.

EDIT: oh, and as for the Nikki Bella vs AJ talk I saw a few pages back. The Queen of Strong Style Nikkimura Misbella is the far superior worker.
Looks like Taker collapsed after the match last night apparently. Needs to call it a day.
Looks like he's fine. Could be that he was selling. Some wrestlers stop selling the minute the show is over, while others continue selling even when the attention is off them.

Time to watch SummerSlam again and see if my opinion changes. Think we found the human Magikarp last night:

What the feck was that finish? Undertaker should not be taping out for one thing and if a timekeeper could call a match he would have done so a million times before. Overall it was a good PPV but booking still sucks and that being the finish just sours everything that went before it.

Had to watch this again. Rollins stole the show. Showed why he's the champ and why he deserves to be champ.
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@phelans shorts sort me out with some Japanese stuff please, i'm fed up of this BS.

With the purge there isn't much about, and the G1 has had masses of copyright claims so there's a bit of a dearth. This was the most recent match that I really enjoyed that I can find pretty easy, from an indie that New Japan bought into at the start of the year

Worth noting that the guys in this match are a combined age of 95 too.

This tag match I seem to recall enjoying. Certainly not match of the year or anything but very fun, I did watch it around March time last though. Two guys that WWE fans should know vs one of the best tag teams in the world right now, and people will definitely be seeing more of in the future.

ACTUALLY I just found this from the G1. A must see


Had to watch this again. Rollins stole the show. Showed why he's the champ and why he deserves to be champ.

Until he comes out and cries again about how things aren't fair and he shouldn't have to do this or that. I hate cowardly heel persona champions. It just seems like such stupid logic to me. He should cheat more and use dirty tactics, otherwise you're essentially saying in kayfabe that nobody else is good enough to topple a crybaby coward. He can deliver in the ring, let him be a dastardly heel that cheats his way to victory and swags around arrogantly because of it.

Also that top rope suplex into powerbomb was awesome.